Wishes - Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Kristof, April 17, 2005, 06:45:27 PM

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I'm no friend of parades etc., but we saw wishes 3 times... and afterwards I got the pin at ebay... too expensive, but... memories...
Beste Grüße von Heimo

some pics, free for private use


It's now safe to say that Wishes WILL be back in 2006!!!  :D  :D

Images of the show have been added to Extraordinet and dates have been confirmed as the full length of Summer Magic - that's 14th July to 27th August - with no mention of "only on weekends" (so far).  :D



Yeah, I noticed the same thing. Interesting move, although I am expecting some alterations lol. Perhaps a few fireworks this time wouldn't go a miss?
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


The fireworks were fine!  They just need to add more fireworks, like the Halloween fireworks which were quite loud.


That's what I meant... plenty more fireworks needed if they still want to call it a firework displays still.
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


ExtraOrdinet, the DLRP press visuals/info site, has just sent out a newsletter saying Key Visuals for Wishes will soon be available...

So how many people would agree with me that it *must* be back next year, then?  :D


Phew Im glad wishes will be back in 2006... I was totally in love with it! It was fab, but I agree they should include more fireworks, though keeping the single Wish on its own... that adds the magic I think.


So, finally, after a long wait... in anticipation of the second season of Wishes, DLRP have produced a rather nice new "key visual" for use in publicity, travel brochures, etc.  Here it is:

and I added the logo (rather badly, lol) to see what it'd look like:

What do you think?

I really like it.  It looks very professional, very high quality and excellently designed.  I'm very pleased with the design because it actually takes the emphasis away from the fireworks and onto the projections.  Some people are bound to be annoyed that they show a large firework at the top of the image though, since they weren't used in the 2005 show.  Perhaps they'll add a few in for 2006?  :)


I'M FURIOUS AT THE BIG FIREWORK! Or maybe it is a sign lol?

I personally do not like the design as the Blue Fairy looks VERY flat and the red light on the castle looks so false. It's nice, but looks very fake to me. The colours are quite dull and boring and there isn't a wow-factor. Surely a mock-up of the golden fan design would have filled the picture/looked nicer?
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!

Mansion Staff

I saw wishes in wdw. I loved it and saw It every night.
I am in disney in the 3rd week of july so I see it!
found a great video on google video...looks SO much better!
fantellusion looks great too.
well we all cant come and go by BUBBLE!

be careful, or Ill drop a house on you.

Mansion Staff

do you like the video that I spent hours looking for for you?
soo much work...and no one even said thenks...sigh.
 :-({|=  :cry:
well we all cant come and go by BUBBLE!

be careful, or Ill drop a house on you.


I'm sorry - but I didn't look at the video...

Hope you'll forgive me - but I'll see the real thing in about three weeks. *FG* So I didn't want to see a video before...

(By the way: I loved "Wishes" in Paris... a beautiful nighttime show... just beautiful...)


To be honest, Wishes at WDW is very boring.  It's just the music with (I have to admit amazing) fireworks, but that's it.  The projections in our version makes it more Disney-friendly.


We definately get the award for the best Castle display in a Disney firework show, I'll give them that. Just if we have the amount of fireworks the recent Tinks show had, it would be great  :roll:
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


I'm not actually sure if a good nighttime show needs a lot of pyro... but that's just me.

One huge problem though with the way "Wishes" is presented at Disneyland Paris: you really have to stand on Central Plaza with a clear view of the Chateau to enjoy the show...