Annual Pass — questions and privileges

Started by Anthony, February 05, 2007, 11:04:19 PM

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Is it also still that way, that when you re-new you pass yourself, you get the extra 6 monhts?

My boyfriend's pass will expire in 3 months :(
And seems I just can't find 3 people before November who wanna buy one with the 10% reduction.

So we're thinking about re-newing it.
But twice, (for me too) quite expensive :-s
So 6 extra months is quite nice then too hehe.


You should get a letter from DLRP about a month before your pass expires, offering you the option to renew it and get an extra 6 months free on it.



hi i'm new to this forum, and  i read abou the anual pass, i'm thinking of bying me the dream pass when i go back in okt this year, but if my parents whant the dream pass port as well, and we go there for just 1 day, can they bye the ticket at the ticket office in front of the park, or do they have to bye a 1 day pass and the spend a nother 179 € for the year pass??

thanks for helping  daisy

captain rocket

Hi Daisy.
You can call at the ticket office at the front of the park and tell them you want to buy an annual passport,they give you a pass to enter the park and go to the annual passport office to arrange your passport.I think you pay in full at the front office,but I am not certain about this.
If you get a sponsor, you get a 10% reduction on your ticket and the sponsor gets benefits according to the number of people he sponsors.If you want a sponsor I would be happy to supply you with the relevant form.
I'm sure Elaine will see this thread and correct any mistakes I have made!Hope to hear from you.


I think you have it spot on Peter  :D .

You can also, if you want to, pay for a one-day ticket before you enter the park, then exchange that for an annual pass at the Annual Pass office inside the park. You would pay the 179 euros, minus the cost of your one-day ticket.

If you're being sponsored, you can get the 10% discount and the cost of your one-day ticket deducted from the 179 euros cost of a Dream AP.


captain rocket

Hi Elaine.
Did you work in the AP office at some time? You seem to have an incredible knowledge of the system!Is'nt it incredible that we get all this sort of info from a fam site,whereas the "official" Disney site is so lacking in nearly every respect.What would Walt have thought?


thank you peter, i think i will sponsor my parents, and i have a sponsor here in holland for me. thanks for the info, but you know whats weard, i have asked this at the anuall pasport affice, and theye told me you didn't get any reduction if you have passes alreaddy. elaine can i get a reduction if i alreaddy have an arrangement for 4 days and i whant to get a anual pass on my first day of visiting?! they told me i coul'd not do such a thing, unless i may call the french phone number ( but i don't understand or speak french ahahahahahah ) and ask if they could do such a thing.

i'm so confused about this now!

thanks a lot


Daisy do you already have an annual pass, or are you buying one in October? If you are buying one in October, you can't start sponsoring on that pass until you have had it for one month (so that would be November).

Its also true, that if anyone has held an annual pass of any description within the previous 2 years, they can't get the 10% sponsor discount when they go to buy a new annual pass. I believe the idea behind this is that the 10% discount is for brand new annual pass holders only, not repeat pass purchasers.

Daisy you mentioned a 4-day "arrangement". If by this you mean you have your hotel and park tickets booked together in a package, then no, I'm afraid you won't get any discount on your annual pass cost for having a park ticket already. The reason for this is, on a package, your park tickets on their own have no face value.

Peter, no, I've never worked at Disney at all, but I've found out all this stuff about Annual Passes through trial and error (my first 2 attempts to sponsor new passes failed due to some of the conditions above). DLRP Magics annual pass info is great to get your started, and I'm also on another Disney forum where a lot of AP holders post  :D .



hi elaine

thanks for all the info, i'm getting my pass at the end of oct so if i'm correct a ican't sponsor my parents until the end of novermber correct?!

that clears up a lot of confusion to me, and it makes me really happy bcouse now i can explain this to my parents, who don't speak french and don't even have a cleu what people are saying in english hahahaha.


No problem at all Daisy,

You're right, if you buy your pass at the end of October, you can start sponsoring others at the end of November. The current version of the sponsor form expires on 7th November, so you should look out for the new version and keep it handy for when you  start sponsoring.



hi elaine

i'm getting there on oct 29th can wil be getting my pass the last day, sinds i get no money back :P and i'm thinking of taking my parents in the first week of my vacation on decembre 20th so i'll pick up o new sponsor form when i go there in between times  :D/


:D  Sounds like a plan!



thanks a lot for the help!!!! have a great day


Was just wondering if anyone had received a sort of parrainage form for one person in the post yet.  I received one today but as i dont understand much french i thought someone might be able clarify what its all about for me.  I tried a translation site and it does seem like its a sponsor form for me to sponsor one person and i get 6 months free access and they get the 10% reduction but it translates Le Filleul as godson is this right? The offer has to be used between 1st september and 24th october.  We're going in 2 weeks time and we have family coming with us so it would be great to use this aswell as normal parrainage because there are 4 adults coming with us.
Thanks in advance
Sharon :D


Yes, you are the "parrain" and the person you give the 10 % discount to, is the "filleul".

Don't know about the form you recieved, haven't recieved something similar myself, so can't help there.

However, I can still help someone to get a 10 % discount on their pass, I got 1 spot left ^_^