Wishes - Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Kristof, April 17, 2005, 06:45:27 PM

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Yeah, get a life! :P Seriously though, I didn't notice any timing problems with the lights behind the castle.

That Fantasia scene last year was very daring though - it's a looong time without fireworks, and based on one of Disney's less popular films, too.  I think that was the only point in Wishes last year when I could sense the crowd didn't "get" the show.  But I think that was more to do with most people not liking Fantasia rather than there being a problem with the show. :wink:

(Incase anyone's wondering, I personally love Fantasia, though that scene is a little slow.  They should have included sorcerer Mickey somehow, since he doesn't feature anywhere in the show...)


Thank you, thank you <bows> I will quickly move on to another topic, but it's not the first time lighting changes seem to be out of sync. It annoyed me in the E.F.C. last year, but I guess other people are more busy watching the characters and routines than the technical side too (like moi).

Good point about no Mickey though. Hadn't even crossed my mind actually. That part of the show IS very slow so I'd like to see a change there and I'd also like an improvement on the starry sequence after the slightly lame single "wishing star". After the audience sees the first firework, they expect more... not just some twinkling lights. That was the point in which I just cringed and went all embarassed last year. Since it had that effect early on, it made it hard for the display to change my reaction to the rest of the show.

So intrigued in the new effects for 2006 however, although a few extra bursts of fireworks would be more welcome :P
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


Got to see WDW's "Wishes" last night... and to be honest, I found it to be nothing special. Lots of fireworks, which got a bit repetitive after all - though the finale was certainly impressive...

May I say it? I find DLP's Wishes a lot more enjoyable... much more magical, sweeter... and its way of presentation much more imaginative. (Not saying that it *is* actually a better show - it has its shortcomings - but I just prefer it to WDW's fireworks extravaganza...)


Thanks for the review and comparison, experiment627!  I haven't seen the WDW show for myself, but I think I'd feel the same if I did see it.  The Paris version seems to have much more charm and magic to it than the explosion-filled WDW version.

The Central Plaza decoration is back:

But it doesn't seem finished yet.  They've obviously got to add railings to stop people climbing, and I think they need to sort out the starburst from the dot of the "i" aswell... it's a bit messed up.


This is odd: They've updated the official show & parade times page, but have now removed the 23.00 showtime for Wishes and replaced it with the text: "A spectacular finale to Disney's Fantillusion parade."

http://www.disneylandparis.com/uk/disne ... hedule.htm

Does anyone know why?  Perhaps to solve guest flow problems, so that everyone watches Wishes *and* Fantillusion (ie. it clears people out of all the lands)..?


does that meen that it will be right after fanti or even during it?
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

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It will be right after Fantillusion - at 23.00 like confirmed earlier (by the time Fanti finishes with its start time of 22.30, it will probably be nearing 23.00).

I just think it's strange they don't give a fireworks showtime for the first year ever...  :?


Info from SNN on DLP.info forum:

Quote from: "SNN"Just a piece of news before the summer season officially starts... Wishes this year will be exactly the same as last year's. There were rehearsals yesterday and there's no major difference with last year. Some fireworks have been changed though. Nothing big, nothing really impressive. I even found the ending (with the bright white fireworks shooting in every direction) more impressive last year. :(


Quote from: "Baloo"Info from SNN on DLP.info forum:

Quote from: "SNN"Just a piece of news before the summer season officially starts... Wishes this year will be exactly the same as last year's. There were rehearsals yesterday and there's no major difference with last year. Some fireworks have been changed though. Nothing big, nothing really impressive. I even found the ending (with the bright white fireworks shooting in every direction) more impressive last year. :(

So let the Wishes-beating begin.  :roll:


If (IF!) it's true that there will be no changes, than that's really bad guest-service after all the complaints from last year.

Sigh... I regret it's coming back at all, because it was mend to be a one-year spectacle to celebrate 50 years of Disneyland. It makes last year even less special (if that's even possible) than it used to be.


Quote from: "Sam"If (IF!) it's true that there will be no changes, than that's really bad guest-service after all the complaints from last year.
Did City Hall actually receive complaints from normal guests though, or did the unhappy fans just put their views across so strongly that everyone presumed as much?

I think the public loved Wishes...  They'd probably like a couple more fireworks, true, but the reaction I saw and heard myself throughout and at the end of the show was proof enough for me that Wishes *was* a success, and *is* popular.


Allright no changing of Wishes this year. That's sad. I really like Wishes as it is in Paris. But I still thought they would impress it a bit. But maybe they will add something new to it next year ? It's the 15th anniversary they really should change it then.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


It definitely has more fireworks this year than last.  I've not watched my 2005 video in a while, but I've just been reading this morning on lots french forums that they've definitely added in more fireworks and adjusted some.

The photos on DLRP.fr don't have Jiminy on any of them - has he been removed, or did his projection fail or something?  :?

You're right though Disneyana that they should do something a bit special for next year. It would be interesting to see how Wishes would work in 2007 anyway, with those character decorations on the castle...

Poppy The Monkey

A quick run down of the changes, there may be more that I've missed.

There a  lots more fireworks used for the opening wishes 1min 40seconds in.

Even more are used for the wishes at 2.06.

During the princess wishes, Ariel has some fireworks for the first time and Peter Pan has extra this year.

The Genie segment at 3mins 40, has added a large amount of whistling fireworks together with all the ones used last year for this part of the show.

The Fantasia segment (at 4.30) uses small fireworks for first time.

At 5mins 20secs the Queens Evil Spiel is now accompanied by fireworks, unlike last year.

At 8.00 there are some extra fireworks for the final few wishes.

And it appears the very last explosion of fireworks is much higher this season and looks much more impressive.

Watching this years and last years shows together, it is clear that this year is a much better show! And it looks like the posters are describing it as a Sound and Light show...


So with all these added fireworks regular guests will be happy I'm sure.




More photos coming in a few moments!