Disney Dreams! — Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Festival Disney, April 14, 2011, 01:54:28 PM

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Quote from: "Robert97"Source: Dlrp Express  Woahh talk about being busy earlier.

[Direct/Live] Depuis plus d'une heure, la pelouse sur Central Plaza est devenu pire qu'avant. (Photo: Alexis)
[Direct/Live] For more than an hour, the lawn on Central Plaza became worse than before. (Photo: Alexis) (Translated by Bing)

I saw that picture last night, it's terrible!!

Maybe they should water the grass before Dreams  :twisted: ... Get it all wet and cold and muddy, maybe that would stop people??


Quote from: "never2old"
Quote from: "Robert97"Source: Dlrp Express  Woahh talk about being busy earlier.

[Direct/Live] Depuis plus d'une heure, la pelouse sur Central Plaza est devenu pire qu'avant. (Photo: Alexis)
[Direct/Live] For more than an hour, the lawn on Central Plaza became worse than before. (Photo: Alexis) (Translated by Bing)

I saw that picture last night, it's terrible!!

Maybe they should water the grass before Dreams  :twisted: ... Get it all wet and cold and muddy, maybe that would stop people??

Great idea!!!
I really wonder why this behavior started. A couple years ago, nobody ever climbed over the fences to sit on the lawn!!!

captain rocket

I agree with all the comments,but where is everyone supposed to go to watch Dreams? I think that at this time of the year Disney are victims of their own success! Last week I sat down at 5.00 pm to get a good place for Magic on Parade/Fantillusion and Dreams and there where hundreds and hundreds of others doing the same! Come showtime it was unbearably crowded, but in the area I was in (The prime seat in front of the castle in front of the flowerbeds on the left hand side of the roundabout as you look at the castle)  a most surprising thing happened! Everyone was sat down on the floor before the parade and they all stayed there so that everyone behind had a good view! As fantillusion approached more and more people arrived trying to find a spot and people were climbing over the fences on to the grass, one cast member tried to move them away but was overwhelmed and eventually gave up! And there they stayed, I had a stand up row with an italian man who arrived just as Dreams started,stood right in front of me with his child on his shoulders and blocked my view. i asked him to move but he refused so I moved and stood in front of him! Petty I know but I get really annoyed with these people who turn up late and spoil things for everyone else! I'm afraid I have no answers for these problems, I guess I will just have to go off season in future to avoid the crowds!


Source: Dlrp Express

Les Jardiniers de Disneyland Paris, travaillant habituellement avant l'ouverture des Parcs, sont encore en train de remettre à neuf les pelouses et autres espaces fleuris saccagés par les visiteurs insoucieux de leur travail.

Gardeners of Disneyland Paris, usually working prior to the opening of parks, are yet to refurbish the lawns and flower areas raided by feigning visitors to their work. (Translated by Bing)


Quote from: "captain rocket"I agree with all the comments,but where is everyone supposed to go to watch Dreams? I think that at this time of the year Disney are victims of their own success! Last week I sat down at 5.00 pm to get a good place for Magic on Parade/Fantillusion and Dreams and there where hundreds and hundreds of others doing the same! Come showtime it was unbearably crowded, but in the area I was in (The prime seat in front of the castle in front of the flowerbeds on the left hand side of the roundabout as you look at the castle)  a most surprising thing happened! Everyone was sat down on the floor before the parade and they all stayed there so that everyone behind had a good view! As fantillusion approached more and more people arrived trying to find a spot and people were climbing over the fences on to the grass, one cast member tried to move them away but was overwhelmed and eventually gave up! And there they stayed, I had a stand up row with an italian man who arrived just as Dreams started,stood right in front of me with his child on his shoulders and blocked my view. i asked him to move but he refused so I moved and stood in front of him! Petty I know but I get really annoyed with these people who turn up late and spoil things for everyone else! I'm afraid I have no answers for these problems, I guess I will just have to go off season in future to avoid the crowds!

I've been at Dlp end of july and there would have been much room for the people which were sitting on the lawn even in 1st row on Central Plaza!!! But they prefered to sit comfy on the lawn. In general people seem to love to sit on grass and get stains on their clothes instead of sitting on a lovely bench ](*,)


This week the cast members were clearing people off the grass immediately infront of the castle and then at the last minute they allowed a few small children only to be seated at the edge of the grass. they have to do this otherwise the view for the disabled people is obstructed and also the special viewing area for the dinner show guests is blocked if people stand on the grass. This resulted in people being allowed to sit on the grass on the right hand side of the castle but not on the left!


Quote from: "esmeralda"
Quote from: "never2old"
Quote from: "Robert97"Source: Dlrp Express  Woahh talk about being busy earlier.

[Direct/Live] Depuis plus d'une heure, la pelouse sur Central Plaza est devenu pire qu'avant. (Photo: Alexis)
[Direct/Live] For more than an hour, the lawn on Central Plaza became worse than before. (Photo: Alexis) (Translated by Bing)

I saw that picture last night, it's terrible!!

Maybe they should water the grass before Dreams  :twisted: ... Get it all wet and cold and muddy, maybe that would stop people??

Great idea!!!
I really wonder why this behavior started. A couple years ago, nobody ever climbed over the fences to sit on the lawn!!!
Sigh.....a sad sight :(. Not to make too much out of it....but....comm'n!

People just don't bother anymore to respect the rules or CM's pointing them out. It's not a DLRP problem thou, but one which is seen everywhere in the world, but alot in europe atm. People are getting more selfish and don't respect autority anymore.  Look at how people will behave when you say someting of it? 80% will get angry, annoyed or will ignore you completley...bad development of mankind imho :(

But DLRP should put more CM in place at this kind of crowds and try to avoid this behavior, it unacceptable!  :evil:
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


This is sooo annoying. During my last trip they had CMs there on two nights to move people off the lawns and flowerbeds. But poeple don't do this only while waiting for Fantillusion or Dreams, it's happening all day long. I saw people doing picnic or taking a nap on the grass. If I am at Disneyland I don't want to look at some obese guy snoring on the lawn with his belly hanging out of his shirt. Sorry, I don't want to offend anyone of a bigger size, but this behaviour really gets on my nerves. I wonder if some guest have any manners at all. I guess not...


I was at Disneyland Paris from 14th to 18th, and it was really sad to see people shouting at others, climbing, disturbing... As Soap said, Europe is currently in ruins.

And now, some pictures.

Source: Lorum magicforum.eu

"If you can dream it, you can do it"


Source: Dlrp Express

Et ho miracle les parterre et les pelouse son vide de visiteur mais que vient il de ce passer ? une prise de conscience ? (Photo : Kosagai )
And ho miracle the parterre and the lawn his empty visitor but just it of this pass? a decision of conscience? (Photo: Kosagai) (Translated by Bing)

(Photo : Kosagai )


A brand new cinematic trailer for Disney Dreams has just been posted by Disneyland Paris's official YouTube channel:


DLRP Roundup!

Dark natured, nice :)
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Quote from: "Trekkie101"Dark natured, nice :)

Agree love the arial shots  adds the extra wow factor to the video alongside the soundtrack.


[youtube:1t0b772o]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC6C0ST9Dfw[/youtube:1t0b772o]Finally! Disneyland Paris finally made a cinema commercial for Dreams! Why can't they put the full video like this on their channel?
Remember to always dreaming in wonderful and magical Very Happy
- Ultimate Fan Disney Dreams!
- Ultimate Disney Fan


Quote from: "RQCFilms"[youtube:cl0ukyfn]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC6C0ST9Dfw[/youtube:cl0ukyfn]Finally! Disneyland Paris finally made a cinema commercial for Dreams! Why can't they put the full video like this on their channel?

I already made a this post on viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14125.