Removing McDonalds from the resort...

Started by Kristof, March 30, 2007, 12:24:44 PM

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I'm not a fan of McDonalds, but to be honest the "fastfood" that they sell now is not an improvement throughout the park
"Cause I found some kind of fairy...tale"


Quote from: "speedpacket"
Quote from: "Masamune" McDonald's food is always decent, and the price isn't too bad either.
Are you serious?
o-o; Of course I am.

The McDonald's over there isn't much different from the ones here. McDonald's food isn't too bad if you ask me. It's no good going there if you want a meal that's going to fill you up from the morning till the evening, but it certainly keeps you going for a bit. And compared to the prices for food in the Parks, it's worth it.


Well this is an interesting move, me and baloo had a conversation yesterday about how healthy the food seems to be in the studios.  Joked also today about our friends at mcdonalds sponsoring the disneyland railroad.  To be honest I never noticed any change in the signage and we boarded the railroad at frontierland :lol: .  Maybe I was being blind, as for mcdonalds leaving good riddens, I am sick of mcdonalds food and never did visit the mcdonalds in the village apart from once when I hated it.  Now I hope sometime soon the mcdonalds gets removed in the village.


Are you working at DLRP, Pat? Well, if you have some influence or know someone who has... could suggest them to replace McDoof ("McStupid") into a new Vegetarian or Health Food restaurant  :lol:  [-o<
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i think it would be nice if they made md into a pizza hut type resturant with take away then after a long day in the park you could take it to your hotel and relax  :ears:


Judging by how busy it always is , i doubt it will leave. As for a health food veg restaurant - i dont think that will happen, McDonalds themselves have tried veg options before and they havent lasted, although they do do salads for a " healthier option ". McDonalds serves a purpose for quick cheap and tasty food ( although not that healthy -  but then again neither is a cinderella slipper ). I tend not to go there when we visit, purely because we can and do go to McDonalds here. I personally prefer to go to Annettes and Cafe Mickey. And as for the healthy arguement - a mcdonalds once in a while isnt bad for you, sitting in front of a tv/pc and not doing any exercise and continually eating rubbish is what makes you unhealthly. And it would be boring if we all liked the same thing - im not a fan of the Chesire cat but I can appreciate hes likeability and would never wish for him to disappear. :P  :wink:


Erm, PLEASE!!!! don't get me wrong, but were is the difference between an american burger fast food restaurant and an american pizza fast food restaurant?
Pizza for take away or burger for take away?
Maybe I'm just missing the point.  :oops:
Only a different kind of food.
I'm a vegeterian too, but I like both pizza and burgers (frensh fries and salad or whatever MD has for special offer).
If MD remains were it is, it's fine with me.
Kids love it and when you are on a budget, MD is a good option.


Seems were thinking along the same lines there Reiana :lol:


:o Like smurfy said, considering how packed the McDonald's in the Disney Village is, I doubt it'll be shut down. :P And I've read some terrible reviews of restaurants in the park. :lol: At least I know where I stand with McDonald's, having tried it for myself. I'd rather pay like 7-9 Euros for a McDonald's meal than over 20 Euros for a meal in the park that may not be as good as I'd hoped. :)


Exactly Mesamune - have you ever eaten at Toad Hall - to me that was a terrible experience and as for cafe hyperion what is that all about id prefer to get a burger from the McD's and pay less for it and it not be cold and bland


:o The only places in the Park we've eaten at more than once is the place where you have Good Morning Fantasyland, and the barbeque place at the bottom of Frontierland. The place in Frontierland is pretty good value for a decent meal of ribs and wedges and a drink.

Sadly we've never eaten at any of the major restaurants in the Park, because we've never really fancied anything on the menus. And of course the price comes into it. I've always wanted to eat at Walt's, but there just never seems to be anything on the menu that I want. You're not gonna want to pay over 20 Euros for something you don't fancy either.

:) So yeah, McDonald's is very much a case of "better the Devil you know".

:lol: As long as you're not eating it for like every meal of the day, I don't think there's any harm in eating there.


Quote from: "smurfy74"Exactly Mesamune - have you ever eaten at Toad Hall - to me that was a terrible experience and as for cafe hyperion what is that all about id prefer to get a burger from the McD's and pay less for it and it not be cold and bland

Nice point, though I still choose hyperion or toad hall (which I like), simply because I get so sick of mcdonalds and also they are rather disgusting and taste completely of grease.  Don't think I have actually had a nice mcdonalds, Disney Village or even in England.  Also did you know that a €9 mcdonalds is rather expensive considering a take out from annettes is only 10€ :P .


Quote from: "PATMAGIC"
Quote from: "smurfy74"Exactly Mesamune - have you ever eaten at Toad Hall - to me that was a terrible experience and as for cafe hyperion what is that all about id prefer to get a burger from the McD's and pay less for it and it not be cold and bland

Nice point, though I still choose hyperion or toad hall (which I like), simply because I get so sick of mcdonalds and also they are rather disgusting and taste completely of grease.  Don't think I have actually had a nice mcdonalds, Disney Village or even in England.  Also did you know that a €9 mcdonalds is rather expensive considering a take out from annettes is only 10€ :P .

Annettes wins every time!!!
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "Reiana"Erm, PLEASE!!!! don't get me wrong, but were is the difference between an american burger fast food restaurant and an american pizza fast food restaurant?
Pizza for take away or burger for take away?
Maybe I'm just missing the point.  :oops:
Only a different kind of food.
Maybe it's that Annettes do (or did at least) a takeaway service, so turning McDonalds into a pizza place would give you the variety of having the option of burgers or pizza... And plus, some people don't  like burgers but like pizza and vice versa...

But anyway, my view is I don't like Mcdonalds, and do not plan on eating there, however my boyfriend who is the fussiest eater ever (I won't go into the depths of it) will most likely want to get his plain burger and fries from there, grr... So I wouldn't be fussed if it went, but the popularity of it will probably keep it going... I just hope I don't have to spend too long in there on my next visit...


Well - I don't want to be generalising, or step onto people's feet, but in my honest opinion, McDonalds does represent for a great deal all that has been going wrong in the states which resulted in the known overweighted people problem, unfortunately, the states win on the hit charts every time.

Yes, it is cheap food, and NO it's not healthy at all.
The US is probably the number one country that offer all you can eat menus for a fixed (and cheap!!!) price.  result is that people eat, and forget to stop.

I'm very much against it myself, eventhough I do like my burger as well once in a while.

Also - it is much said that fastfood is alwas cheaper, but in my opinion, it's not cheaper because it's fastfood - it's cheaper because they can easily produce it "chain-wise".  the same however can be done with healthy food!  If you organise that equally well, you can easily offer a healthy alternative to all the McDo's in the world for a equally cheap price!  If you live in France or Belgium, Exki is a great example.

End before people start throwing rotten tomatoes towards my head: I hae worked in a Quick restaurant (the competitor for McDo in Belgium, France and Hungary) for about a year back when I was a student.  I'm not against it as a nice and welcome treat once in a while, but  I would love to see some more healthy alternatives.

Also - rgarding price.  Honestly, but I can't believe that there are people on the board claiming that 22 EUR is expensive for a three course meal?!?  That is VERY affordable for what you get really!  I really believe Disney is a great example of how you can offer more healthy alternatives.

So yes, I'm against McDo as a regular place to eat, but at the same time I'm not against it in the Village (always hated the ads in the park though!!!).

So go there as a welcome once in six month variation, but keep it like that, and kill the advertisement for such crappy food :o)
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