Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Best of luck Chiyo!! Hope you get it! :D


Hi guys! I'm new to this forum and currently on the waiting list so thought i'd say hi! I've read the whole thread (congrats btw to Alaina Lewis and Luke!) and i wanted to discuss something!

Ok.... so i just read something interesting and thought I'd ask you guys for your opinions. In another forum there were a group of people who had auditioned and were on the waiting list. This is what they were saying:

QuoteI've started to suspect that many of you think the "waiting list" is exactly what the same suggests. I think it would become clearer if you thought of it as a not-a-complete-reject list under a politer name.

There are almost always many more applicants for a job than there are positions to fill. The applicants that the employers like the most will get the work. The rest are out of luck. When more positions become available the employers start trying to recruit more people. But Disney is in an awkward position: if one of their employees quits they need to find a replacement faster than the normal recruitment process allows. (They can hardly say to an inquisitive child: "Where's Cinderella? Oh, she kept complaining about the working conditions and had a habit of turning up drunk so we sacked her".) So they have the "waiting list". If they need someone at short notice they have a pool of people they can draw on as a stop-gap measure.

But it's not a first in, first out list. When you're on the waiting list you're not in a queue to get the job. You're someone who didn't make it, but you weren't so bad that they're not prepared to reconsider in an emergency. But when they have more time available they'll go through the audition process again because they're looking for the most suitable people at that time, not what's left of the people who were out of luck last time. After all, some performers who are exactly what they are looking for may have become available since the last auditions, and some people on the waiting list may no longer be interested. Why shouldn't they try to get the best they can while keeping their list of contacts up to date?

now some people on this forum were saying that the waiting list basically meant that they were being rejected straight away (which we know isn't true as people like Alaina, Lewis and Luke were on the waiting list and got calls out there) especially if you didn't a contract on the day! They were also saying the only chance of getting out there was if there was an emergency which is rare.

So my question is what do you guys think about this?



That's an interesting take on the waiting list situation and I guess I pretty much agree with it.

However, judging from the audition I attended, it's not always about the talent, because out of the people that got on the waiting list, I'd say only 2 of the 15 or so boys managed to pick up the dance to a decent standard. But yea, I pretty much would agree with what that post says.

Just hoping next time, it's an contract on the day for me. Lol!


Quote from: "farmerjim7"Hi guys! I'm new to this forum and currently on the waiting list so thought i'd say hi! I've read the whole thread (congrats btw to Alaina Lewis and Luke!) and i wanted to discuss something!

Ok.... so i just read something interesting and thought I'd ask you guys for your opinions. In another forum there were a group of people who had auditioned and were on the waiting list. This is what they were saying:

QuoteI've started to suspect that many of you think the "waiting list" is exactly what the same suggests. I think it would become clearer if you thought of it as a not-a-complete-reject list under a politer name.

There are almost always many more applicants for a job than there are positions to fill. The applicants that the employers like the most will get the work. The rest are out of luck. When more positions become available the employers start trying to recruit more people. But Disney is in an awkward position: if one of their employees quits they need to find a replacement faster than the normal recruitment process allows. (They can hardly say to an inquisitive child: "Where's Cinderella? Oh, she kept complaining about the working conditions and had a habit of turning up drunk so we sacked her".) So they have the "waiting list". If they need someone at short notice they have a pool of people they can draw on as a stop-gap measure.

But it's not a first in, first out list. When you're on the waiting list you're not in a queue to get the job. You're someone who didn't make it, but you weren't so bad that they're not prepared to reconsider in an emergency. But when they have more time available they'll go through the audition process again because they're looking for the most suitable people at that time, not what's left of the people who were out of luck last time. After all, some performers who are exactly what they are looking for may have become available since the last auditions, and some people on the waiting list may no longer be interested. Why shouldn't they try to get the best they can while keeping their list of contacts up to date?

now some people on this forum were saying that the waiting list basically meant that they were being rejected straight away (which we know isn't true as people like Alaina, Lewis and Luke were on the waiting list and got calls out there) especially if you didn't a contract on the day! They were also saying the only chance of getting out there was if there was an emergency which is rare.

So my question is what do you guys think about this?


Yes, I remember that because I think I wrote on that forum too  ;)
basically...at the end of the day, they are a business.  I think they know exactly what they are looking and the majority of people that turn up, they are not interested in whatsoever BUT...to stop people saying they are discriminating(e.g. people might say they don't employ ethnic minorities or they don't employ people of avereage height or they don't employ those who can't dance etc.) I think, like all other businesses, they invite everyone.  So it all looks nice and fluffy and politically correct in the advert and its made to look as if we all have an equal chance("open audition"-so that we don't sue them).  Look at nearly every audition advert and it will say special consideration is given to certain groups of people(usually the very short and the very tall and more recently dead ringers for Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen and Dr Facilier), to me that is a dead giveaway that you are more likely to get the job or eventually be selected if you fit into one of these categories...but they can't write that in the advert which is why they say "all heights(dancing and non-dancing) welcome"  :P ...
As for the "waiting list"...if you fit into any of the special categories(whatever they designate as special at the time) I think you stand the best chance of ever getting a call  ;) be it in 6 months or 6 days. For some of the rest of us, they are just keeping us quiet by giving us that little card saying that we may get a call, after all fobbing you off with the potential "dreams come true" charade is easier than saying "you're unsuccessful"(I mean, this company famous for making dreams come true would look quite heartless if they told you there and then that really, they don't want you)...

Oh jeez you people don't know how many times I have just wanted to say to them "if I audition, do I actually stand a chance, EVER? REALLY???"  :oops: sometimes I really do think that if they stopped trying to be nice to everyone and just told the truth about exactly what they are looking for it would save a lot of us the time, effort and anguish  :(

*sigh*...ok, Rant over!  NEXT!!!




I dont agree with all that about the waiting list, i do think that they genuinely do need the people there and this has been shown by this thread success stories!! (and many more to come hopefully) !:D

However.. i do agree with Heffalumpy though, i wish they'd just say exactly what they are looking for each time ! And maybe sometimes just say to people, this is why you are not right !! Im sure a group of people wouldnt sue the company if at an audition they were told "Sorry you are too short for the roles we are looking for this time, but please audition next time when we are looking people under 5ft" etcccc... surely this would make more sence and would benefit everyone ! :lol:
I guess theyre just too scared of causing offense or being un-PC :lol:

LEWIS LOVE YOUR SIG!!   Official CMs ftw! :P xx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Well I certainly wouldn't mnd them just telling the truth about what they need for once ;) I think its an insult to your intelligence to allow you to believe you might be suitable when really they know you're not and perhaps in a few cases, might never be. Sometimes the truth hurts but its better than a wasted journey.  Anyway...time will tell.  Sometimes I wonder if you would stand a better chance with the American Parks(bigger, higher staff turnover, more demand etc.)...shame really.
So who's next?  Any more audition stories from anyone?   :mrgreen: Anyone visiting the parks for Halloween or Christmas?


Oh heffalumpy don't make me sad!! I wish more than anything that I was going over for halloween!! :( on the brightside, me and my friend are looking into travelling next year and going to LA so while were there I plan to go to the original disneyland!!! Eeeeee!! :D anyone here ever been?? Xxx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Quote from: "Heffalumpy"Well I certainly wouldn't mnd them just telling the truth about what they need for once ;) I think its an insult to your intelligence to allow you to believe you might be suitable when really they know you're not and perhaps in a few cases, might never be. Sometimes the truth hurts but its better than a wasted journey.  Anyway...time will tell.  Sometimes I wonder if you would stand a better chance with the American Parks(bigger, higher staff turnover, more demand etc.)...shame really.
So who's next?  Any more audition stories from anyone?   :mrgreen: Anyone visiting the parks for Halloween or Christmas?

I think they do want you, it's just the case of when they need you! People come and go all the time, so they need people ready for when they leave :)


Quote from: "itslewis"I think they do want you, it's just the case of when they need you! People come and go all the time, so they need people ready for when they leave.

And trust me guys, insiders scoop.. this Halloween is going to be AMAZING! I already know what the story is for the big show mwuahahahahahaha

I am still so jealous of you Lewis! But glad you're having fun. I so hope I am there before Christmas!



Hey Guys

I read that forum too when i was on the waiting list and i was in the same frame of mind as them but what Lewis says is true. The only people who get offered a contract on the day are face characters and they normally leave for the park within 2 wks or less. You will get people of all heights in your formation, im the smallest in mine at 5"1 but we have guys over 6" in there plus girls of 'average' height, around 5'4-5'8. I do think the waiting list does have some kind of luck involved in it as there are so many auditions held over the world but i guaruntee that every person on it is there because they fulfill the specification for a character, whether someone in your height range leaves tho is a different matter. I know a lot of contracts are ending in November so maybe theyll have a big intake then....fingers crossed some of u guys will get a call!

Halloween does sound good here but sadly im not involved in it, im just there to provide backup to people who are being taken out of their normal roles to fulfill extra ones over the Halloween period. Hopefully i'll get more of an active role over Christmas but we'll see! fingers crossed :)


I don't think Disney would put us on the waiting list for the fun of it. They need people on there to make sure that if anybody leaves then they have plenty of people who can take their place (pretty much what Lewis and Alaina have said).

I'm 2 months into my waiting list and I still feel very hopeful that I will get a call ;). Here's hoping x finger's crossed x



I'm about to watch Mulan :D

Haven't seen this film in a while and I love it!



Okay, guys, I'm back from Paris...
I don't know, If someone read it on Twitter or Facebook....
I made it through the animation stage, but was cut after the first dance stage. I expected that, but you will get a report soon. First have to relax, sleep and eat and so :)

But I'm satisfied... It was amazing! But you know that XDDD


Just a quick update for everyone...I auditioned in Leeds in september (I did manage to get there in the end) and basically I did the first character section and then they called everyones numbers, and the people said yes to each number, and my number was NOT called. I accepted that result and went home. However i was the smallest person in the room, and i have previous character experience, of doing meet and greets, shows etc. Therefore I emailed Daniel asking him how to improve at my audition, and I got this reply today...

Dear Rachael,
I am very confused about your audition, as we did not ask you to leave as we were very interested in you, however you left the audition and we were not able to find you.
You are more than welcome to attend our next set of UK auditions.
Daniel Harding

...Therefore i am totally GUTTED right now!!!!!!!! I swear he did not say my number because i would of said yes to it. : (
I just want to cry  :(