Disney Dreams! — Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Festival Disney, April 14, 2011, 01:54:28 PM

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Well I'm impressed they seem to have made an effort, finally making use of the projection however simple graphics just adds something Disney to things


Yeah, I think they've done well with this making use of the projections and new music, which makes a change from Fantasmic the last few years. Looking forward to see what they come up with for St. Patrick's Day this year and other festivals like Halloween.
Ed & David


Quote from: "ed-uk"Yeah, I think they've done well with this making use of the projections and new music, which makes a change from Fantasmic the last few years. Looking forward to see what they come up with for St. Patrick's Day this year and other festivals like Halloween.

The way the songs end such as bibbidi bobbidi boo is just perfect.  :D


@Pixiedust_be have found out the date that the new Dreams scenes will be shown.

QuoteMarch 22 will be the first day that Dreams will be shown with the 2 new scenes of  Brave and the Liong King


Hmm! Update from @InsideDLParis

Quote@Pixiedust_be Are you sure ;-) ?


At the 2013, St. Patrick's Day Fireworks, they also used the projection and fountains in the show. This year with all new music and fireworks.

Watch my Disney videos at: www.youtube.com/disneymagique


QuoteInsideDLParis  Disney Dreams will continue running after September 2013.
 It might not be running daily. But serveral times a week for sure.
Sorry if it's old news :)
Feb 2007- Hotel Newport Bay
April 2013- Sequoia Lodge


The New Disney Dreams with 2 aditional scenes has just been presented to the Disneyland Paris Cast Members !

Come see the first pictures of the show.

Radio Disney Club - Dream your life in music ! //http://radiodisneyclub.fr/


Just spotted this on Youtube - clips of the new scenes for Disney Dreams :D!

The Lion KIng one is just amazing :mrgreen: !



Disneyland Paris 2nd -6th Sept 2013 - Santa Fe
Walt Disney World \'96, \'97 & \'98!


Looks good but think Jungle Book should have been kept in. Get to see this version in person in May.

orlando parks

While I like the lion king scene, I believe both the old scenes where better than the Brave scene. I loved the original version for its originality as much as its effects which the Lion King has kept. Brave however just seems like an extract of the World of Color version projected on to the castle. While it is still a good segment that hopefully will work within the show I believe keeping one of the previous segments would have been better. (Of course this could be the fact I just love Mary Popins and  am really annoyed that they took Step in time out)


Disney Dreams is a great show and I can't  praise it highly enough.  I like the new scenes especially the Lion King, but I would rather have Step in Time from Mary Poppins than Brave. Of course this show will evolve with new scenes coming and going over the years and it's obviously going to run and run.
My main concern is that Dreams is Disneyland Parks only show with the Videopolis and Chaparral theatres closed, and if rumours are to be believed, no more nighttime parades.
Ed & David


since yesterday Disney Dreams has got a new segment: Roi Lion (Lion King)


have fun!
I\'m a Disneyfreak, and I love Phantom Manor and The Tower Of Terror

DLRP Roundup!

Quote from: "disneymagique"At the 2013, St. Patrick's Day Fireworks, they also used the projection and fountains in the show. This year with all new music and fireworks.


This looked so good :)!
The Roundup
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Will the light up ears be available every night? How much do they cost?



also the new scene: Brave!
I\'m a Disneyfreak, and I love Phantom Manor and The Tower Of Terror