Wishes - Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Kristof, April 17, 2005, 06:45:27 PM

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A good nighttime show show doesn't need a lot of pyros, you're right, but if you tell someone it's going to be a "firewoks spectacular", you expect a few more fireworks.

The view problem Wishes has is actually something I've never considered as I always watch firework displays from near the centre of Central Plaza. Does it really get that full up behind so people can;t get a view? As it happens, the fireworks look bigger the further back you stand, so it's not all bad.  :lol:
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


Well, the pyros might look bigger standing further down Main Street - but the projections sure aren't.  :wink: (Especially the very nice projection of Jiminy is very hard to see from further away.)

And the gazillion people in front you are not really helping.  :wink:


That must really suck with the cheering and raving crowds. They must be waving their arms all over the place in excitement. I always see Fanti from the centre/front of Central Plaza so it's easy to find a space for the fireworks  8)
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


thats the same place i view fanti but during xmas i decided to see all of the floats pop up asnd saw it on at the bottem of main street. but i can go off topic about that for ages! But at WDW u can get a great view of spectro and wishes just on the left side of centeral plaza to Liberty Square.
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Quote from: "Dlrpfan"But at WDW u can get a great view of spectro and wishes just on the left side of centeral plaza to Liberty Square.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.  8)

(Though I still think it looks really weird that the Magic Kingdom's parade run through Frontierland and Liberty Square - but what do I know?)


yea thats what i thiught as well. my parents went in 87 and io have pics of the 15th anniversary parade and cos i was soooo used to dlp i was realy confused as to why the parde rute goes tho Frontierland. does anyone no why that is? althogh im goin completly off topic lol
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

[size=100]\'We Keep Moving Forward\' [/i][/size] - Walt Disney

Disneyland Resort - 2007 2010
Walt Disney World - 2001 2003 2005 2006 2008 2009 2011 2012/2013
Disneyland Paris - 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2007
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Wishes will be performed at 23.00 / 11pm this year, that's 15mins earlier than last year.  They obviously want people to stop hanging around in the park so long this year.  :wink:

More times for the summer entertainment are now available here: http://www.disneylandparis.com/uk/disne ... hedule.htm


The Wishes hub is coming already?!

Lovely flowers on Central Plaza though, don't you think?  :)



God that was quick, oh great now to see the centrepiece coming back I dunno why but it was great last year.  Also wonderful flowers yes so summer time like :D .


Nice flowers indeed. In the summer and in spring both the parks look at their best.  8)

By the way; imagine that we would have had the Partners Statue at our hub. This would mean Wishes in another form, Enchanted Fairytale Ceremony in another form, no huge pumpkin during Halloween and so on.
Although the Partners Statue would be really nice in front of our Chateau, we have the advantage over the other Disneyland style parks that we can use our hub.


François Leroux talks about this year's Wishes in the new Envie de +:

François Leroux est le vice-président Spectacles de Disneyland® Resort
Paris. Il vous entraîne dans les coulisses de Wishes...

Pourquoi reconduire Wishes en 2006?
Parce que le spectacle a rencontré un énorme succès bien sûr! Savez-vous que la version présentée à Disneyland® Resort Paris est la seule des Parcs Disney® au monde à mettre en scène des effets spéciaux au laser et des projections sur le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant? Wishes est bien plus qu'un simple feu d'artifice, c'est un son et lumières. Et cette année nous l'avons fait évoluer en ajoutant davantage d'effets spéciaux. Ceux qui l'ont découvert l'an dernier le trouveront encore plus magique. Quant aux autres, ils ne doivent manquer Wishes sous aucun
C'est du jamais vu !

Why bring Wishes back for 2006?
Because it was an enormous success, of course!  Did you know that the version presented at Disneyland Resort Paris is the only one of all the Disney Parks in the world to make use of laser effects and projections on Sleeping Beauty Castle?  Wishes is much more than a simple fireworks show, it's a sound and light show.  And this year, we've taken it even further by adding more special effects.  Those who discovered it last year are going to find it even more magical.  As for the others, they must truly make sure not to miss Wishes.


Well, now that sounds promising.  :lol:


Yeah, it's a shame he didn't say "we've added more fireworks" instead of "we've added more special effects".

Hopefully they'll clean up a few of the effects though.  Some we're a bit amateurish, like Aladdin flying across the castle and Jiminy floating downwards.  The static ones looked much better.


Well I'm glad there are some changes. I can only hope that the projections show movement and if they do, they are not wobbly lke Jiminy or the "magical" carpet ride. Not sure if this annoys anyone else, but I found the timing of the lights behind the castle irritating... the ones that show an outline of the chateau (such as the blue ones in the broomsticks scene).

Such a tiny feature I know, but they were not in sync with the projection timing and just seemed odd to me. Someone tell me to get a life :roll:
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


Get a life  :D