Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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I've seen it earlier in this thread but what is the latest guess at an opening date for TSPL?


^ It's still "summer 2010", as far as I know...

I love to see this think operating!
Looking forward to "summer 2010"...
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me too, not going to join in the what if?/why not?/why?/if Walt could see this etc. debates and just looking forward to seeing my boys have fun on some new rides. Hoping to go second week of June, I wonder what my chances are of it being open? Surely someone out there has some inside info!


Our Parachute tower is probably bulkier at the top for theming reasons and for extra support as each wire will be carrying more weight.


On my last visit to DLP (5, 6 and 7 feb.), only three platforms were installed. And now the top is nearly finished! And I've even seen a photo of the purple supports going up for the RC Racer! Things are moving fast over there. I really don't think the view is ruined by the Parachute Drop pillar at all! It just adds more to the already amazing skyline of Studios.

I'm really excited about TSPL and I can't wait until it's open.


DLP management do read boards like these, and seeing people so enthusiastic about such poor additions to the park will only encourage them to build more.

It's a shame since just a few years ago I was so excited myself about the future of WDS. Toon Studio, Tower Of Terror, Stitch Live and Playhouse were a great start to turning it into a real Disney park. I really thought that by the 20th anniversary we might have had a transformed Production Courtyard, a tranformed Backlot, Soarin', as well as other things. But now, with TSPL, they're heading back to square one.

My last hope is that TSPL will be removed sometime in the future, but somehow I doubt that.


See now I've been biting my tongue because its so long since we've been and I am excited we will see so many new rides and attractions when we go, but..... My OH is in the forces and it looks like something you'd see in camp-yes I know thats the theming, its just a bit too familiar! lol
I am thinking the parachutes will soften it.
But I'm not too concerned as I am just a little excited at seeing it all! (Yay!) And I think thats maybe the way I need to look at it. Families who dont go so often wont be so wrapped up in the colour scheme just more rides to go on.
Does that make sense? :s

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


New photos of the ugly RC Racer structure from NewsDLRP:

More photos here: //

Looks like they're going to be using standard coaster track with some extra parts attached to make it look more like a hot wheels track.

I just can't believe we are now seeing bare steel coasters being built at DLP. Whats more disturbing is that some people still seem to believe that this is up to Disney standards. Honestly, looking at some of the photos above you'd think that you were looking at the construction of a Six Flags park.

On a side note, doesn't the Hollywood Boulevard look nice in the third photo?


I wasn't going to say anything for a while, to spare everyone the tedium of a negative comment after every construction update (far better to save the spewing of the gall for one spectacular session post-opening), but I have to say, it's making me a little ill.

It's the location that makes it all so awful. It's one thing for this to stand in a far corner of Disney's Animal Kingdom, but to see this on a side street of Hollywood Boulevard — a few yards away from the entrance of the park — is just too wrong for words.


How nice... Purple and orange...
Could it turn our more worse :S
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On a good note-its the right colours for a hot wheel track........ on a bad note  :shock:  :shock: My word thats clashes!
My mantra-Its for the kids, its for the kids, its for the kids

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
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August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "tubbsy"My mantra-Its for the kids, its for the kids, its for the kids

See, this is my problem with the European audience. Nothing Disney parks do should be for the kids. Walt wanted to build a place where the whole family could have fun together, because he was fed up with places just having kiddy rides or thrill rides. Disney have forgotten this, and a large percentage of Europeans never seemed to know this in the first place.

Disney lost the plot a while ago, and I fear they will never get it back.
since 2001 (many before that)


As long disney managment gets millions of dollars each year, as long disney imagineering will get
cost cutting. As long disney menegmant thinks the only attractions that will bring people into the park,
as long we will see bad work from the imagineers.

i don´t know how stupid they are, don´t they look back into the history of the parks?
Disneyland struggled to survive, then pirates of the caribbean opend and this attraction was a
hit from day one til today. then they got haunted mansion and it also was a huge success.
they should learn that visitors want quality rides, with an immersive story ala pirates or haunted manson.
got to the archives and take out some old ideas (western river expedition)....

i really would love to know what marty sklar or tony baxter think about this piece of crap!!!


I'm so tired of the "Disney lost it, have forgotten, Walt wanted etc, etc" stuff.

Who says adults can't have fun with the Parachute drop, Slinky or the RC Racer togehter with the kids. This are rides !almost! everybody can enjoy.
There are a lot of people out there who are f.e. afraid of roller coasters. So why not give them a simple "carnival ride" they can enjoy together with their kids.
What's wrong with that? Often the simplest idea is the best.
Even kids can't go on every roller coaster, so maybe they can have fun with their parents on the Slinky ride.

So Toy Story Playland may not be the most brilliant idea Disney has ever had, but I think it's ok.

The only thing they have to do now is rename Toon Studio in Pixar Studio and everything is perfect.



Those of us complaining about Toy Story Playland are not wishing for Disney to fill their parks with roller coasters. Disneyland isn't about roller coasters. Disneyland is about elaborate themed experiences that the whole family can enjoy together. If all you require is steel filling the sky, you can go to Six Flags or Thorpe Park for that.

I agree with you about the name change though. Toon Studio SHOULD be renamed Pixar Studio, or even Pixar Place. Anything but "toon".