Disney's Halloween Festival 2011

Started by littlemermaid83, June 13, 2011, 01:20:28 PM

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they might be saving up for the 20th anniversary though, so its not all bad!


hopefully so. the park had very poor entertainment in it's early teens ,then the 15th anniversary hit and gave us a great year.
since 2001 (many before that)


On the whole I don't think there's been much of a budget cut from the past few years. Let's not forget that the decorations we had up to now were the collective output of more than a decade; a few new things would be added on occasion as the bulk got recycled from previous Halloween seasons. Now that they've changed direction it's going to take a while to get back to the amount of decoration we've enjoyed and/or detested so far.
David G. Ravenswood
Host, Ravenswood Manor

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I agree that they haven't put as much money as they potentially could have into it but actually considering all the "cut backs" every one keeps mentioning I am genuinely surprised that they have two new shows that are both over twenty minutes long not just a quick bodge it show but a fully fledged choreographed number including pyrotechnics (hub show). In fact the two new shows are each longer then the main Magical Moments show which I did feel was nice but lacking a certain something and was much shorter then previous shows.

As well as this the three new mnsshp shows are also added so in total they have five new shows for halloween and that would have taken money time and effort in itself. So for a park that is apparently cutting back everything they have five new shows with new costumes and decorations and choreography and effects etc.

Whilst many people are saying It's not brilliant, I love the plant colour scheme and the Autumn feel I do feel the scarecrow things in the trick or treat show may burn my eyes as they are very bright and blend in a bit TOO well. I think children will appreciate the vibrant colours and the jolly feel. I do think they have made an effort though not perhaps the best effort ever but if it is to be believed about the parade being reworked and a new fountain and light show etc I would think they have done the best they can considering how much all the rumoured things for the 20th are likely to cost.


I haven't seen any of the clips of the new Halloween shows, but are they brand new, or re-worked (ie the hub show Halloweens past were Maleficent versus Minnie and some dancing, then Dr Facilier versus Minnie and some dancing - is this year's Maleficent versus/with Dr Facilier and some dancing?)

The Halloweenland stage in Frontierland had 2 small shows, one after the other - Goofy goofing about with dancers, then Minnie, Donald and the Band with Cruella de Ville's sister - does any of that sound at all like what they've done on the Castle stage show?

mnsshp had its own shows in years past too, so I'm not 100% convinced they will be new either - different characters involved, sure, but completely different shows, or re-worked from previous years?



Comparing the clips I have seen on you tube (because I haven't been yet 8 days yay) to what we saw last year, the castle stage show has some new costumes etc the only thing that is similar is reworked music but I LOVE the trick or treat song so it is fine with me it has new music too.

The hub show has a few reworked bits from last years villain show including the bad version of my favourite trick or treat song but lots of added new parts too and more dancers, costumes, characters, choreography and also some new music. There is lots more pyrotechnics then last years villain show and it is longer in length.

As for mnsshp there wasn't anything pirate related last year as in a show so I doubt Minnie's pirate party would be reworked but might be similar to the peter pan follow the leader magical moment?

The Huey, Dewy, and Louie show I imagine will be similar to the show they had last year with different characters but still they have included different characters etc instead of just leaving it as it was.

The hub show is meant to be a new finale show instead of two hub shows as they had last year and many have said it will be new as apposed to reworked but then I suppose to a certain extent most things are reworked just a little.


I completely agree the planting in the autumn colours looks great, especially in the sunshine and I'm not disneyland bashing in any way, I love going there, I just felt the park lacked any halloween atmosphere. I assumed when they mentioned the direction they were taking the halloween season this year that the whole of main street would be decorated with bunting etc that would compliment the turn of the century style, so when I arrived into the park on saturday morning I was disapointed that there was no change to the day before! Yet they still advertise halloween being from the 1st of october. The two shows are ok but only a handfull of people stopped to watch and half of those wandered off halfway through which does beg the question is the money better spent on general decoration throughout the park or on a couple of shows with some pyrotechnics thrown in?


Also, another note - why do they feel the need to incorporate interaction with most shows? (Though I do like the bouncing ghosts idea).


I agree with what your saying I was hoping for a more halloween time type theme like the California Disneyland which has pumpkins and bunting galore and is lovely. Did they have halloween music through the park?! That's a BIG thing for me.

I am a show and parade girl so I LOVE to watch the shows and will watch them once a day at least for my whole trip some people don't like the shows as much and prefer the feeling and decorations etc. I love it when they do new shows too.

I would like to see more decorations etc throughout the park but I suppose I can see that effort has been put in. Personally as much as it pains me I do prefer the shows etc and in an ideal world you'd get the best of both worlds and have loads of wonderful decorations and also lovely shows but alas it is not a wonderful world :(.

As it has been previously mentioned Disney tend to add to decorations through the years so if they are keeping this theming for a while it will probably increase yearly. It remains to be seen whether they change it altogether next year for the anniversary.

Did you manage to see the Jack and Sally meet and greet? Was it a free for all or organised?!  

I think the interaction is more children based (the ghosts look so good I want one!!) although adults do seem to get heavily involved too and I think it is just to make you feel part of it. There will be lots of people who don't like it but equally people that do. I don't personally need to interact I just like to watch the shows etc. I trained as a dancer MANY years ago and I love watching the choreography and costumes and music etc also can't beat a bit of pyrotechnics!!


And just think, in 6 years time we can complain about bunting being overpowering.

I just hope that with all these changes we are seeing ( refurbs, new entertainments, a fresh approach,etc), then maybe sometime soon well see the entire park open for not so scary, a bit like wdw


jack was just kind of wandering around outside phantom manor, he doesn't appear to have a special meeting place, although it was civilised and people were being very patient and queing! Also the kids got given some sweets when they had met him which I thought was a nice touch.


I am a bit worried about that because of previous experience of a free for all with Jack suppose it depends how busy the park is and if there are polite people or not. Were the band playing around PM. What about music in the park did it have a halloween twinge or was it normal Disney music?


I came home on Saturday , and to be honest the only real difference between that day and the ones before was the Halloween song playing in Main Street , and the Villains show ( which I thought was excellent , longer and more dramatic than last year) Jack and Sally had a little meeting point outside PM , I remember last year they had one outside Cowboy Cookout.
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I liked the shows on both stages. It was enough to see them once or twice, but the dancers did a great job.
Iwasn`t at all under the impresseion that people walked awaay during the shows.Would say even the opposite. When one of them startet there was quit space to stand or sit, bur during the show it started with the pushing and shovimg aroumd.


we just back we were there from the 2nd to the 5th and well soooooooooo dissappointed with halloween this year.  It lacked any thought ...only for the fact they were playing a halloween song on main street and for a couple of pumpkins you would never no it was halloween.  Frontier land completly empty of decorations not many meet and greets.  Dont get me wrong I love dlp totally.  But if your going to advertise a season of 31 days of halloween well then decorate it.  I asked a few cast members and either there told not to comment but they didnt respond to question of where are all the decorations.  They should not charge extra for going a halloween because its now the same time of year as any other time.  On the up side though we had the most amazing weather...it was soooo hot.  Will go back ,hopefully they are saving
there money for the 20th anniversary, because if not my favorite time of year has just gone.