Annual Pass — questions and privileges

Started by Anthony, February 05, 2007, 11:04:19 PM

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captain rocket

Quote from: "nathalie"I only need 1 more stamp, then our form is full.

But seems as we won't make it, the form ends November 7th, and looks like it's impossible to find a 3rd person before that date  :(
(and the form will be in use till October 11th)

Hi Natalhie.
I was going to sponsor a lady called Dasiy from the Netherlands, but as I don't think I will be able to find another two people to sponsor in time, I have asked her if it would be ok for me to give you her address and you could send her your form and get that last stamp! As soon as she gives me the ok I will let you have her details.If you don't want to post your address here on the forum email me"> and I will be in touch.
Have a good trip and enjoy the extra 12 months


That would be so awesome !

But is she going after October 11th though?
Because another member from the forum has my form then.
I should have it back max. 5 days later.
(if the post-offices are willing to work along, haha)

captain rocket

Hi Nathalie.
As far as I know the other person is travelling at the end of October,so as soon as she gives me the ok, you can talk to each other and see if the times workout.
Speak tp ypu soon.

captain rocket

Hi again Natalhie.
I have the go ahead for your last stamp! I suggest you contact the lady who will help you direct through the site.Her identity is Daisylovesdisney and she is expecting to hear from you.If you want to contact her by email you should email me at"> and I will give you her email address.Enjoy your extra 12 months!



I tried e-mailing you, but it keeps telling me "mail delivery failed".

So could you send me a PM with the e-mail?  So I can contact her.

Thanks :D


Hi All,

I can provide a sponser for up 4 passes, if anyone is looking to make an AP purchase in the near future.  Please drop me a PM.


captain rocket

Some time ago Shaz076 told us about a deal he had from DLRP where you could get a 6month extension for sponsoring just one new AP.A friend of mine has just received what appears to be the same offer although I have not and our tickets were bought at the same time! It would seem this is just a random mailing or maybe I will get my offer soon.Does anyone have any more information.....Elaine help!

Disneyland Paris Treasures

Quote from: "captain rocket"Some time ago Shaz076 told us about a deal he had from DLRP where you could get a 6month extension for sponsoring just one new AP.A friend of mine has just received what appears to be the same offer although I have not and our tickets were bought at the same time! It would seem this is just a random mailing or maybe I will get my offer soon.Does anyone have any more information.....Elaine help!

It is on the Annual Passport site and you can download the sponsorship form there, too. See here: ... ffer.xhtml

I wonder if this offer is combinable with the one year for free sponsorship though.


Watch out though, lately a lot of CM's do not accept those printed forms :!:



I didn't get one of these sponsor forms through the post, but my daughter did.
My AP had already been extended for its next year for free through the post, thats maybe why I didn't get one. Daughter got hers last week though, so maybe they are on their way to other AP holders?

I know someone on another site has queried the combination of the normal 3-sponsorships to get a free year on your AP, and this one-sponsor for 6 months free. The 2 offers can't be combined, so you need to work out yourself which one is going to benefit your best.



Hi all, Just back from 4 days in dlrp. It was brilliant, we were so lucky the weather was fab.  We even managed to get a tan!! :D/
I was with my family when they were getting the AP's, and it was lucky i was!  At the ticketdesk on way in to pay, the cashier seemed to be really confused about the annual passes, do they not get any training?? Because I had the sponsorship form for 3 filled out and the one for one ap that i had received in the post, she looked for 4 existing AP's, I thought you only needed one existing AP per form. I dont really know what she was doing but she took a photocopy of the 4 existing AP's.  When we got to the AP office the CM scrapped the photocopied Sponsorship form that i had printed out and filled out a new one.  I still got my stamps so thats great!  

Are the AP's automatically topped up with the extra 12 months or do I have to contact them??
Already looking forward to going  back!! :D


Hi Shaz,

sounds like you had a great time!

When your AP is in its last month of validity, you either take it in person to DLRP, with your sponsorship form, to get it extended for another 12 months for free, or you can post it within the same time frame, to the address on the sponsor form. Include your AP, sponsor form, and a letter asking for the AP to be extended for free for 12 months. I did that a couple of weeks ago, and my extended AP came back to me within 10 days - excellent service I thought.



Thanks for that info Elaine.



I received an offer in the post (in French) it seems to be saying that if I sponsor 1 person before 24th October I will get 6 months free pass extension and they get the 10% discount.

I am planning a trip 23-25th October anyway so if anyone wants sponsorship let me know and we will sort out getting the form completed that they sent me.

I've never done this before so any help would be good.



Hey if anyone is going before the 24 October 2008 and would like to get the 10% off AP please PM me with details. I will be more than happy to help you guys.
