Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Hey guyysss!! COngrats to everyone who auditioned today :D:D:D And good luck for in a few weeks!! Would love to know what happened if anyone loves us enough to spill the gossip ;)
Im going to the November interview on the 9th.. anyone else????

And Cendrillon.. I had my phone interview about 3 weeks ago.. and I only received the confirmation letter about a week ago, so don't worry, it will come in time!!!!

Just back from DLP on monday, spoke French with loads of the CMs then like i promised myself i would, and im so proud! was so nervous at first but needed to force myself back into the swing of it, and feel abit more confident now. even though im no where near fluent, hopefully ill have enough to pull off a decent interview.. :/ Fingers crossed.
Good luck everyone who has interviews this week :)

<3 xxxx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Your interview will be fine! Your french is probably a lot better than mine by the sounds of it.

I had my interview today, and I went with a friend so we both had ours together. I don't think it went too badly, but now I keep doubting, but we'll see soon I guess. I got asked (in french) "If you were one of your friends, how would you describe your personality?" and I didn't really know what to say, its a difficult enough question in English, nevermind in French! Other than that, and a few other "what is she saying?!" moments, it was okay :)


Hahah!! Oh i had so many of those in Paris!! Id say something to a CM in french, and they reply REALLY fast and complicated.. and I just stared for a few seconds and went "what". LOL.
im sure you did brilliantly, how many people would you say were there, and how long did your interview take?
I keep thinking of answers in french, but then realise that they are probably far too simple because im just using the french i know, so im going to have to work on some fancy adjectives or something. :p Haha! I have a month so fingers crossed ill get better. :):) xx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


There were about 40 people at mine, and each interview took roughly 20 minutes. So there was a lot of waiting around, as there were only 2 interviewers. Don't worry, the french I used was pretty simple, I don't think they are especially looking for anything fancy, just that you can hold a conversation. Good luck! :D


thanks for your information.. and thank you for the well wishes!!!!! :) have a great day xxx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Quote from: "_Natalie_x"And Cendrillon.. I had my phone interview about 3 weeks ago.. and I only received the confirmation letter about a week ago, so don't worry, it will come in time!!!!

I'm so relieved to hear that! It's been a week now since my interview and still no email, so I was beginning to wonder if this is their way of cutting me, already! I was wondering if it was worth following up, but if you didn't get your email until a couple of weeks later, do you reckon it's best to just give it a bit longer and see?


Yes I'd definitely give it another week :) when is your real interview??? Xx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Ok, that's good to hear - thank you!
Mine would be 8th November in London (: How about yours?


the 9th in manchester !!x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Hey everyone just a tip for you all who are going to interviews....remember you are going to be working in France!!! When i worked there my room mate worked in ticketing and she was studying french at university and was very fluent in french, yet she still struggled and got frustrated at times, because most of the guests at disney were french or spanish....hardly any were english. Therefore I am just saying this to prepare you now because you dont want to get there and find yourselves struggling. Plus all of her training was in French!! Therefore try and make sure your french is of a decent level.

I do not know whether or not this would be the same for everyone...yet i just want to try and help a little.
Good Luck to all those who audition or interview.


Well that made me feel rather terrible thanks!! I think the casting directors will be able to tell if we are strong enough to work there, and put us in a suitable position for our level of fluency. :) thank you anyway but I think it's different do every position and im sure though it might have been hard for your friend at first, she's alot better now for being pushed.

Anyway. Anyone else here going to interviews or have news about how theirs went?? :D x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


@ _Natalie_x, you were completely right - my invitation to interview came today! Such a relief.

The whole French aspect of it certainly is intimidating but it's actually one of my main reasons for applying - other than the obvious appeal of working in Disney! I'm at university studying French, so I want to be pushed and have the chance to spend a summer speaking 'real-life' French. That said, I get nervous speaking it, so I'm terrified about the interview itself!


Aah good thing it came!! Put your mind at rest :D they always say the best way to learn the language is to be in the middle of it :D I bet there loads of different roles with like major guest facing so you have to be fluent, then others were you can learn as you go and work your way up :D what are you thinking of wearing to your interview ? I'm abit confused as to how formal to go!! X
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Hi all just thought i'd tell you something a CM working at the sports bar once told me! He said that he knew hardly any french when starting work at DLP but because all meetings etc were in french he had to try harder to understand it making him better at the language. I think living there and trying to speak it 24/7 will also help you! I lived in Paraguay for a few weeks last year and because I constantly spoke Spanish my understanding and speaking of it improved so much! And @natalie to say you haven't gone to uni to study french when we were at DLP the other week you were just as good as some of the CM's we met.... even better because they didn't speak french! :L



I haven't posted on here in a while. I got a call from Daniel today and I'm heading back to Disney for my second contract! :D I actually cannot wait! I get to be Mickey again!!

Hope everybody is well and gets their phonecalls soon. Best of luck X X
