Ratatouille: L'Aventure Totalement Toquée de Rémy

Started by The Butlin Boy, October 12, 2007, 10:19:28 PM

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No, what you're saying is that you want a land, like Fantasyland, Carsland, Finding Nemoland. A land dedicated to one particular theme or film. The way to connect the rides in Toon Studios, is that the rides are all based on Disney/pixar cartoon films, hence Toon Studios. But that's not what you want.
Ed & David


QuoteNo, what you're saying is that you want a land, like Fantasyland, Carsland, Finding Nemoland. A land dedicated to one particular theme or film. The way to connect the rides in Toon Studios, is that the rides are all based on Disney/pixar cartoon films, hence Toon Studios. But that's not what you want.

No he didn´t say that!! all he wants is that even if we have this mish mash of theming that
somehow disney have to conect them, like in fantasyland. the buildings fit thogether and build a
story... the same needs to be done at the studios.

all you conect with disney is STORY...STORY...STORY... and the studios can´t be an exception, someone
who says that the studios/ toon studios have an story don´t understand the disney philosophy!


Quote from: "ed-uk"No, what you're saying is that you want a land, like Fantasyland, Carsland, Finding Nemoland. A land dedicated to one particular theme or film.
Well yes because that's the whole point of a themed land. :lol:

Quote from: "ed-uk"The way to connect the rides in Toon Studios, is that the rides are all based on Disney/pixar cartoon films, hence Toon Studios. But that's not what you want.
All the rides in Fantasyland are based on Disney films, yet they managed to create a beautiful flowing land out of it. I've got no problem with the different films used in Toon Studios, just the way they are presented together. It doesn't flow.  ;)

A land in a Disney park needs to transport you somewhere, whether it be another country or just a film set. With Toon Studio it's not clear where we're supposed to be. It is just a collection random toon attractions with clashing themes. We don't understand why one second we're watching a blacklit show, the next we're surfing the EAC.

It just needs a story to tell us where we are and why everything is there. :)

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "RnRCj"We don't understand why one second we're watching a blacklit show, the next we're surfing the EAC.

Now come one - that's completely out of context and unrealistic!

When would you ever get on Crush within a second after leaving Animagique? You'd have to queue for 2 hours - plus break downs!!! ;)


Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"
Quote from: "RnRCj"We don't understand why one second we're watching a blacklit show, the next we're surfing the EAC.

Now come one - that's completely out of context and unrealistic!

When would you ever get on Crush within a second after leaving Animagique? You'd have to queue for 2 hours - plus break downs!!! ;)
Haha very true! This raises another issue: why should we have to queue 2 hours to ride the EAC? You don't have to queue to ride the real thing. :P


Quote from: "RnRCj"They do need to tie everything together somehow because right now the land doesn't flow and tell a story.

Why do they? No where else in the Studio's has a 'connection', so why should the Toon Studio?

I'd love to see a big Toon Studio area, with lots of different themed rides. Would create a fab atmosphere!

It would feel very similar to Mickeys Toontown at the Magic Kingdom.


QuoteWhy do they? No where else in the Studio's has a 'connection', so why should the Toon Studio?

Maybe because its what tey are dong in every disney park, the new DCA project includet.
if they don´t beginn somewhere, it will never have a connection...

QuoteIt would feel very similar to Mickeys Toontown at the Magic Kingdom.

This land was planed for a short time but badly it stayed longer and now this land
is history anytime soon. so everything that don´t fit get rid out or rethemed,
at least at DCA and WDW magic kingdom....


i don't know how you can't see, in part anyway, that this "area" of the park does work in the grand theme of the whole park - anyone who has been to a real life studio knows that you could be on one "set" of a hawaiian beach on one side of the street and a new york back alley on the otherside of it.

just take it for what it is - each ride is a "set" for a particular movie in a studio, the novelty is that it is a cartoon studio based on a real studio - i don't really know what you want, you either want the studio theme which this fits into or a more consistant theme where you'd probably end up with cars riding the EAC with buzz and woody driving now that would be a mish/mash


Quote from: "mattsteveal"just take it for what it is - each ride is a "set" for a particular movie in a studio
That doesn't explain Animagique or AODA or Toy Storyplayland. If that is the story behind the land they need to make it clear. The only ride this story does clearly apply to is the Carpets.

See this is the problem, we are forced to make up stories ourselves to justify everything because there isn't one to begin with. :)


i'd say toy story playland does fit as its a "set" in itself, but can see your point from the animagique and aoda altho aoda is a behind the scenes look at creating animated movies which fits in with the studio part of it

in my opinion its only animagique that doesn't fit in with the studio theme - and i think disney feel they don't need to justify everything being together simply because of the "studio" label.

but i do see your point, they could clarify a bit more


On Themepark a castmember states they already started on Quartier Parisien. There should be typical french fences and boulders instead of asphalt. There also should be some kind of terrace. Probably for meet 'n greets with our ratfriend.


Quote from: "*TIMMIE*"On Themepark a castmember states they already started on Quartier Parisien. There should be typical french fences and boulders instead of asphalt. There also should be some kind of terrace. Probably for meet 'n greets with our ratfriend.
Great news, although is that the path out of TSPL's blue barrel which was rumoured to be Paris themed?

Quote from: "RnRCj"See this is the problem, we are forced to make up stories ourselves to justify everything because there isn't one to begin with. :)
Exactly :)

Quote from: "mattsteveal"i don't know how you can't see, in part anyway, that this "area" of the park does work in the grand theme of the whole park - anyone who has been to a real life studio knows that you could be on one "set" of a hawaiian beach on one side of the street and a new york back alley on the otherside of it.
just take it for what it is - each ride is a "set" for a particular movie in a studio, the novelty is that it is a cartoon studio based on a real studio - i don't really know what you want, you either want the studio theme which this fits into or a more consistant theme where you'd probably end up with cars riding the EAC with buzz and woody driving now that would be a mish/mash
Well how about they replaced Mad Hatter Tea Cups with Cars Race Rally, swapped Dumbo for Orbitron and then replaced Pinocchio with Captain EO, Small World with POTC, Snow White with Star Tours. See where I'm going, you could all claim these are peoples fantasies and so it is Fantasyland, but it doesn't work together at all, same as Toon Studio which they started to make work then sort of gave up.


Toon Studio is a mash-up, just like having a giant Orange on a boardwalk, but then again that still stands right? :^o

There is no consistant theming. You've got America, Australia and Asia represented within a 20 yard area. Unless this is a 'sample the world' thing, there is no consistant theming; and this theme should be left to it's a small world .

The imagineers have messed up big style - these new attractions would work in a brand new Pixar park, but not in the studios. We're going to end up with a new action plan for the park, just like they've done with Disney California Adventure, because the park isn't well designed at all. In 2002 there was a shedload of potential - in fact I would have said that the attractions were well-designed and there was a good variety to do - even if only for a half-day. Now, the park is far to cramped on the right-wing, and lacking on the left-wing. For instance..

Left-Wing ................ Center.............. Right-Wing

Rock 'n' Roller ..............Studio 1 .......... Art of Disney
Armageddon   ............ Tram Tour ...........Animagique
Stitch Live   .............Tower of Terror ..........Flying Carpets
Playhouse   .......................................... Cars Race Rally
Cinemagique   ..................................... Crush's Coaster
Motors, Action! ...................................Parachute Drop
....................................................... RC Racer
.......................................................Zig Zag Spin

Attraction-wise, Toon Studio is far too crowded, and the right-wing is too heavy.  :(


tottaly agree with that and there is space if I remember correct where RnRRC is where there currently is jut a wall and CM entrance?

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I've always presumed that they're just developing Toon Studio first and will move on to the other side of the park afterwards, hence the un-balance at the moment.

But you're right that WDS will need the DCA treatment sometime in the future. At the moment they're adding attractions purely to expand the park and increase capacity. A lot of them are good attractions - I'm sure Ratatouille will be excellent - but they've all been tagged on to the end with no real thought as to why they belong there. They should tidy up all the edges now so they don't have to spend large amounts of money on it in the future (like what's happened at DCA).