Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Very cleaver Disney saves a whole heap of money by cloning this land.


How many of those 3 attractions will adults actually be allowed to ride, without any children? Are they even adult rides, or are they purely designed for tiny kids?


All of the rides will be suitable for adults. You could even class the Half-pipe as a thrill ride!

Concept Art looks good, but I never trust Concept Art.  :P


I still don't understand why no concept art of DLP's Toy Storyland hasn't yet been released :? ?

I don't know if I'm being a bit stupid, but I don't understand what the Slinky attraction is going to be? I can't make it out from the picture?

I think this concept art for HKDL looks promising though, as do the other 2 lands they have planned! I'll be interested to see how Mystic Point turns out, particularly Mystic Manor!


Slinky's ride will be a Musical Express (I presume the Mack version)

Info here:

Basically it spins you around in a circle with some change in elevation. Fun ride.


Thanks Willow, I've been on one like that before, lots of fun!


I really don't want to be the eternal curmudgeon, but that concept art does not look good to me at all. Good God, can you imagine how that parachute ride and the half pipe thing would look in real life? I'm not talking about the themeing around them, but those are two huge exposed carny rides — just as we all feared.

I must say, I'm slightly confused about the reactions to this thing so far.

Also, poor Hong Kong.

The Butlin Boy

I really like the look of the concept art, it all looks so colourful and creative. I love all of the little themeing details too, like the barrel that you can pass through, the Slinky box, the paper plane, etc, etc. I know it's not concept art for Paris, but it must be pretty close, as it would be a good cost cutting measure, especially for the two Disney resorts that need to save money the most. I think we can trust Kristof's word too :wink:

From the HKDL press release for their version of the land, it mentions there being "A themed food kiosk provides a barrel of fun snacks and refreshments and Guests can shop for Toy Story inspired collectibles at the merchandise location." Will this be included in our land too? It's the first I've heard of a shop or food kiosk being mentioned here, but it would definitely be a good idea to include them :)


Great to finally see some concept art, even if it technically doesn't belong to WDS, but it's going to be pretty much the same, which is good enough for me.

Anyway i about the concept art, i have to say i think it's great.  And look, we have that thing that's been argued about all through this topic... theming, and there's plenty of it!  I love it all, the barrel, the paper plane, the baby monitor etc, all of it! :mrgreen:   Whether this will change the doubters opinions on this i don't know, but what i do know is that it's made me a bit more excited to seeing the finished outcome :D
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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All the clever details in the world aren't going to hide that steel half-pipe thing.


Exactly what I expected; bare carnival rides with props randomly dotted about. A few more trees won't make much difference.

Yeah... this is bad. Horrifically bad. And I'm not being biased because of my attitude towards this project so far; I did have a tiny bit of hope that it *might* look okay. But it doesn't.


Clearly, Disney have lost their way in Paris.

Hate to say it, as I'm a huge fan. But Disneyland Park (Paris) is a museum. It's an exhibit frozen in time. An artefact of past creativity that never changes. The true heart and ingenuity of the park died about 14 years ago. The geniuses and artists that created the park have abandoned it. They are long gone.



Thats the kind of attractions you find in nearly every holiday-park around the world.
I can´t believe... they do this.
These ugly steel constructions.
Compare the beauty of Disneyland Park with the cheap look of all these new things.
Where have all the great imagineers gone????
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



The actual rides do not have much detail to them, so there is nothing to suggest that they will look as bad as people are making out. I still believe that this will be a great addition to WDS.

There are a number of places which will look great once built. I'm thinking the little details along the paths and the queue/station of the parachute drop.

I don't understand the argument that these are carnival rides. Does it matter as long as they are fun rides?
Whats everyones opinion of Crush's Coaster? Because that is very much a 'carnival' ride.


Quote from: "Willow"The actual rides do not have much detail to them, so there is nothing to suggest that they will look as bad as people are making out. I still believe that this will be a great addition to WDS.
There is enough to suggest that these rides will be bare steel.

Quote from: "Willow"I don't understand the argument that these are carnival rides. Does it matter as long as they are fun rides?
Whats everyones opinion of Crush's Coaster? Because that is very much a 'carnival' ride.
So many carnival rides don't belong at a Disney park. One or two nicely themed ones, fine (like in Fantasyland), but this land is completely made up of them. And not only that, but they're huge and completely bare! Crush's Coaster is a weak attraction in my opinion, but at least they covered up the fact it's a carnival ride.