Annual Pass — questions and privileges

Started by Anthony, February 05, 2007, 11:04:19 PM

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Hi thanks Ford Prefect. Ours are the Dream Passports. I'll have to figure this one out. Reading the small print on my letter though I have just discovered - " Offer may not be combined with other offers or discounts except the Family Discount". Which must mean I can't be sponsored!? Anyway thanks to the email address from Elaine I've just had an email from Disney saying that we have to renew by 10/8 by post if we want to take advantage of the 6 extra free months. So I'm in a bit of a panic now as I've never done anything like this by post before to Disney. I don't trust the postal system all that much. Yikes!


I bought a fantasy passport :) it was even cheaper than buying a 5-days ticket ;) and I'm thinking about going again in a year, so its way cheaper  :D
It\'s just like we dreamed it
As far as I can see
It\'s just like we dreamed it
As good as good can be
And I know it\'s so much better
\'Cause we dreamed it up together
Just like we dreamed it, to life! Magically...


Annual passport holder! FANTASY!

ford prefect

Quote from: "Alison"Hi thanks Ford Prefect. Ours are the Dream Passports. I'll have to figure this one out. Reading the small print on my letter though I have just discovered - " Offer may not be combined with other offers or discounts except the Family Discount". Which must mean I can't be sponsored!? Anyway thanks to the email address from Elaine I've just had an email from Disney saying that we have to renew by 10/8 by post if we want to take advantage of the 6 extra free months. So I'm in a bit of a panic now as I've never done anything like this by post before to Disney. I don't trust the postal system all that much. Yikes!

I have not had a problem with posting things to and receiving things from DLP.

Don't Panic!!!
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Never posted anything to Disneyland Paris, but I've had stuff from them, and sent postcards from there. Also posted lots of stuff overseas for Ebay and rarely have a problem, I shouldn't worry.


Alison you can always send your letter to DLRP registered post - it won't cost much more than normal postage to France, and you might consider it worth the extra.



Today I bit the bullet and rang the AP Bureau. They told me that to get that extra 6 months free it had to run consecutively from the date our last AP expired(17/7). Still a bargain! They also offered to do it over the phone there and then with the Family Discount. So that's what I did - and they say they'll take about 10 days to arrive.  Goody!


Thats great news Alison  :D/  - hopefully I'll be able to the same thing with DD's annual pass when its due for renewal.



I have a question regarding the annual passports...

I'm going in a couple of weeks ( :D/  so happy, I can't wait), then I'll be going back most likely beginning of October, and then again beginning of December... So for me a AP makes perfect sense!

The problem is I'm going with different people each time, none of which have AP and most of them won't be interesting in getting them anyway - so most likely I'd be the only one with a pass.

So assuming I book the room only with the AP discount, and get them their park tickets with the discount - if I'm the only one with the pass, can everyone enjoy the extra magic hours?? And do you think that would come out cheaper than having no pass and just booking the bella notte package each time?


Quote from: "never2old"So assuming I book the room only with the AP discount, and get them their park tickets with the discount - if I'm the only one with the pass, can everyone enjoy the extra magic hours?? And do you think that would come out cheaper than having no pass and just booking the bella notte package each time?

If I understand the question right :wink:  and there's a chance I haven't :roll:  :wink:

If the room you are booking for them is a Disney room booked through Disney then they will get EMH's as the tickets will be part of the package........

No Disney room and no AP, no EMH's........

If I got the question right :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:



Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"If I understand the question right :wink:  and there's a chance I haven't :roll:  :wink:

If the room you are booking for them is a Disney room booked through Disney then they will get EMH's as the tickets will be part of the package........

No Disney room and no AP, no EMH's........

If I got the question right :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:

You did, thanks!

One more question, though, if I have an AP, why do I need to book a package? Or can I book room only for me and package for everyone else?



I don't know what the "Bella Notte package" is I'm afraid, but for you especially, taking 3 trips within such a short time, an AP sounds like its definitely the way to go.

If you use your AP to book onsite Disney room only, then all the members of your party benefit from Extra Magic Hours, as its the hotel you stay at which gives you access to EMH (Dream AP holders can use this also, regardless of which hotel they are staying at, onsite or offsite). The only problem with this is the first morning - if you have to buy park tickets for your friends at the gates of DLRP, you will probably not be able to buy them as early as 8am, when EMH begins.



Quote from: "never2old"
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"If I understand the question right :wink:  and there's a chance I haven't :roll:  :wink:

If the room you are booking for them is a Disney room booked through Disney then they will get EMH's as the tickets will be part of the package........

No Disney room and no AP, no EMH's........

If I got the question right :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:

You did, thanks!

One more question, though, if I have an AP, why do I need to book a package? Or can I book room only for me and package for everyone else?

I'm afraid you've trumped me there :oops:

Hopefully someone else will be able to get to grips with this one :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:



It would be so much easier if all my friends had an AP....

Elaine, the bella notte package is the standard 1 night / 2 days package

If I get the room only and buy the tickets separately, how will they know we're staying at a disney hotel? (when we're going for the EMH)? And would that be cheaper than the normal package?


I don't know if it would be cheaper than a normal package, I would suspect not to be honest. You'll have to crunch the numbers. You can phone Disney now for your upcoming October trip, say you have an AP (tell them if its Dream or Fantasy) then you can get a price for room only for however many members of your party are going with you. Then you can check the official Disneyland Paris site for ticket only prices, and then work out how much it would be with your AP discount buying the tickets.

However, the other question - they will know if you're all staying at a Disney hotel, because when you check in, you get a hotel ID card. This states the surname of the booker of the room (ie you) but also states how many guests are booked into the room. So for EMH, you present this at the security gates, with all the members of your party there, to get past security. Then you will need your AP, and your friends will need their park tickets, to get through the turnstiles and into the park.



Great, many thanks for all your help!