Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Roller coasters are just an example. I could have used Armageddon oder Moteurs Action instead. My daughter f.e. does not like Moteurs Action, Armageddon or even Cinemagique, but I'm sure she will like Slinky. I loved this Music Express ride as a kid. So I'm sure we can both enjoy it together. Ain't that Walts vision? Adults and kids together?

If I want a plain carnival ride with the name Music Express written on it, I'll go to the Oktoberfest with one ride next to the other and different music from every corner. But here it is themed with Slinky dog, matching music surroundigs and almost no disturbing noises. Big difference to me.

I don't wana see the parks filled with coasters or steal constructions either. I like roller coasters but they are not at the end of the foodchain.
As I said, TSP was not the most brilliant idea they've ever had, but it's fine with me. And I think there are worse things than TSP at the studios.


I agree with the location comments.... Slap bang in the middle of the park.... Bare steel ....For me, this wouldnt of been such an issue if it was closer to the costume building (the other side) on teh edge of teh park for example. It seems a very starange choice of location now we see it going up.

As for the attractions... Well, I am going to hold back until the themeing is complete, in the hope that through extensive themeing (it is £60 million for teh project!!!) WDI can pull this one off.

That said, based on the bare steel everywhere just now, and similar efforts in WDW and DCA im not holding much hope!


Quote from: "Alan"I agree with you about the name change though. Toon Studio SHOULD be renamed Pixar Studio, or even Pixar Place. Anything but "toon".

No, they shouldn't. Animagique, Art of Disney Animation and the Flying Carpets don't have any connection with Pixar. However I agree with you that "Toon" is quite inappropriate. Maybe they should replace "Toon" with "Animation" once again? That word would cover the entire area. However, something along the lines of Animation Studios sounds bland I have to admit...


DavewasBaloo-I must apologise, of course the park is for everyone and TBH my 16 year old would be offended that I called her a kid!
Hand on heart-I cant wait to see it and all the other attractions that have happened since our last visit (TOT and Stitch) Yes the clash of colours were a bit of a shock and I am hoping that theming will be developed, but all I want to do is get back to Disney. :D

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I think its going to be nice :)

DLP MP3 - The only podcast with onrides RIGHT from the Resort! With ToT ,SM:M2 , Crush\'s Coaster , Star Tours, Peter Pan,  Stitch Live , Panoramique , BTM  and Pirates of the Carribbean! !
For iTunes ] and MP3!

Newest episode.... Toy Story Playland The Tour and Rc RACER!


Halfpipe track is being installed: (From WDSFans/thebatman_1)

It looks like Intamin track, but the support structure looks different from normal Intamin Halfpipes.


So what they're building is an Intamin Surf Rider, right?


Height            25-50 m
Track length    70-164 m
No. of boards    1
Seating capacity per board    12-36 persons
Hourly capacity (approx.)    460-1100 persons
Max. speed    85 km/h


Yes, although it called a Halfpipe by Intamin. More info here ;)


It might still be a Zamperla though, as the description in the first post says:

QuoteRC Racer
Halfpipe coaster with remote control car RC riding backwards and forwards on an orange "Hot Wheels"-style track. Manufactured by Zamperla, the actual system will be a brand new custom build, based on their Mega Disk'O and Intamin's Halfpipe coaster.

So actually, we could have a brand new ride from Zamperla which is first being built at WDS.
However, Zamperla's normal Disk-O track is very similar to Hot Wheels track so I question why they haven't gone for a Disk-O.


Quote from: "Maarten"
Quote from: "Alan"I agree with you about the name change though. Toon Studio SHOULD be renamed Pixar Studio, or even Pixar Place. Anything but "toon".

No, they shouldn't. Animagique, Art of Disney Animation and the Flying Carpets don't have any connection with Pixar. However I agree with you that "Toon" is quite inappropriate. Maybe they should replace "Toon" with "Animation" once again? That word would cover the entire area. However, something along the lines of Animation Studios sounds bland I have to admit...

Agreed. Animation Courtyard was a great name, but in their never-ending effort to cater to the lowest common denominator, they now apparently intend to eventually have a park full of "studios." The "Toon" thing obviously sounded like a cool English word, and provided a (pointless) link to Toontown.

Perhaps Animation Avenue or something would have worked had their expansion efforts gone in a different direction.


Last week we have been to DLRP and in my opinion TSPL looks cheap and out of place. I don't like it. Hopefully it gets better, but I don't think so. DLRP turned from a family oriented destination to a place for children.

When you are standing in front of ToT you can see this ugly green tower and it feels so wrong.


Ok, I've had a big think about TSPL, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. There seems to be a clash of what is 'ideal' and what is 'do-able'. I mean, this area would be ok if there was more space for it, where the parachute tower is now is a bad location, but hide it at the back corner to draw you further in, exploring through the grasses and seeing it towering up and over the top of them, would certainly create the 'toy sized' feeling. But the parcel of land that's been given aside for it is simply too small for the illusion to work. Maybe a double sided backdrop would work here, with a continuation of the cityscape on the Hollywood side to hide it, and some sort of 'display box' on the other wrapping around the tower - but then I suppose that'll block the riders views from on ride (although they'll only see the backs of the current facades..).

RC Racer doesn't bother me too much, they've got the brackets on the track to presumably support a fake track addition, and the rest of the track is still needed to support the ride itself - but again, that is something that shouldn't really be 'needed' in the first place, with a little more thought and exploring other ideas then the experience could be similar but more immersive (I mean come on, RC Racer lends itself to a Test Track technology ride with more money and thought).

I'm interested to see how it turns out, I'm not going to slate it or rate it before it's finished and has had time to settle in, but I do still agree with the unfortunate change of direction for DLP argument. It's definately not what the original Imagineers had in their line of fire when they designed Disneyland California, in fact it'd probably have been laughed at back then for not being out their enough. But I'm sure that the decision to put it in would be to get the guests and revenue, and at the basis of it, that sadly, makes good business sense - like it or not, without additions and gimmicky 'years' then less people are likely to go, which will only reduce any chances of another big E-Ticket addition in the resort.

I think that the project is a nice idea* poorly executed and shoe-horned into the wrong space.

*Even though it's a toon theme, I'd rather see a toon area in Studios than it's neighbour, it suits the whole park style more.
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


^I totally agree with Scissorsboi: Toy Story Playland is in the wrong position of the park. Imagine it would be build behind Crush's Coaster or something, in that case the building would cover the attractions from the rest of the park and there wasn't any problem (in my opinion).
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Mrs. Jennes

Toy story land seems typical american to me. That's what i don't like...
I'm glad about TSL build in Walt Disney Studio parc! It wouldn't fit in Disneyland Parc...

A dream comes true the 10th Time in March \'10


If it's anything like the 'surfer' from the video on the page before I don't think I will have the courage to even look at the ride in DLRP when its built and up and running, it just sends fear through me lol
Luv Aveen xoxo