Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Well, I had my interview... I'm not really sure what to think, tbh! There weren't any surprise questions, everything they asked me was pretty generic so I just hope I gave enthusiastic enough answers which won't sound like every other person they asked! It was only a phone interview so I wasn't expecting it to last long, but it was over in 8 minutes which was shorter even than I expected, and I'm a bit worried about that :S

I guess I'll just have to keep checking my emails to see what happens next!


Oh it was "only" the phone interview? Did they told you, that you can come to the face2face interview?
At the phone interview for the CRP they told us already on the phone, if you're invited to the f2f... probably they do it different at the CP.

Which means, my fingers are still crossed for you :)

Snowly Whitely

Quote from: "Pinky"hehe no way! in the sweltering heat of the packed studio :p
what number were you? I was one of the last people in (my train was delayed!) so I was always in the second or third from last group.

11 days till disney!!

Oh my goodness it was boiling wasn't it?! To b honest i cant remember what no. i was but it was 200 and something  :?
[size=150]Hey There, Hi There, Ho There! It\'s a Disney Kinda Day![/size]


Hi there! Here are the promised live-greetings from Disneyland!
I'm sittinf here in Fantasyland in front of "It's A Small World" and I'm thinking of you - cause I'm waiting for the characters :D Yesterday I met Jack Skellingtong. He was happy about the Jack Skellington-Pen I bought for the autographs and we found out that we can't wait for Halloween :)

Today I met Dr. Facillier and he speaks german!

It's so much fun out here and I wish you could be here too :)

*listening to "Bella Notte"*

lovely Greetings
Chiyo in Disneyland Paris :)


Hey everyone!

I got a job in DLRP in one of the boutiques and I'll be starting mid-November but I just have a couple of questions that I'm trying to get answered before I leave so any help would be greatly appreciated! It's quite a long list though so don't worry if you can't answer them all  :D

Firstly, I would like to know about arriving at DLRP from the UK. Is the Eurostar the easiest way to get there? And if so, the website has told me it would be best to go via Lille as there is a connection straight to DLRP. Is this right? Has anyone done this journey?

Secondly, what's the accommodation like? How big are the rooms? What's it like sharing with someone else? What's the set up - kitchen, bathroom, etc.? Is there a communal area? What facilities are there for staff? Is there a laundry room?

Finally, how easy is it to get a social security number? What do I have to do to get a French bank account? How easy is it? Did you encounter any problems when trying to open an account? Also, where do I get a French translation of my birth certificate?

That's all for now and I'm really sorry about all the questions! I'm so excited but also worried about the millions of things that could go wrong before I even get there!

Thanks for your help!


dlprinces....DONT PANIC!!! :)

First of all, congrats on getting a job with Disney i hope u have lots of fun with us!

Right...Ive always gone with Eurostar when ive travelled to and from UK as the train stops at Marne-la-Vallee, aka Disney. You can get the indirect via Lille or there is a direct service straight here, depends what time of day ur leaving. Ive done both direct and indirect and either is fine. If u go via Lille u will be getting a TGV to Disney but the train time and code will be on ur Eurostar ticket so u will know which one to get. Im guessing you will have someone meeting u but if not the 34 bus goes via both Disney residences, La Boiserie first and then Les Pleiades.

The accommodation is basic and fingers crossed u get Boiserie cos Pleaides isnt very good in as much as there is no oven and the entire living quarters fits into Boiseries living room!!!!! Pleaides is basically a bedsit that was designed for 1 and has now got 2 people in it, theres a seperate shower room but the kitchenette is part of the bedroom. You can put a curtain up to divide it but most people dont bother! Bosierie is a MILLION times better...u have a proper kitchen with an oven, a living/dining room, bathroom with shower AND bath and a flat with 4-6 people in it so nice and communal. Its a sore point for me cos im in Pleaides and used to living on my own in my own house and it sucks not being able to even cook a meal that doesnt include pasta or microwaveable food!! Seriously, lots of people love it here and if this is ur first time away from home it'll be fine but im not used to the lack of space lol. Its actually fine living with someone else tho, providing u get on, but i do always feel guilty if they go to bed early and im still up or i get up before them and make breakfast. In Boiserie u can shut the bedroom door and go to the living room and not disturb anyone but here its all in one room so its difficult...still we're all in the same situation so u get used to it and deal with it!! The laundry room is open for staff, it puts fabric softener directly in the mashine so dont worry about having to buy that and the dryers are free....very handy when u get caught in a thunderstorm as i discovered lol. Not sure about communal areas at Boiserie but at Pleiades u can go to reception and theres some sofas, books and a piano in the back room that we can use.

Disney sort out ur bank account for u on the first day and social security number gets sent to ur house in UK so dont worry about that. U;ll get sent a letter from the bank when ur card is ready for collection and just go in and collect it, remember to take ur Disney ID with u!! The receptionist at Val d'Europe branch speaks English and is really nice so u can ask her anything if u get any problems. No idea where u would get a french translation of the birth cert im afraid, i didnt need to do this!

Ummmm anything else??? If uve got any other questions just ask, i know how daunting it can be coming to a new country. Hope i helped a little bit and dont worry about the accommodation, its not as bad as i make it out to be im just old and grouchy :P


Hello dlprincesse!

First of all, congratulations - you already got that, what I'm still dream about :)
Hope you'll have a great time in DLP as a castmember - go out and make guests happy! That is really an amazing job!

For all your questions - I know, alaina answered them already very well, but I've got another tip for you to find answers: It's the FAQs on the Disneyland Paris casting website:


I hope the link is in english, if not, you can change it on the top of the site, left side underneath the Disneyland logo :)
But probably you don't need to translate it, cause you can speak french, that's why you got the job in the boutiques, right?

Have you been at the recruitment sessions?
And how was it like?

alaina, don't call your self old and grouchy, you're just special :)
And like you said, it depends on everyone, how to live and how to cope with circumstances.
For me it's the most important thing to have a bed to sleep and to rest ;)


Hey Alaina – thanks for the reply!

I'm going to be getting the indirect via Lille cos of the time difference. But when I get to Disney I'll have to go to the Fantasia building first – is there a bus I will need to get?

By the sounds of it I hope I get La Boiserie then!

It's not my first time moving abroad by myself so hopefully I'll manage it ok =)

However, last time I moved abroad properly was to Spain and opening an account and getting a NIE (Spanish social security) was so much simpler than doing it in France sounds!

Could you perhaps expand a little on the working conditions if possible? I've heard a few horror stories but would like to hear it from the perspective of someone who works there. Obviously if you're not comfortable with this then please don't answer =)

Hey Chiyo!

Thank you very much – I do speak French (and Spanish) so that's why I'm working in the boutique. I wanted a position in the hotel ideally but none were available but I'm more than happy in the shops =)

The recruitment session was totally different to anything I've ever done – we had a presentation in the morning and then had to fill in forms etc. Some of us were given times of interviews and others weren't but were told to head to the interviews straight away. However, the times were pretty irrelevant as the interviews ran over and they didn't check your time slips anyway! Also, the interview was in pairs – great for friends who had come together but a little weird if you didn't know who you were being interviewed with. But they had a lot of positions available and I think probably most people were given something – even if it were for only over the Christmas period.

Also – there were some people who spoke barely a word of French and I think they were given something so it seems you don't even need conversational French!

Guess I'd better start packing!  :D


Hi all! Im new to this forum so thought id say hello! Im hoping to be at the audition in London on the 23rd at 10am! who else is going to be there? im a bit nervous about going on my own!! Also... how old is everyone on here? im thinking i might be too old for what they are looking for!!
What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?

Even miracles take a little time. - The Fairy Godmother


Hello dlprincesse!

Yeah, that sounds almost like the F2F-Interviews for the Cultural Representive Program for WDW :)
So I will know what to expect, when I'm going to the Recruitment Session.

Good to hear, that French is not so much required, as I thought before. But I heard it now from several persons who are working there, that you also have chances to get a position without conversational french ^^

So now I will go on and apply for three positions, I've already decided.

Thank you for your infos and have a good time in Disneyland ^^

Chiyo ^^


Quote from: "blondie85"Hi all! Im new to this forum so thought id say hello! Im hoping to be at the audition in London on the 23rd at 10am! who else is going to be there? im a bit nervous about going on my own!! Also... how old is everyone on here? im thinking i might be too old for what they are looking for!!

Hey Blondie :) I auditioned on my own back in July and it wasn't scary at all :) if your audition is anything like mine there are plenty of people on their own and everyones friendly! plus as the auditions are so popular they are fast paced so you'll not really have moments where you're sitting alone for too long at all!
I wouldn't worry about age too much, I'm 22 and granted a majority of the people I spoke to were 18 but there were still alot of older people and the people they put on their books were of all shapes ages and sizes. In terms of what they are looking for, its your attitude and skill that counts!
I hope it's a little cooler in the studio for you :) when me and Snow Whitely auditioned it was SOOO hot!
Have fun with it :)

I'm leaving tomorrow morning :D can't wait to get out there and start! I'll hopefully update y'all when i get a chance :)
good luck to all of you waitiing for the call and for those going to audition!!




Quote from: "Pinky"Hey Blondie :) I auditioned on my own back in July and it wasn't scary at all :) if your audition is anything like mine there are plenty of people on their own and everyones friendly! plus as the auditions are so popular they are fast paced so you'll not really have moments where you're sitting alone for too long at all!
I wouldn't worry about age too much, I'm 22 and granted a majority of the people I spoke to were 18 but there were still alot of older people and the people they put on their books were of all shapes ages and sizes. In terms of what they are looking for, its your attitude and skill that counts!
I hope it's a little cooler in the studio for you :) when me and Snow Whitely auditioned it was SOOO hot!
Have fun with it :)

I'm leaving tomorrow morning :D can't wait to get out there and start! I'll hopefully update y'all when i get a chance :)
good luck to all of you waitiing for the call and for those going to audition!!

Hey Pinky,

Good luck for tomorrow! I'll be there two weeks later :D I'm 22 as well so at least there will be someone there my age :)

Quote from: "itslewis"Hey Everyone, so I'm back in England after my two month contract at Disney. I'm going back out in January on a CDI contract (which means I can leave when I want) and I can't wait to go back. Will be fitted for more Face Characters so i'm very excited! Can't wait to set my life up in Paris for a year, and then hopefully do Tokoyo Disney or Disney Cruise line for 6 months! Good Luck to the people going to Disney tomorrow, you will meet all my friends YAY! How long are your contracts for?

Hi Lewis, congratulations on getting a CDI contract. I start on the 19th November and finish 6th January. Hopefully towards the end I'll be able to get a CDI contract. Did you have to ask for a new contract or did they come to you offering you one? It's a shame you won't be there for the Christmas and New Year period.





Quote from: "itslewis"WOW that contract is short. Yes, on the last week of your contract you go for a meeting where they discuss your attitude, performance.. basically everything and tell you if they want to keep you. It's rare they offer CDI's to people who have worked for less than 6 months, but I was lucky! I was the only one I know of who was offered a CDI with the people in my formation, so I was pleased! If you want to stay, and they want to keep you they will find contracts for you. Could be a 6 month CDD, or a CDI.. could be straight away or two months/three months after. Just depends on what contracts they have available for your height :)

I know, it does seem like a pretty short contract but at least I've got the job :D and it's better than nothing. I would love to carry on if I could. I guess I'll just have to impress everyone one as much as I can :)
