Alice's Curious Labyrinth

Started by Owain, February 23, 2008, 03:18:58 PM

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News of the decade:

They Painted the [strike:3tggmvve]Roses[/strike:3tggmvve] Curbs Red!!!

Photos: Davewasbaloo

To whoever is responsible: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

The Butlin Boy

Hallelujah! [-o<  =D>

Better late than never 'eh? :P


Such an improvement, and it only cost a few cans of paint!

The Labyrinth (such a hard word to spell!) has been dire for the last few of my visits. Theming missing, and the theming which was there was in a bad way.
It was totally the opposite of how I remembered it.

Pete's Dragon

As long as they fix this before my next visit. Nearly cost me a couple of teeth and quite possibly a camera


Hazar! I'm so pleased! Those patchy curbs always bothered me whenever I saw them, it's amazing what a lick of paint can do isn't it? :D


Brilliant! It makes such a difference. So I guess this refurb isn't dead? :wink:


Just a reminder of how it looked last summer, when they chose to repaint the curbs on the Fantasyland-Discoveryland path instead (which are now faded again... damn MLV weather):

One of the best improvements that could be made to the Labyrinth is to remove the step next to each of the Queen of Hearts pop-ups. People just automatically step up on those (myself included) and ruin the magic for themselves by looking over. Remove the step there, or extend it upwards into a small wall, and no one will be able to see. Improve guest satisfaction x10.


I will follow up with more news later, but this is in the best condition I have seen for probably a decade. All the AA's (including the hammer bird, the owl, the caterpillar, the queens etc).

Fountains were working too. Shame about the doors and slide going away forever, but that is old news. But what is still there is now in good shape. Only thing missing is the little cheshire cat.
since 2001 (many before that)


:shock: Something to do with Cheshire is missing? I've only ever known three Cheshire things in the Labyrinth; his face on the hill, the statue in the tree with the moving eyes and the one holding up a sign. Is there a 4th one from earlier days?


It is the eye moving one in the trees missing
since 2001 (many before that)


More very good news.  I'm particularly looking forward to seeing the Queen again.


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"It is the eye moving one in the trees missing
:( Noooo! I suppose it's for the best though. :) He'll be all nice and shiny when they put him back I'm sure.


I've been to DLP 5 times, 4 of which I went in Alice's Labyrinth, and 4 of which *NONE* of those pop up characters were working, not the Queen, not the cards, nothing.

The sad bit for me is the castle in the centre. It feels as though that's where you've been aiming for, but you get there and its a tiny castle crammed full of people trying to squeeze up and down the stairs, and cram onto the balconies etc. Can you imagine when the slide around the outside was still accessible?!

But yeah the paint thing, I think that's what DLP need to realise, that something as simple as a lick of paint can really improve things.

Adam (TR Wolf) on the left, and Phil on the right \":)\"


Just come back and there was plenty of work going on in the labyrinth, there were workman rebuilding the spitting fountains and repainting things, it all sounded very industrious.


Just back from the resort and I must say, it's the worst condition that I have ever seen it! Most of the props were in-active and just needs a lot of attention!
Welcome foolish mortals