Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Dave-So sorry to hear your news, I think you're entitled to a cruddy day. Sending love

Fair dos TimmyTimmyTimmy-we're in a minority here. I'm thinking part ofwhat drives my enthusiasm for TSPL is I want this area to be a success so it brings in money to help build bigger and better rides. Making Studios into a park we can all be proud of-but I see there are a lot of views there that see TSPL doing the opposite. I do hope they're wrong.

I can see people who have spent a lot of time and money with Disney seeing something like TSPL as a real disappointment and probably heartbreaking this is the way DLP has gone instead of offering us a real Disney experience. I know this is what both you guys are trying to get over to us -that we are missing out on something big and if we had been offered the opportunity to experience top Disney standard we wouldnt accept anything less

The thing is I am probably similar to many on here that the only chance of viewing a Disney park is by going to DLP. For our family other Disney parks are out of reach financially. So we enjoy our times we get in DLP.
I know what you are saying and I understand it, but I am not lucky enough to have anything else to compare it with. You guys see it as not to Disney standard but tbh I have felt studios standards do not compare to her beautiful sister next door since it opened.Please remember I havent been in 3 years so not seen TOT in all its beauty.
However compared to other parks I still feel studios is better-here again my view is limited to Paultons Park (God lets not go there!) and Merlin parks
As for carnival rides, TSPL is not the only place to have carnival rides-we only have to look to fantasyland to find 3 straight away-yes with great theming but they are still what they are.

I think we're all gonna have to agree to disagree.

We'll see how I feel in 3 weeks and 2 days when I see it all for myself. Not that I'm counting! :lol: And I promise I'll take the rose tinted glasses off for a while :D

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Sorry folks, I know I went OTT. Not an excuse, but I lost a dear friend today and a job, then posted this.
Dont worry about it, you weren't the only one who went over the top me included, under the circumstances you are entitled to be a bit off.

And Timmy Timmy Timmy, thank your for all those quotes, fraid it doesn't change my opinion. In fact the only thing that will is when I see it for myself in the flesh.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


Thanks guys, I may not post too much for a while. The bottom line for me is this. DLP when it opened in 1992 was the most amazing Disney park on the globe. Over the last 18 years, it in the main for me has been getting worse and worse. And the Studios, I felt was actually a good start, just not enough money spent on it and it needed tweaks. In fact I used to be one of the few defenders of the park, and I actually prefer it to DHS in WDW. ToT, Stitch Live and Playhouse Disney were really great additions (you will enjoy those Tubbsy, I am sure). But to see a carnival section go in (sorry, Disney should never be compared to Paultons) forthe cost of Toy Story Midway Mania and other better options, breaks my heart. Then to read so much praise about it really makes me see red.

Yes, I am a fool for buying property at DLP. But when I did, the company were moving in a fantastic direction and I never thought this would happen. And it is not unique to DLP, Disney are dumbing down their product across the globe.

And when times like yesterday hit, I used to be able to turn to Disney and find something to take the pain away. Instead I see a dumbing down like I do with the rest of society.

My son is excited about this section. He as also really disappointed he is too short to ride RC Racer. But given he rides Tower of Terror and the Vampire at Chessington, when it comes to thrills, when he is tall enough to ride, I suspect he will prefer to opt for RNR Coaster as it has the same height limit.

The appeal of this section is limited.

Let us put it another way - would you rather stroll around Frontierland or Adventureland, or this new land? Yes, I know the greenery will be welcome, and there are fun things to take pictures of (though how long until it becomes like the barrier laden Cars Race Rally?). But if it were still just grass, at least there would be hope of something great to come. Now, we are likely to be stuck with this for decades. And therein is my concern, in addition to the others points I have already laid out.

If more people kind of considered these issues (capacity will be the worst factor), they could let Disney know, so it doesn't happen again. And this looks pretty much exacly like the concept art (as I said it would - remember I have walked around the area with a hard hat when we were there, I was just not allowed to talk about it).

If you remember I was raising the alarm then (just like I did with Crush Coaster and was proven right about the waits and malfunctions). I was told let's wait and see what happens when it was built. And as I said at the time, then it would be too late.

Not €70k plus Euro have been spent, and the Pirate Ship, Castle and entertainment suffer from more neglect. And there is not something else cool in the pipeline for that area (though the Rat ride sounds interesting). And I (and everyone else) are denied the chance to wonder what if? What could come?

Yes, there is land to expand elsewhere here, but is this really the right direction? If you have to save up for three years to go somewhere, we wouldn't you want to expect the very best?
since 2001 (many before that)


Okay, I understand that it is themed in a very different style to the areas in the main DLP - it's very minimalist, block colours, simple. But that is Toy Story's style and pallet. It would look out of place in the main park but I don't think that's the case in the Studios.

I don't think the appeal is limited at all. Toy Story is so very popular that people will love to be able to walk through such familiar sites. It's got in it a little uns ride, a low level thrill ride and then the parachute drop which looks perfectly family friendly to me.

I think it's incredibly hard to judge what the land truly looks like until you've walked through it. Personally I think the Andy's backyard idea is a good one and if the themeing has been made too busy, it just won't be Toy Story.

From a business pov, the park clearly needs this new land. If there aren't new attractions, people won't keep coming back in enough numbers, simple as. I would have loved a big coaster over there myself, but three new rides to experience next time I go sounds good to me!
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne


Disapointment and heartbreake are two words that fit for what happend to Walt´s creation.
A Disneypark should NEVER be compared to anything else. That is why it was created.
Even if the entire world went zombie and started to visit WDS (will never happen) the park and addition IS mostly DISLIKED by fans and by people who see it. Fans of TSPL are minority. I am a part of the majority. I hate the place.
Read the comments I posted above... it is a fair view of what people think about it.


I will try to post less from now about TSPL, I am now only half a fan of DLRP.


Whilst I think we all appreciate that others from other boards outside of Europe may not like the addition to the park, would that may people from the States or Asia come to DLRP anyway? I know some would but the European market is the one they need to target if they ever want to make a profit.

I like the theming. Sorry but I do. I like the look of the rides too. As for the "funfair" aspect - I see more rides at the fairs that come here that are in Fantasy Land and Discovery Land than there.
Sequoia Lodge - July 1997
Santa Fe - July 2001
Day Trip - Sept 2009
Cheyenne - Feb 2010

Santa Fe - Nov 2010
Santa Fe - Feb 2011

I\'ve imagined being here like this so many times before, reaching out to take your hand as the butterflies in me soar


Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"A Disneypark should NEVER be compared to anything else. That is why it was created.
I'm sorry but thats life people compare things to eachother whether its different parks against Disney parks (And I have friends who have been to America and come back and rubbished Disney Parks comparing them to other holidays) and I believe people here compare one Disney Park against each other instead of seeing them as stand alone adventures.

I'm not going to be posting on this part very much anymore either as I find that its very depressing. I want to look forward to my hard worked for trip -not made to feel like I dont deserve to go because I want to see the new rides and theming and I dont know the Disney ethos through and through.

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "Clara2141"I like the theming. Sorry but I do. I like the look of the rides too. As for the "funfair" aspect - I see more rides at the fairs that come here that are in Fantasy Land and Discovery Land than there.

Which is entirely true of course. Tea cups, a carousel and Dumbo are all typical fair ground rides. Not to mention that Dumbo and Orbitron are virtually the same ride.

Theme parks need thrill rides if they're going to attract more than just those with very young children. Big rides are very expensive though and you need the smaller rides too. TSPL has one small ride and two medium ones.

Pixar's films are so beloved that Disney would be insane not to recognise that. They do have very different style from old school Disney though. In fact, they have very different style from each other; just compare Toy Story to Ratatouille.
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne


Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"Just for fun and for a wider view:)
Here are just a few of the things different persons from around the globe on another forum say about TSPL:

"Hey ya, here are some new pics of the construction of this "beautiful Land"
not realy it will get really ugly, and for this they really pay 70millions!"

"While I don't agree with the land, since it's just tacky carnival rides, it's nice to see progress as well."

"I cannot see a bright side to this, other than attracting more guests to make more money and build good rides. But that's a cheat anyway cos they'll use the money to build more of this stuff."

"Looks like something you would never see at Disney."

"You wouldn't that's why it is in DLP"

"From the concept art I have seen, I would say it looks still better than Chester and Hester's Dinorama at DAK. Nevertheless I'm also not happy with TSPL."

"I kinda like the idea of Toy Story Playland but the rides seem to undetailed and simple and boring and cheap. They could've at least add TSM to the land so it would have at least somewhat quality themeing"

"Alain does a fantastic job of reporting, as usual, but this land still looks like a terrible waste to me.
I still don't understand how it makes sense in a Studios park, nor do I understand how Disney thinks moderately themed off-the-shelf carnival rides are going to result in any long-term attendance increases for the parks, especially when such an incredible park like Disneyland Paris is right next door. Did they learn nothing from California Adventure?"

"Good lord that thing is UGLY."

"Love Alain's site and his work...
Can't stand WDSP Playland. Ugh.In my mind, it is much worse than Flik's Fun Fair at DCA. Not a great direction for this already awful park."

"I'm just wondering what they were thinking when they built all these low capacity attractions. Do they not understand that they are Disney and that guest expect a higher level of storytelling and rides with huge capacity?
Can you imagine what the line will be like for that half pipe coaster? One car on the track. Load/ride/unload/safety check. OMG. It is going to be awful. Not only does it look like a boring ride, but people may end up waiting hours for it. The word of mouth is very likely going to be terrible.
But, all of it would have been just fine if it were part of the theme and overflow for a Toy Story Mania ride. This is what Imagineering and terrible executive management has done to Disneyland Resort Paris. SOOOOOO sad.
PLEASE, give these parks to Oriental Land Company before they are completely run into the ground!"

"Reminds me of 'Bug's Life', not too original."

"I wasn't aware of the height restrictions for RC Racer thats rather pathetic if you ask me. How many kids are going to see RC Racer in action because its so visible though out the park. And be left upset that they are unable to go on it for being too short."

"WTF? Is this Six Flags or Disney? They really screwed up here."

"I know some will say we should wait to see the final product before forming an opinion, but in my experience in the past ten years or so, what looked as if it might be crap when first announced turned out to indeed be crap when it opened."

"Looks just like the area in DCA, which while I've walked through I've never ridden anything in there.
While I think the area is dumb at DCA, it works because only families with kids go there, and since DCA isn't a very crowded park the area isn't very crowded.
The Half-Pipe coaster might draw older folk and I would guess will end up with quite a line.
I would much rather see one large attraction than 3 carnival rides."

"Wow RC Racers looks really big! But unfortunately, it's still ugly."

"Oh so that is how they get away giving guests a carny style experience at disney-style prices? That's so DAK/DCA!!! So what will be next? A Tilt-A-Wheel disguised as a slinky dog?"

"It looks cheap and tacky. Not very Disneylike. I hope for Disney's sake and ours that it is better than it looks."

"Alain said.. "brilliantly themed carnival rides". That's when I had to stop reading and go cry. I have to agree with Dustysage of course, please give these parks (and the entire Disney theme park division) to OLC so we can have some real Disney quality in the western hemisphere."

(A fan of DLP wrote:) "WDS needs these attractions. I dont care what people say you cant call wds a theame park a land or section of a theame park."

and a final one that I found amusing: "That looks amazing."

...just to get a wider view of what people around the globe say and think about this new land to hit the most amazing resort in Europe.

could all be your won't impress me by trying to schow me  that i was a minority
if everybody would think the same and if everybody would just repeat what was said before you wouldn't need a forum like this...i accept your opinion, but don't try to impress us by showing that everyone is against us


Quote from: "tubbsy"I'm not going to be posting on this part very much anymore either as I find that its very depressing. I want to look forward to my hard worked for trip -not made to feel like I dont deserve to go because I want to see the new rides and theming and I dont know the Disney ethos through and through.

Very well said. I hope you have a fantastic time. You sound like you've waited a whilst for this trip and you deserve to enjoy it. We're going in November and I'm quite excited about the parachute drop.

I for one love the look of RC racer too - the orange track looks like Hot Wheels track my brother had as a child. I like how it's a an updated version of a "pirate ship", a ride I love.

Oh and my Aunt has a house in Florida and she says she still prefers DLRP - mainly as it has the original PotC.
Sequoia Lodge - July 1997
Santa Fe - July 2001
Day Trip - Sept 2009
Cheyenne - Feb 2010

Santa Fe - Nov 2010
Santa Fe - Feb 2011

I\'ve imagined being here like this so many times before, reaching out to take your hand as the butterflies in me soar


I've been put off posting on here for yonks, honestly some things that have been said are so rude.

I am REALLY excited to see TSPL as me and my bf have saved really hard for a year in order to be able to go on this trip and although I respect everyone has an opinion, I also believe that making people feel "bad" for being so excited to see new attractions isn't very nice at all. quote timmy "Fans of TSPL are minority. I am a part of the majority. I hate the place". Oh well, I guess being a minority is better than jumping on band wagons and actually enjoying life rather than moaning about things.

I am so excited to try out the RC racer!!!! but I think I am more excited to see the giant buzz haha!! now that's going to make an amazing piccie!!! 27 days time I will in TSPL and loving it :D
Sante Fe - December 2008
Radisson Blu Disneyland Paris - August 2010


Quote from: "toritinker"I've been put off posting on here for yonks, honestly some things that have been said are so rude.

I am REALLY excited to see TSPL as me and my bf have saved really hard for a year in order to be able to go on this trip and although I respect everyone has an opinion, I also believe that making people feel "bad" for being so excited to see new attractions isn't very nice at all. quote timmy "Fans of TSPL are minority. I am a part of the majority. I hate the place". Oh well, I guess being a minority is better than jumping on band wagons and actually enjoying life rather than moaning about things.

I am so excited to try out the RC racer!!!! but I think I am more excited to see the giant buzz haha!! now that's going to make an amazing piccie!!! 27 days time I will in TSPL and loving it :D

Some people might expect higher standards for their money and Disney. I really like some of the things in WDS, like the coaster and the tower. I ment the old ones... I travel the world and see many different themeparks for my money that I work hard and very long for. All in all for me a trip to DLP with stay and food costs just as much as the same trip to Japan and DisneySEA would. My favorite park is DisneySEA and Disneyland Paris on the second place. When one enters DisneySEA the word WOW strikes the mind. It is like entering a harbour in the most beutiful city on earth. The paths and boats leads to far distant ports of imagination and history. The rides are all incredibly well made with details that I doubt even Disney can keep track of. I take it WDS is your favorite park. That is your oppinion not mine. I fill my visits at themeparks all over the world with fun and amazement of how the places look and feel. Trust me I enjoy my life... but not as much when in WDS. It has to do with what I am used to. Perhaps you are used to cheaper parks not that far away. Or perhaps you like many others here (but still in minority) just like the cheap look of Toy Story Playland.

I do find it a bit sad that someone can be amazed by a statue of Buzz... If amazement comes at such a low price then it not strange that people get angry when one calls Toy Story Playland bad.
I truly wish that all of you one day get to see how a real disney second gate themepark should look.


This has gone WAY too far.  I've been on a 5 day trip to London, only to find this.

TimmyTimmyTimmy, we KNOW you don't like Toy Story Playland.  You made this very clear in nearly all the posts you made in the past.  You're entitled to have that opinion, but the way you're expressing it, bringing down everyone else who disagrees with you, can no longer be tolerated by me nor Anthony. We both have been giving clear and polite warnings but his is going too far.  Since nothing has changed, this is the last and final warning.


I too would just like to apologise about my part in this whole fiasco and hope anyone who is going has a fantastic trip.


Quote from: "toritinker"I've been put off posting on here for yonks, honestly some things that have been said are so rude.

I am REALLY excited to see TSPL as me and my bf have saved really hard for a year in order to be able to go on this trip and although I respect everyone has an opinion, I also believe that making people feel "bad" for being so excited to see new attractions isn't very nice at all. quote timmy "Fans of TSPL are minority. I am a part of the majority. I hate the place". Oh well, I guess being a minority is better than jumping on band wagons and actually enjoying life rather than moaning about things.

I am so excited to try out the RC racer!!!! but I think I am more excited to see the giant buzz haha!! now that's going to make an amazing piccie!!! 27 days time I will in TSPL and loving it :D

Well I don't find you sad at all for looking forward to Buzz :) Even the bit of the statue you can see poking over the top of the fences at the moment looks great. I love the way they've captured his expression really well - he has this great quizzically raised eyebrow. Kind of almost smug :D It's a much better likeness than the costume they use in the park.

I adore the Toy Story films - I think they're some of Disney and Pixar's finest ever work. The third makes me cry every time I see it. So beautifully done.

I'm hoping to get back to Disney this December since I've just missed the opening of TSPL. The RC rider looks particularly like my thing. I've never ridden such a ride before but apparently it's quite like a swinging ship so I think I'll enjoy that. I don't have much idea of what the army men drop will be like; from what I saw this week the drop is rather slow but it may look deceptively mild.
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne