Removing McDonalds from the resort...

Started by Kristof, March 30, 2007, 12:24:44 PM

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a bit off topic - i had a Big mac today and loved it :D  :D funnily enough it tasted the same as the one we had in Paris.


I only ever eat McDonald's on holiday's and I still haven't had it in Paris! I like the idea of  Veggie place but I couldn't eat thre cos my brother can't go a day without meat!  :?





have they polish the sign? It looks so bright  :D
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "PATMAGIC"Well this is an interesting move, me and baloo had a conversation yesterday about how healthy the food seems to be in the studios.  Joked also today about our friends at mcdonalds sponsoring the disneyland railroad.  To be honest I never noticed any change in the signage and we boarded the railroad at frontierland :lol: .  Maybe I was being blind, as for mcdonalds leaving good riddens, I am sick of mcdonalds food and never did visit the mcdonalds in the village apart from once when I hated it.  Now I hope sometime soon the mcdonalds gets removed in the village.

so do i... i went couple of summers ago and they gave us wrong food (not sure if it was bad french or what) and the toilet was basically a room of flys :S

food in the park is probably alot healthier and cleaner, the price isnt really that much more if you think about it...
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


that is quite good really!! the less fast food there is, the less tempted I am to eat it! hehe


I wouldn't mind the McDonald's Restaurant to leave. I hat McDonalds and I always preferred to eat at one of the Disney Restaurants. I very often heared that the MD was in very bad condition, not clean and unfriendly people working there and so on. So maybe we will be lucky to get a new and nice Disney Restaurant there.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"

The Butlin Boy

Perhaps McDonalds will be leaving soon then, if the American parks are anything to go by:

Quote from: "MiceAge"Say Goodbye to McDonald's in the Parks.

All three locations that serve McDonald's products will be closing right after Labor Day for removal of the McDonald's products and to be changed over to new items. That is both Fry Stands in Disneyland and Burger Invasion at DCA. No word on what will be on the new menus. (Sorry folks, it will not be In-n-Out Burger).

So the question is, how much of a future does McDonalds have in Disney Village? :-k

Source: MiceAge


To be honest when i when i go too DLRP i never eat at mc donalds accept for breakfast as i like bacon and egg mc muffins :P (Even though we had free breakfast in the park).

I hope mcdonalds stays not just for the benefit that i might eat there for a real lunch or tea but some people just cannot afford food from the restaurants or are on a budget and mcdonalds is the only option.

I eat lot of mcdonalds home though  :lol:


I think McDonalds will stay in Disney Village. It's kind of "ok" to have it there, because there are other outside groups too, whereas having them in the parks like they do in the US isn't a good idea for Disney's image.

Pete's Dragon

I like having McD's in the village. Sure the food's not of the highest standard, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. On my son's first visit to DLRP. We arrived at 6pm, and it was nice for him to see and eat something familiar. At home, he only gets a happy meal as a fortnightly treat. So having one on the first night, was a great way for him to start his holiday.

Now, everytime we visit, we have a McD's after we unpack, and then avoid it like the plague.

( Did I mention I used to work in McD's for 6 years as a teenager ? No ? Good. Wouldn't want that sort of info. getting out and spreading around a forum or something )


I wouldn't be sorry to see the back of McDonalds in the village to be honest - I tend to avoid it like the plague anyway, whenever I eat the food I'm always ill afterwards!

(Pete's Dragon - I worked in McDonalds in the summer between 6th Form and uni, I only lasted 3 months before I cracked so I applaud you for making 6 years!!  =D> )



I rather suspect that the partnership break-up between Mc D's and Disney has less to do with 'health' and is more about contractual obligations. One of the two partners maybe thought they were not getting enough financial benefit from the liaison and decided to opt out.

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "Snow_White_Girl"I wouldn't be sorry to see the back of McDonalds in the village to be honest - I tend to avoid it like the plague anyway, whenever I eat the food I'm always ill afterwards!

(Pete's Dragon - I worked in McDonalds in the summer between 6th Form and uni, I only lasted 3 months before I cracked so I applaud you for making 6 years!!  =D> )

Thanks, but it not something im proud of :wink: . The sad news is that until the day i die, i will remember the cooking times, the temps. and how many shots of mustard from a 1/2 kilogram packet.really useful stuff :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


In fairness to McDonalds, most of their food is no worse (health-wise) than the equivalent burger meals at other restaurants in the resort. It serves a purpose in being available (fast, cheap, and consistant). I've found it useful at times in the Disney Village, but wouldn't use it for a main meal out. It's particularly handy for when we've overslept and missed our hotel breakfast slot.

Like others have said, everything in moderation is fine... it's only those who eat McDonalds extremely often and combine it with 10 hours a day of computer games and TV who need to worry :P