Disneyland Paris Maintenance Update

Started by Malin, September 27, 2010, 05:31:22 PM

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I have recently come back from a trip to Disneyland Paris. I intend to write a full Trip Report when I get the time. But for now I would like to share with you some pictures showing some of the latest Maintenance updates going on around at the Resort. Including several areas of neglect I sadly encountered. I would like to point out I did not go looking for any of this stuff and it was clearly in view of all the Guests inside the park during the days that I visited.

Lets start with with Captain Hook's Pirate Ship out in Adventureland which is in clear need of a full refurbishment.

One of the walking Bridges over in Adventureland on the other hand appeared to be recieving a full refurbishment from top to bottom. This kind of cover up looks ugly but it was nice to see some TLC being given to a park which has faced thanks to bad financial results and poor Management years of neglect.

Taking a cruise of the Rivers of America I spotted the Molly Brown docked and completely covered up recieving a full refurbishment.

Sadly I was than reminded of a Disneyland Paris in another era when I found the Geyser's sat there not working. A cold reminder that we'll unlikely ever see this effect working again.

During my last visit in 2008, Phantom Manor was in serious need of a refurbishment. This time the attraction was closed so I did not get the opportunity to ride one of the signature attractions at this park. But I did see quite a few maintenance workers and Management walking around the grounds.

Leaving Frontierland I came across a small pond full of coke bottels and Maps. Would it take to much time for someone to fish out the crap in one of the parks water features.

So making my way into Fantasyland, I was suprised to see Alice's Curious Labyrinth in such good condition. Well except for the poor White Rabbit!

Where's his hand?

The following day I returned expecting to find the figure removed. Nope it remained on show minus no hand. Although Maintenance did notice the problem as the clock was picked up.

Yes I had to pinch myself to know if I was still inside a Disney Park or having some kind of nightmare.

Waiting in line for the Peter Pan attraction I was kept entertained by reading the hundreds of graffiti messages that people have writen over the years. Some of this stuff dates back to 94 and is all over the walls. Would it hurt to go over it with a lick of paint. I know times are hard but really is not excuse for this lack of respect by both the park Guests and Management who are quite happy to allow this stuff to be seen.

Mean while over at the Studios. The stickers were starting to peel off the Toon Studios Security booth.

Now TSPL had not been open more than a month and already Rex has been damaged.

However a few days later the damaged done to Rex had been addressed.

Thats it for my Park Mentenance update. I hope by posting these shots online you'll see just how happy Disney and its hand picked Management team are to let the standards continue to slip in Europe. There was of course the usual trash cans overflowing with litter. And Cast Members who's job it is to sweep the floors leaned up against a wall, while used cigeratte's were left on the floor. But I think you have seen enough horror for one day. Despite the negative post's I did actually have a good time. And I hope to share my good experiences with you very soon. Well all except for Toy Story Playland.


Thanks for sharing. I am not one to go looking for problems in the parks, but the graffiti in Peter Pan queue area really really disgusts me. I can't believe they don't do anything about it, as you say, it wouldn't take much.
I am glad you still enjoyed your trip and look forward to hearing about the good things too!
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19

Festival Disney

I feel the same way about all these issues, back in July I was horrifiedd at the amount of bottles and other crap that was floating in the rivers of the far West.  :evil:
As for that graffiti in the queue line for Peter Pan, that's just unbelievable!  :cry:
And regarding the overflowing trash cans and fag ends on the floors, where are these workers managers? Shouldn't there be someone supervising park cleanliness?
I hate litter and cigarretes, heck I spend most Sundays clearing it up... not the sort of thing I want to see on my holliday  :roll:
Past trips:
Nov 1997 - SF - 3 days
May 2003 - WDW
Aug 2009 - Off site - 4 days
Jul 2010 -  Disneyland Park - 1 day
Dec 2010, Jul 2011  - Ibis Val d'Europe - 6 days, 4 days
Apr 2012 - HNY - 4 days
Dec 2013  - NPBC - 4 days
Jul 2013 - SL - 5 day


Oh my god! Ican't remember that Peter Pan looked that way in February.

I really hope that these things get fixed soon. Disney really needs more people to clean the parks and to fix such things like graffiti.

Festival Disney

Malin, might you maybe write a email to the resort and include those pictures? (of peter pan)
Past trips:
Nov 1997 - SF - 3 days
May 2003 - WDW
Aug 2009 - Off site - 4 days
Jul 2010 -  Disneyland Park - 1 day
Dec 2010, Jul 2011  - Ibis Val d'Europe - 6 days, 4 days
Apr 2012 - HNY - 4 days
Dec 2013  - NPBC - 4 days
Jul 2013 - SL - 5 day


Quote from: "Malin"Lets start with with Captain Hook's Pirate Ship out in Adventureland which is in clear need of a full refurbishment.

Coming up early next year, fortunately!

Quote from: "Malin"Waiting in line for the Peter Pan attraction I was kept entertained by reading the hundreds of graffiti messages that people have writen over the years. Some of this stuff dates back to 94 and is all over the walls. Would it hurt to go over it with a lick of paint. I know times are hard but really is not excuse for this lack of respect by both the park Guests and Management who are quite happy to allow this stuff to be seen.

Um... that particular wall you show was only added a few years ago, and all the walls are repainted frequently during refurbishments. While I agree that it's disgusting to see the walls in that state, (and believe me, nobody is "happy" to have them that way) unfortunately DLP can't repaint those walls when the attraction is open to guests... As long as guests behave that way here in Europe, we'll have to deal with sights like that (not to mention the added maintenance costs which take money away from other parts of the park, like the geysers.....)


Quote from: "RiverRogue"Um... that particular wall you show was only added a few years ago, and all the walls are repainted frequently during refurbishments. While I agree that it's disgusting to see the walls in that state, (and believe me, nobody is "happy" to have them that way) unfortunately DLP can't repaint those walls when the attraction is open to guests... As long as guests behave that way here in Europe, we'll have to deal with sights like that (not to mention the added maintenance costs which take money away from other parts of the park, like the geysers.....)

But they could do it after the park closed. At least it should be possible during off season, since the park closes at 6pm most of the time. I also think that it doesn't take a lot of money to repaint that wall once a month. I know that we are talking just about one wall and when you sum it up with all the other broken things it will get expensive, but I still think that these little improvements help to raise the quality of the park. Maybe the refurbishments wouldn't be so expensive when the management would take a little bit more care to improve during the rest of the time

Festival Disney

Quote from: "dagobert"
Quote from: "RiverRogue"Um... that particular wall you show was only added a few years ago, and all the walls are repainted frequently during refurbishments. While I agree that it's disgusting to see the walls in that state, (and believe me, nobody is "happy" to have them that way) unfortunately DLP can't repaint those walls when the attraction is open to guests... As long as guests behave that way here in Europe, we'll have to deal with sights like that (not to mention the added maintenance costs which take money away from other parts of the park, like the geysers.....)

But they could do it after the park closed. At least it should be possible during off season, since the park closes at 6pm most of the time. I also think that it doesn't take a lot of money to repaint that wall once a month. I know that we are talking just about one wall and when you sum it up with all the other broken things it will get expensive, but I still think that these little improvements help to raise the quality of the park. Maybe the refurbishments wouldn't be so expensive when the management would take a little bit more care to improve during the rest of the time

Exactley! If they would have kept the Molly Brown free of weeds and kept touching up the paint, they wouldn't have to spend a fortune completely refiting it!  :roll:
What sort of people run this place  :lol:
Past trips:
Nov 1997 - SF - 3 days
May 2003 - WDW
Aug 2009 - Off site - 4 days
Jul 2010 -  Disneyland Park - 1 day
Dec 2010, Jul 2011  - Ibis Val d'Europe - 6 days, 4 days
Apr 2012 - HNY - 4 days
Dec 2013  - NPBC - 4 days
Jul 2013 - SL - 5 day


Quote from: "dagobert"But they could do it after the park closed. At least it should be possible during off season, since the park closes at 6pm most of the time. I also think that it doesn't take a lot of money to repaint that wall once a month. I know that we are talking just about one wall and when you sum it up with all the other broken things it will get expensive, but I still think that these little improvements help to raise the quality of the park. Maybe the refurbishments wouldn't be so expensive when the management would take a little bit more care to improve during the rest of the time

Apart from the fact that it would cost a fortune in material and labor to repaint every queue wall once per month, there are more practical considerations as well... such as risking it not being dry by morning...


Quote from: "RiverRogue"
Quote from: "dagobert"But they could do it after the park closed. At least it should be possible during off season, since the park closes at 6pm most of the time. I also think that it doesn't take a lot of money to repaint that wall once a month. I know that we are talking just about one wall and when you sum it up with all the other broken things it will get expensive, but I still think that these little improvements help to raise the quality of the park. Maybe the refurbishments wouldn't be so expensive when the management would take a little bit more care to improve during the rest of the time

Apart from the fact that it would cost a fortune in material and labor to repaint every queue wall once per month, there are more practical considerations as well... such as risking it not being dry by morning...

Of course repainting each queue once a month is too expensive, but not every queue looks that way. They can repaint queues that really need it, like Peter Pan at the moment. The paint could indeed be a problem, but since Disney doesn't open and close each attraction at the same time, it could be possible to repaint it.

It seems that you know a lot about the daily business of DLRP. Are you working there? So maybe you know if there are maintenance people that work during the night. At least I've seen a German TV production about the resort a few years that showed CMs working during the night working on plants, on Big Thunder Mountain's lifthills and painting the fences around Central Plaza.


Quote from: "dagobert"So maybe you know if there are maintenance people that work during the night. At least I've seen a German TV production about the resort a few years that showed CMs working during the night working on plants, on Big Thunder Mountain's lifthills and painting the fences around Central Plaza.

Yes, there are ride maintenance, gardening and cleaning crews working at night, along with people from other departments whenever necessary on a case by case basis (e.g. when new shop windows are installed or new shows are rehearsed).


Quote from: "RiverRogue"
Quote from: "dagobert"So maybe you know if there are maintenance people that work during the night. At least I've seen a German TV production about the resort a few years that showed CMs working during the night working on plants, on Big Thunder Mountain's lifthills and painting the fences around Central Plaza.

Yes, there are ride maintenance, gardening and cleaning crews working at night, along with people from other departments whenever necessary on a case by case basis (e.g. when new shop windows are installed or new shows are rehearsed).

Thanks for answering that questions. That's why I thought that it has to be possible to repaint walls and fix other small things on a regular basis during the night.


Quote from: "dagobert"That's why I thought that it has to be possible to repaint walls and fix other small things on a regular basis during the night.

They can and they do fix things over night... However, (and I think we've already had that discussion on here a while ago) there's a long list of things to fix due to the sheer size of the resort, with the occasional emergency repair thrown in for good measure. It's not possible to take care of everything at once, even if it seems to be a small thing taken by itself, due to the global amount of work... and then some things are just not logistically feasible.

DLP may be the worst kept-up Disney resort, as is repeated often enough... however it's also the one with the biggest financial problems, the harshest weather and (it would seem) the most destructive guests. It's not all due to lack of good will.....


Whilst its true that the state of Hooks ship is really sad what I think is sadder is the attitude of guests who think its ok to dump rubbish and grafitti on walls. If Disney didnt have to spend time sorting out issues caused by guests they would have more time and money to keep on top of general maintenance. Maybe Disney need a charater along the lines of the Crying Indian character (I think thats his name) used in a litter campaign in the states
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


All of this is sad, and I am happy that they are doing something to the ship in the new year. I actually think the saddest part is the White Rabbit - not only did the clock/hand fall off his body, but maintenance noticed it and just dismantled the hand from the clock and putting the clock "back" so it looks like nothing is wrong. I am sure that it will be a long time before we see his left hand again - which is a shame and an underestimate of their guests - it is still pretty obvious that his hand his missing.

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]