Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Oh noooooooooooo, smallblonde... when they call your number that means your're out, you're cut.
The "yes" what they had to say is only the confirmation, that they understood the number.
If your number was not called means, you're moved up to next stage - and you left?!?!? Noooo...

Haven't you seen that the people, whose numbers where called left the room, and only them?

Okay... be very quick looking for the next audition, cause mine yesterday was one of the last before Christmas. I don't know, if they will hold any auditions (open or private) in UK these next days before Christmas.
If you don't get one before Christmas, if they're done for this year, you can reapply after Christmas.

And then, don't leave the room until they say it exactly to you, alright?

Greetings, Chiyo *needs to sleep* ^^"


Oh no Rachael thats such a shame,
yes i do agree the way they do the cuts now it very awkward, if they call your number it means you are cut. The reason they get you to say yes is so they dont get awkward situations where people miss their number being called and they end up staying even though they are not needed.

Congratulations for getting through to the next stage, even though you didn't stay which is a terrible shame, at least you know your definitely in for a chance next time as of the lovely email from Daniel, and the fact you actually did get through!!

Try not to think too much about it, i know its a shame but whats happened is unchangable now, but just be more prepared and be excited for the next audition, its very exciting for you that they actually have told you they are interested!!

CHIYO WELL DONE for gettin through the first stage !!! :)  i bet uu had a wonderful time and im very excited to hear about your trip! xx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


...Omg its crazy because im sure he said that if he called the number then it meant that you stayed and there was a confusion with this one girl when he called 292...and i was 229...so it may have been a mistake...im not sure. I just replied to daniel and said thank you for the feedback and that i would be auditioning again later. i am just finishing my final year of uni so arent to fussed about auditioning now....i will look for auditions for nearer to when im graduating lol....still rather gutted tho, and glad i emailed him. i was totally confused at the fact that i wasnt considered when i have previous experience and cos im small...but turns out i was considered...but left. hopefully it'll be all ok next time  :)


I didn't know that was the way you found out who was cut, so when I didn't hear my number, I was gutted. Then when he said if I've called out your number, thank you, I had the biggest emotion change. But one lad obviously wasn't listening and stayed for the dance, and when we got into groups he was left on his own, so they let him dance anyway!


Okay, here is a short report from my very first audition...

I arrived on tuesday morning in Paris and first I had to find my hostel. Not so easy, especially when you walk in the wrong direction ;)
But I asked the people (in English!) and they helped me (also in English!) to find my way.
But I couldn't get into the room now, so I had to change clothes in a very small toilette and then I was on my way to Disneyland.

I was so happpy to be there, I had tears in my eyes when I walked down the Main Street U.S.A. and saw the wonderful pink castle again.
Walked around Fantasyland, saw I few characters there and landed in Frontierland in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Inside the ride I got the message from my friend who was about to arrive at Disneyland and I went back to Town Square to meet him there.
We watched All Stars Express, rode Space Mountain, saw Captain Eo (amazing movie) and saw the OAUD - in the rain. But I was so happy to be there, so it didn't  matter, that I got a little bit wet. Just heard the song directly on the Central Plaza: "Just Like We Dreamed It", thought of my audition and knew, everything will be fine.
We did Phantom Manor and at the end we also watched the Show Time Spectacular.
A great day in Disneyland, and I felt ready for audition!

Next I got up very early, and without stress I got ready to go. Caught  the "wrong" metro, just to learn, that that way would be much more easier to get to the station I had to.
And again, I walked the wrong way, and again, French people helped me with the best English they could.
At least I found the dance studio, and I was the third person who arrived - one hour to early :)
We were talking, watching the people, who were arriving, and ten minutes before they let us in, my friend came finally also.
Then we went in, some of us (we were around 50 people: exactly what I expected and wished :) ) changed clothes. So, we were in a big room with a mirror, and we had to be measured. Me, my friend, another guy who already worked at Disney and a Japanese girl who was seeking for work in France were the last people in line.
Usually I'm 171 centimeters, which is about 5,6 ft, but they measured 5,5 ft. Okay...
We got our forms to fill out and also our numbers (I was 384 one of the last ^^), and they splitted us in two parts: one French part and one international. Daniel had the International, and he explained everything what we had to fill out. And he also translated the presentation. Most of the things I knew already cause of the experience I have already with Disney and because of this board of course :)
They also said, if you're not feeling comfortable with the conditions of the job, you can leave now. One person left...

After that, they explained us the animation section, and we had the chance to practice. First in a big group, then in smaller, and then they told us, that we're doing this "one last time again". Every one knew, that this is going to be  the audition - and I started to die ;)
Our group was the second last, and we had a five-formation. Like the five-eyes on a dice, and I was right in front, nearest to the CD's. So, I did my animation as good as I could (changed some plans I had before and I guess it was a gut decision).
Then they were calling the numbers (and explained the system with calling the number, then you have to say yes to confirm that you understood your number, take your bag and leave) I waited for my number, waited, and waited... and it didn't came.
There was a girl we watched. The two guys an I we were pretty sure, she would be a perfect Tiana, she had the skin tone, her movements where beautiful - and she was cut! We couldn't understand that... and I couldn't realize that I made it through the animation stage.
But I knew, the dance would be hard, and I knew, that I wouldn't make it - I'm just a beginner, taking dance classes since two month: That wouldn't be enough for Disney!
At the beginning it was okay, but the more steps and parts we learned, the more difficult it was, and I just messed everything up.
Daniel explained to us:"If you're a perfect dancer, and you don't smile, I'm not interested in you. If you're the worst dancer, but have the biggest smile though, I am interested in you!"
Now I know, it was just a saying (they WERE looking for good dancers), but it was a motivation. Just to do it, not to give up, there is probably a chance that you could make it. But if you don't try you've already lost.
I realized that I was going to perform a Disney choreography, and this circumstance made me really happy and smiling, even that really messed up everything. It was such a shame, but I had fun :D
There were two groups, who had to dance twice, and our group was one of them. Because on of our guys probably missed the start, and then he went to the CD's and talked to them. They changed his position with the position of my friend, and we had do do it again.
After all were finished,  the next cut was going on. And like I expected, my number was called. Honestly, I was a little bit disappointed, but still thought, it's okay. Yeah, I were happy again, cause I was proud to that I made it so far - I didn't expected that. (I know it's a little bit weird ;))
So, next thing was my friend was cut to... he didn't complained or anything, but as we were to leave, they called him back, and they found out, as he had to change position with the other guy, they forgot to change the forms. So the cut of my friend was a mistake :)
He is now on the waiting list and he told me that they approved him for Mad Hatter. Wow, that is amazing, isn't it?
They told us, that we could reapply after Christmas for th next set of auditions - and in Paris they are held every month. So, my next chance is coming up, and I can't wait :)
But I have to practice my dancing, getting better, so I'll have a chance!

After my friend came out, we went to see Notre Dame, searched for the restrooms in the Louvre, walked down the Champs Èlyseès (stopped at the Disney Store :D ) and saw the Eiffel Tower. It was so great, to see all that (finally) and I really enjoyed it. My friend (no he's not my boyfriend, just to make that clear ;) ) told me a lot of things about the work at character and parade department, nice things ... and not so nice things. But it was very interesting, and I know, that won't be enough for me just to be guest at the Disney Parks.
I'm not a guest, I'm a Castmember!
And I will do everything to get a job at Disneyland Paris, cause I know, that there is my place.

Oookay, that was a long post... didn't wanted to tell so much... but... okay, hope you'll like it.

Again, I want to thank you for all advices you gave me, for believing in me and crossing fingers (if you did ;), I don't think I would have made it so far without you.

But if I got a contract, probably it were a little bit uncomfortable for me to tell you that good news. You know why?
Because I think it would be a little bit unfair: Mason and Laura are waiting since two month, Natalie went to three (?) auditions without any positive result, and then I would have come here and got it? No, that wouldn't be that fair...
So, I knew the best will happen, and it did. Everything is fine, and the calls are going out to Mason and Laura, Natalie will have the time of her life at the Disney Store and I will enjoy my upcoming trip to DLP on Halloween and prepare myself for the dancing stage.
Isn't that wonderful? *smile*

Now, I'm tired, I feel the experience of the last to days... need to sleep ;)

Good night together and nice dreams
Chiyo :)


what a fantastic report Chiyo thank you ! sounds like a worth while trip and im so jealous of you for spending time in Disneyland Paris. :D  xx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]

Mason Cooper

Oh Chiyo! Bless ya! You're so lovely lol! I was so gutted when I saw you didn't get through, but I'm glad you are being positive about the whole thing! You tried your best and had a good time! That's all that matters! And don't be silly! If you had got a contract of course you could have told us! I think we would all be so happy for you! If there is one thing to learn about this industry it's that not every audition will be a successful one. Sometimes you aren't right for the role, other times there are just people who are more talented! Its just the way it goes! I'm starting to think about other options now as it goes. I will wait for Disney but I'm starting to think I probably won't be getting that call, but I'm fine with that! I'm working on my drama school application so it's all good! And if I don't get the call and I'm unsuccessful at gaining a drama school placement I will of course be re-auditioning for Disney! They haven't seen the last of me! Lol :)

And farmer Jim I too have read that forum and saw that comment, I do disagree with the statement. I believe that Disney do use people on there waiting list! As the others all pointed out Luke, Lewis and Alaina where all on the waiting list and receive contracts! So I do disagree but I also agree with Heffalumpy and Natalie. I think they do need to tell people what they are looking for to allow people to judge whether they are right for the role or not. But I think they are getting better with that, especially in the stage adverts. (I found one in an older stage where they literally said everything they were after!)

Smallblonde, I can't believe it. I'm so sorry to hear your story. I can complete understand your frustration! At least you know that they are interested in you! Defo reapply! It's a must lol!

Lewis and Alaina, so glad to hear your having a good time in Paris! Hope everything is going well out there! :)

Sorry i havent been posting as much as usual. I've just gone back to college and been so busy. I'm also unwell at the moment suffering with flu! Word for the wise, a 3 hour dance lesson and flu is not a good thing especially when the dance teacher bends you in ways you don't normally bend haha things I do for the college haha!

Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Thank you guys. I'm glad you liked my report... even that are some mistakes in there, just saw them. I was really tired, when I typed it *giggle*

Mason, you were gutted because of me??? Wow, that makes me blush and I'm Bashful again just like at the audition ;)
But it's good to hear (actually to read *smile) that you wouldn't be disappointed or jealous or something else, if I got through ^^"
But for me it's not so easy for me  like for you... I know there is no other place for me to be happy... I did a lot of things in my life already, and nothing was right - except for Disney :)
So I will continue to fight for my dream.

Natalie, I really believe that you are a little bit jealous - I would be the same. And actually, I still wish you could come on Halloween - even that we don't  know each other, just here at this board.

Btw... I just booked everything for my Halloween Trip: I'm so excited!
And on Monday I will ask at my dance school, what we can do to improve my dance skills for the next audition :)

So, again, a lot of things to do, because: After the audition is before the audition :D

Now I'm hungry XDDD


...OMG I saw Disney on Ice today... :D It was unbelievable....so magical. I felt as though the kids are sometimes too young to appreciate how spectatcle it really is. I thought i was in heaven... :D The cast were amazing, their skating was sooo incredible...(woody fell over though hehe) deffinatly worth going to see. I absolutly loved it  :minnie:


Lol at woody!
AND OMGGGGG im seeing it on friday 19th nov with like... 10 of my friends or something.. all total disney geeks but im the worst ;) we booked like.. 3 months ago seriously. Cant even wait !!! tis gonna be amazing !!
glad you enjoying it rachael.. who did you go with?? :D xx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Yehh it was so magical, having never been to disney watching the show made me truely understand the magic, and passion that is shown. I went on my own...haha like a geek. but it was soooo unbelievable. I even cried at one point. Lol. I never expected it to be so powerful. DEFFINATLY worth seeing!! Im sure u'll have an amazing time.


Hi everyone!!
Thanks for your amazing audition report Chiyo! I have a few questions about the audition process in Paris if your don't mind. Were the auditions in the city? or were they nearer the parks? and you said you were in the international group, so they don't mind foreign people (i.e non french) attending those auditions? and of the 50 people who were there (such a small number compared to the London auditions!!!) how many do you think got through the first round?

Glad you went and had a good time (I am loving Dresden and should be coming to Leipzig some time soon!)


Hello Disneybud!

Sure, I don't mind to answer questions :)
That's why I'm here (not all but yes XDD)

Okay, they held the audition in the city of Paris, very near of the popular places (that's the reason why we walked by <what do you call them? :D> feet to see them all :) )

Yeah, they had foreign people in that audition, but it was a small group, we Internationals counted about 10 to 15 people, I'm not quite sure. But there were people from Finland, Denmark, Italy, Romania, Germany (we two), and even from Japan and Vietnam (but they were already working or studying in France ^^)

I didn't counted the people who got through the first round, and I also can't say anything, cause, I was so nervous and excited cause of the circumstance, that I got through.
But If I guess now remembering that moment, I would say, about 35? I'm really not sure, but they let a lot through. Then, after the dance combination, a lot more had to go out. And even after that, they sent people without contract or waiting list home. My friend told me that, and I also saw that, because I went back to get the form from my job agency filled out :)

I'm happy you love Germany... cause I don't love it anymore. It's a horrible country in my eyes now... They do things, actually the do NOT things, they have to, and that makes everything so much difficult for people like me :(

But tell me, when you are going to visit Leipzig, if you want to, we can meet, and I can show you the city ^^

Mason Cooper


So thought i'd post an update on here

For those who have me on facebook or twitter you'll be aware of the Unknown phone call I received today. So i got this phone call and the number was withheld. i missed the call coz I was busy rehearsing a physical theatre production at college and panicked as I think it might have been Disney so decided to email Daniel just asking if it was him who was calling. So now I'm just waiting for his reply so as soon as he does I'll update you guys!

Hope all is well with everyone!! :)

Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Oh I'll cross fingers, that Daniel called you and has finally a position for you!

Probably very early, so I can visit you (and the others :) ) on Halloween! Would that be cool?
But I haven't seen that post on FB and Twitter yet... Gotta look again *smile*

I'm doing fine, just a little bit tired and exhausted, cause we've visited a theme park in, actually out of Leipzig. Not Disney of course, but it was fun and so much thrill XDD