Annual Pass — questions and privileges

Started by Anthony, February 05, 2007, 11:04:19 PM

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hi I needed one more stamp to get my three sponsors for my free year, my friend went and they gave him a new form for the six months free and stamped that one :(

do you think that if I take both forms next month the cast member will see the problem and destroy the 6 month form and put the stamp on to my form for the free year?


I would be tempted to email the AP office now, and explain the situation. Then, if you get a favourable response by email, you can print that off and take it with you when you go to DLRP to get your AP extended.

I emailed the AP office back in June, as a CM at the ticket booth had misled 2 of my new sponsors. The new AP holder kindly let me have her receipt for her full price APs, and I sent a copy of that, along with my email. The AP office got back to me and stamped my sponsor form with the 2 stamps. I have had excellent service from them, I'm happy to say.



ive got the 3 stamps so hopefully they will be ok about it, just one is on the wrong form, whats the email address for them


Best to contact them and explain it.

Some CM's ... unfortunetly don't always know what they are doing at the passport bureau  :?


i have seen on the dlrpmagic website that with the dream and fantasy you can get '1 Day park passes for friends' - now does that mean i can have 1 free day pass for a someone?

i am going in december and need to get an anual pass but i need one for my son too and its going to be tight money wise having to buy 2 so if i can get him a free ticket then that would be great.

could someone explain to me how it works? there are going to be 3 of us as anual passport holders so can we each get 1 free ticket for him?


hi elaine do you have the email address as i cant find it on the french website just the number

madame leota, until 7th november kids under 7 get a free passport when an adult buys one, maybe you should email them too to see if they are extending the offer


Hi smurfy,

I use this email address for all my AP queries -">



Hi madame-leota,

Its not free passes for friends once you have an AP - its discounts on the one-day ticket prices at the gate.

So if you buy a Fantasy Annual Pass, you can buy a one-day ticket for your son at the gate with 10% discount on the ticket price. If you buy a Dream Annual Pass, you can buy a one-day ticket for your son at the gate with 20% discount on the ticket price.

The details are here - ... passports/



I don't know if this is the right place to post this question, but here goes...

I've got an AP, and I cn't find a phone number anywhere that seems to be working to get a room only quote! I definitely had one once, because I did it at the beginning of the year, but no luck at the moment.

The 08705 number is unobtainable, and the +33 numbers are a french answerphone, which I can't understand and don't want to hang on the line to find I'm in the wrong place!

Can someone please help me and tell me which phone number I should be ringing please?

Thanks so much in advance, Suzie


Panic over, found the number I used last time! Now I just feel a bit stupid!


LOL its easy to get confused with all the DLRP numbers isn't it?

I always use the regular booking number from the brochure - 08448 008 111.



hi elaine ive emailed them, how long have you found it takes them to respond?


It depends - I've had replies back within a week, but I think the guidelines are you should give them 28 days to reply to you.



Quote from: "Elaine"LOL its easy to get confused with all the DLRP numbers isn't it?

I always use the regular booking number from the brochure - 08448 008 111.


Thanks Elaine, I didn't realise that you could use that one for AP bookings - I was using the English Central Booking one 0033 160 30 60 69, which is obviously a French number, so having spent 15 minutes waiting for an answer (and listening to Just Like We Dreamed It!) I've probably just created the phone bill from hell!

Will give the number you suggest a ring tomorrow, fingers crossed I'll get somewhere then!


I just got a response from dlrp and they have asked for the first 2 sponsorship numbers that i got , its taken them a week, so hopefully it wont take them long to sort it out. ive providede them with the third that is on the other form, so fingers crossed.