Annual Pass — questions and privileges

Started by Anthony, February 05, 2007, 11:04:19 PM

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Ok, I do appreciate that this may top the list of the daftest questions of all tie, but I'm ok with that!

On my Dream Passport, the Expiry Date shown is 22/01/2009. Does that mean that it is valid until the end of the day on that day? I probably won't be able to renew both our passes  :cry:  at the moment, so this is the first time I've needed to know.



Yes, if that date is printed on your AP, its valid up to and including that day.



Thanks Elaine, that's what I thought, just didn't want to book a hotel and find we've got no passes for our last day!


Quote from: "Elaine"Hi,

For the Francillien to work, you need to be able to activate it (ie use it as a park ticket). As the 1st Jan is a blackout day, you won't be able to activate it, and so you wouldn't be able to use it on the 1st. Same with the 2nd, as that is also a blackout day for Francillien. So, the first day you'd be able to activate a Francillien pass would be the 3rd (when you can use it as a park ticket all that day), and then you couldn't use it on the 4th or 5th.

The next pass up, the Fantasy, has no blackout days in January, and can be used as soon as its bought.


I just wanted to let you know that this info wasn't correct. When we arrived at DLRP on the 1st of January we were able to go into the park and buy the anual passport francillien (for 4 people). We were able to stay for that day, but couldn't go in for the following 2 days. So it's always like that, you can BUY your AP even on a restricted date - but only if you don't have one already - and stay in the park that day!

Disney - the happiest place on earth


Thanks, thats really good to know  :) .



Me again! This time the questions are far less stupid though!

First, does anyone know if they are still offering 6 months free on your pass? And is that only if you renew, or how does it work? (I tried to find the info and failed)

And Second, and I know this has been asked before - is there any way to buy annual passes before we go? My dad has offered to renew the passes, but he's not coming with us (when he last went - 1992 - it rained the WHOLE time!), and I can't seem to find anywhere online to buy them. Don't really want to ring if I don't need to either, as obviously it's expensive to call France!

Ooh, and also, is there a valid sponsorship form anywhere, and is it worth us standing outside the Passport Bureau for a while and offering to sponsor people?!

So could anyone please help?!

Thanks, from the stupid one over there in the corner.



As far as I know, you only get the offer of free extra 6 months when you renew an AP. We did that with my daughter's AP on renewal, I took the letter she got offering her the extra free 6 months to the AP office and they were absolutely fine giving her 18 months for the price of 12. I don't know if this offer is still going on, or even if you can request it without getting the letter confirming the offer.

You can renew your passes with the AP office before you go, either by phone, or by sending them a letter, explaining fully what you want, how you wish to pay, and including your old annual passes. I think you would be best to phone them to sort out the payment, if you father is paying, and I think it would get sorted out quicker on the phone as well.

I have extended my annual pass through the post with the AP office, had no trouble at all, but I wasn't paying anything extra, so I don't know about the payment side of things.



Oh, one more thing.

You can't sponsor on a new annual pass until you've had it for one month.


captain rocket

Hi Are you asking for a blank sponsorship form, or someone to sponsor you? I can help with both as I need one more sponsor on my form, but I could send you a blank form if you need one. I have no idea wether waiting outside the AP office and asking to sponsor people is allowed, I would'nt want to waste any time at Disney doing that!!
Let me know if I can help.


Thanks Elaine - I will give them a ring and see if they'll let me renew today for next Thursday - I don't want to lose any days if I can help it! Will also ask if they are doing any deals and if I might have not had a letter!

captain rocket - thanks for the offer of help, I'm looking for a sponsor form, so if you can help out I'd be grateful!

captain rocket

Hi Funkymunky.
If you send me your address on a personal message I will send you a copy of the form


here is the form which is available from the french disney website, please note you have to get your sponsors by the 3rd of April ... ainage.pdf

funky monkey, we have seen people sitting in the ap office when its busy and asking people if they can sponsor them and the cast members either didnt notice or didnt mind,  hope this helps


Thanks both of you for your replies - and sorry for not responding! Ended up going back into hospital last Friday night (16th) and we weren't sure we were going to make the trip on the 19th. Luckily I got sent home late Sunday with instructions to return when we got home (my doctors are fantastic!).

But it has meant that our passes have run out  :(  and so we'll just have to get new ones next time we go I guess - hoping we can afford it.


Hmmmm. According to Disney, Fantasy Annual Passport holders are entitled to a 20% discount on Disney hotels during "certain periods." Does anyone happen to know where to find what periods these are? It isn't mentioned anywhere in the fine print.

(Sorry if I'm getting annoying with all the questions. Perhaps I could make it up by sponsoring someone.)



The AP room discounts, and the periods they apply, are supplied every 3 months or so in the Envie+ magazine, and its also available online in French (I don't have a link though, hopefully someone else can provide that?).

The AP discounts for January to March 09 were released and publicised in early January 09, then next lot of AP discounts will be for April to June, and should be released and publicised in early April.

Hope this helps,
