Alice's Curious Labyrinth

Started by Owain, February 23, 2008, 03:18:58 PM

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Pete's Dragon

How long have we been banging on about the Labyrinth needing a good renovation, and still nobody at DLP has had the same concerns?
I think they're really reluctant to close it because it can accomodate so many people at one time, without any major running costs. Could that really be the reason? Are they worried about where all the people will go? Or is it the old money issue, or do they simply not care until one of the QoH Castle walls starts to crumble?

Enough is enough, get it sorted DLP !!!


I was last there in late November, when it was looking pretty spiffy, compared to previous years. Could it really have deteriorated that much in two months?


Quote from: "Fever"Just back from the resort and I must say, it's the worst condition that I have ever seen it! Most of the props were in-active and just needs a lot of attention!

Do you have some pictures of the labyrinth?

Pete's Dragon

I remember when I was ther last September, there was a marginal improvement from the year before, but nothing major.
Really all it needs is a good lick of paint and a few new hedges. And when you see how well maintained the rest of the parks plants and shrubbary are, it makes you wonder even more why they haven't brought the Labyrinth up to scratch.


Maybe all that snow and rain messed up the paint work and the spcial effects. A lot of renovation work was done at the Labyrith last spring and when we went last summer we could see a big improvement. It just goes to show how hard it is to keep everything up to scratch.
Ed & David

Pete's Dragon

Could probably do with some up to date photos, but I willing to bet the castle was never painted, and it really did a couple of coats


No, the castle may not have been painted.  But a lot of renovation work was done at the Labyrinth and it was noticeable in the summer. Maybe it needs doing again already. The freezing weather can't have done it much good though. And all the wear and tear it must get, kids and adults running around trying to climb over everything.
Ed & David


When I was there in September, it looked good, but there was a fair bit of flooding around the fountain bits, the little doors were bolted shut (they used to open!) and the hedges were very thin, you could see through them a lot. Castle looked as it usually does but the mirror was boarded up, and as usual, there were tons of people crammed in, so getting to the 1st floor wasnt an option.

Adam (TR Wolf) on the left, and Phil on the right \":)\"


The little doors were bolted shut when we were there if I remember correctly. I don't know why, there must be a reason for it. Maybe kids got stuck trying to get through?
Ed & David


Can someone please tell me what the Tigger Stamp is? :lol:


When i went in September and then November everything was working and it looked a lot better than on my previous trips.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


i havent been in it since oct 08 despite having two trips since then. i will have a look in march hopefully it has improved.
Santa Fe Oct 08
Santa Fe Feb 09
Santa Fe/Sequioa Lodge Nov 09


None of the figures rising up (there's the queen and a couple of guards I think) were working when I was there in Friday. The sound was, just no queen to show for it!


One of the figures of the queen was rising up when I went in it in November (didn't go in last Saturday alas) the other one wasn't.  The one nearest to the main entrance of the Queen of Hearts castle was the one that was working.  Apart from that I think everything else worked.

I feel a bit sad for not going in the labyrinth last Saturday, it looked quite pretty with bits of snow on it.


Great picture!