Alice's Curious Labyrinth

Started by Owain, February 23, 2008, 03:18:58 PM

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:D Yay for progress! The pop-up Queen looks scarier than ever!

The Butlin Boy

It's a start, and a very good one at that. I'm really looking forward to when they are finished, and the labyrinth is as good as new again :mrgreen:


Woooo! finally some refirb going on in the labyrinth!! The queen looks amazing!! can't wait to go!!
Sophie \":nemo:\"
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


Very, very happy to see that. :)




I'm sorry...but I could not resist posting that line...:)



I wonder what shrub was used to grow the topiary arch, it's just that looking at it, it's a different shade of green, more a silvery green to the hedging around it. This may be a silly assumption, but is it real or is it another 'Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse' effect.  If it is real, which I guess it should be, it must have took some growing and forming..Come to think of it, it must be propped up well for it's height, considering the roots would not have taken hold quite yet, because of this I'm assuming it has a rigid inner frame, also planted well into the ground... :shock:  :D

Pete's Dragon

The new queen's all well and good, but someone really needs to grab a paintbrush. Plus I hope they fix, what I'm going to christen Pete's Pothole ( as I nearly went tumbling like Alice down the rabbit hole......maybe that's the point of it. Interaction, and a law-suit )


Hmmm, it is great to see some restoration, but I do wonder when they will be coming around with the pain cans to sort that out too??!!!!
since 2001 (many before that)


I think all what we can do is bring a bit of patience. They renovate the labyrinth in hm 3 phases. So the half day closure and the replacement of elements like the queen of hearts etc. could be phase one. Maybe for the paintjob they must close the labyrinth totally to have the dry time for the paint and maybe all paintjobs are phase 3 or so.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "Javey74"I wonder what shrub was used to grow the topiary arch, it's just that looking at it, it's a different shade of green, more a silvery green to the hedging around it. This may be a silly assumption, but is it real or is it another 'Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse' effect.  If it is real, which I guess it should be, it must have took some growing and forming..Come to think of it, it must be propped up well for it's height, considering the roots would not have taken hold quite yet, because of this I'm assuming it has a rigid inner frame, also planted well into the ground... :shock:  :D

It kind of looks like some variety of ivy grown around a prop. Could be wrong but it would be a quick way of growing something that size and height.

Magic M

Have they actually done ANY work to the Labyrinth?  It looks just as run down as ever!

No water spouts, chipped purple borders, broken foot on poor Club...

Seen... better... days...


Yeah, I thought that too when we were in the Labyrinth on Tuesday!!

I thought it wasn't very different than before  :-k
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
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I agree with Nala, although I had never been through it before the other day I had seen the pictures. I was excited about seeing what work they had done yet I didnt see any difference... except that the Queen wasnt green.

But I am hoping they continue to work on it, it would be lovely to see it in the state I remember when I used to watch the adverts on TV for it  :D

I don\'t know when, I don\'t know how, but I know something is starting right now.
Watch and you\'ll see, someday I\'ll be Part of Your World.

Feb 2001 - Paris
Sept 2008 - Santa Fe
Dec 2008 - Cheyenne
Feb 2009 - Sequoia
September 2009 - Disneyland Hotel

Magic M

#73 has just published the latest "refurbishments and closures" dates and it looks like a lot of time is being spent on the dilapidated Labyrinth!

JUNE - 22nd to 26th, 29th to 30th
JULY - 1st to 3rd
AUGUST - 31st only
SEPTEMBER - 1st to 4th

15 days in total over 4 months!  Please, please, please make it make a difference!!!!


hope too it gets some refurbishment, but all these days mean also only a couple of days or one day time in a row.