Wishes - Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Kristof, April 17, 2005, 06:45:27 PM

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Wishes Nighttime Spectacular
2nd Season: 15th July to 27th August 2006

The 2005 version of the show mixed static projections, moving projections, laser beams and projections with fireworks and classic Disney music.  It is unknown whether the 2006 version will be the exact same show, but it would seem likely the show will remain mostly the same.

Photos (2005): hhttp://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/wishes
Guide: http://www.dlrpmagic.com/guides/disneyl ... nt/wishes/
Video (2005): http://www.seasons.chrismedia.co.uk/wis ... #wishesvid

Discussion for the 2005 show continues below this text, whilst discussion for the 2006 season begins over on Page 5 »

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Original post by raptor1982:

DLRPmagazine has some information about the new fireworks show:

Du 16 juillet au 28 août 2005, le Parc Disneyland présentera Wishes, un nouveau spectacle sons et lumières, dans le cadre du cinquantième anniversaire du Parc Disneyland californien.

Qui n'a jamais fait un voeu devant une étoile filante ? C'est sur cette question que repose le scénario de Wishes. Pendant dix minutes environ, Jiminy Cricket, la Fée Bleue et de nombreux Personnages Disney interprèteront une histoire fantastique qui se déroulera sur un fond d'étoiles, et émettront des voeux qui leur seront chers. Wishes est déjà présent à Walt Disney World Resort en Floride, mais la version parisienne de Wishes sera différente.

En effet, François Leroux, Vice-Président Spectacle de Disneyland Resort Paris, a déclaré sur Bel-RTL et Fun Radio Belgique que Wishes n'aura rien à voir avec le Wishes américain. Wishes sera plus qu'un simple feu d'artifice. En plus des effets pyrotechniques, il y aura des effets de lumières, des projections sur des écrans et d'autres surprises qui raviront les visiteurs du Parc Disneyland.

La narration de Wishes devrait être bilingue, en Français et en Anglais, mais la décision n'a pas encore été entérinée sur ce point.


I've translated the most important part:

Francois Leroux, Vice-president of Spectacles at DLRP, has made clar on Bel-RTL and Fun Radio Belgium that Wishes will not be the same as the American version.  It will be more than a fireworks show.  Pyrotechnic effects, light effects , projections on big screens and other surprises will charm the visitors of Disneyland.

The narratoin will be bi-languaged: French and English, but that decision hasn't been made yet.


I wonder where they'll put those screens.


Thanks for translating the most important things!
It sounds very good, indeed i'm wondering too where these screens will be put. But i think they will find a way for it.
I really want to go and see this show!!!

Jorien  :D


Arrgh!  This is sounding better and better all the time!  With most of the music from WDW aswell, this is just unmissable... shame I might just have to miss it then...  :(

I wonder if they'll have some of the same fireworks as WDW though?  Like the wishing star or those long white ones which shoot up from the ground (and they use all all the publicity photos for the WDW show)...


Let's hope so! From what i've seen on videos from the American version, it looked amazing!!!

Jorien  :D


Quote from: "Jorien"Let's hope so! From what i've seen on videos from the American version, it looked amazing!!!

Yeah, it really is a beautiful show.  The first video I saw didn't make it look too good, but then Kris sent me another and it blew me away.

Another "I wonder" to throw in here - I wonder if they'll have the fireworks around the park aswell, like in WDW?  Or could that be expecting just a bit too much?

I think this show could be better than Tink's Fantasy In The Sky anyway.  It will hopefully be miles better, but I do love Tink's so it will take a surprising amount of effort to beat it in my mind.  :wink:


I'm really looking forward to see Wishes in DLP. Saw it in WDW last summer and it looked amazing. Really liked that song. Remember that there were some projections on the castle itself (like the magic mirror from snow white).
Dream your dreams...


Just announced on the official parade & show times page, Wishes will play at 11.15pm (23.15) every night, with Fantillusion playing at 10.30pm (22.30).

It seems quite late, or is it just the same as Tink's Fireworks last year?  :?

Also, the WWODP will play at 7pm every day...


That's late indeed, what time does the park close then? I thought eleven o'clock. But that can't be, when Wishes is fifteen minutes later.  :wink:

Can't wait to see it all!!!  :D

Jorien  :D


Cool, that would mean that the attractions will open that late too!  :D


^ It might do, or it might mean that the park will close at 11pm except for Main Street...

I can't find last summer's map so I've not been able to look at the times for Tink's Fireworks last year.  It may have been the same, but I'm sure I remember that in 2000 (the only time I've actually been there during the summer) the fireworks were at 10.45pm...  :?

I suppose the longer they keep people waiting in the park the more likely they are to buy things from the shops and get something to eat/drink!  :D

It's still very very strange, though, to have WDS close at 6pm (!) then have DLP close so many hours later at around 11.30pm or even 12am!


Im looking forward to wishes, though id much prefer to be in it! I guess i'll stick to all the other parades! I go tomorrow, i cant wait!  :D DLRP HERE I COME!!!  :wink:  :P


Lots of pleasure!!!!

Poppy The Monkey

Have a great summer!