Disney Magical Moments Festival (From April 2011)

Started by Kristof, September 01, 2010, 09:25:32 PM

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I think the more interaction the better. My 4 and 2 year old have never been before, I cant wait to see their faces.


i cant wait to see it were going on the 3 of April am hoping that they will be showcasing some of the shows early... who knows


The press event is on April 2.



hi, is it true that the new princess meet and greet opening has been postponed til 2012?


The princess meet and greet is still in the press release from yesterday so I think it's just one of those rumours that is based on imagination... :-)


good news, thank you. Cant wait to see some pics on here when it opens


Here are some more Concepts i found via google on disneygazette...

Photolocation Ratatouille

Photolocation Aladdin

Photolocation Alice

Photolocation Jungle Book

Photolocation Nemo

Photolocation Tangled

Photolocation Peter Pan

Disney Dance Express


Thanks for posting!
Does anyone else think the photolocations look a bit odd? Unless there is a set que with a character I doubt anyone will actualy pose infront of them, like the Nemo location for example; that will most likely be ignored.

Also, does anyone else find it strange that the princesses are standing on a story-book rather than the normal Central Plaza stage? Or am I just looking into this too much?  :lol:


Some of these I really like. Some of the photolocations look very, especially the Jungle Book, Finding Nemo and the Peter Pan ones. Proably things that will eventually become pernament.
Not entirely sure what the Tangled one is, and the Ratatouille one looks so....akward there. Very cheap and not at all in keeping with the surround. These arent final concepts are they?
Its interesting to note the flagstones that are on the ground in the picture of Mickey in front of the princesses - perhaps a foreshadowing of the Fantasyland floor refurb? ;)


I like the looks of them, the Nemo one will probably get some interest as it has stationary characters which you can just quickly pose with. There's a very similar setup outside the entrance to The Seas With Nemo and Friends, and that is constantly crawling with children posing with the characters.

I love the look of the Aladdin/Peter Pan ones, there's some actual design in those! It'll be really nice to see a more regular Genie/Abu meet and greet there too, they were unexpected and a highlight of my Magic Kingdom trip.

Love the first visual with the Toon Studio Mickey on a rocky outcrop looking over the Castle (even if it is just the Christmas visual with some clouds blocking the tree!).
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


Trailer released!
[size=120]"Most men, they\'ll tell you a story straight through. It won\'t be complicated, but it won\'t be interesting either."[/size]

[size=120]jellep.nl - twitter - youtube[/size]


This is really the official trailer?  :shock:

The trailer features footage from earlier trailers, especially the parade and Indiana Jones are taken from older advertisement videos. So I hope that this is not an official trailer. Why would Disney not use the actual parade? The trailer just doesn't look professional, but in my opinion many of the recent trailers didn't look professional.


I like the concept of it! The whole reveal section started a bit on the cheesy side, but as it went on I enjoyed it. It summed up the Disney feeling without being toon heavy. The content of the in park stuff is just hideous! There's a Roger Rabbit float there, and the footage of RC Racer just feels like it was done on the cheap.

Good concept, solid Disney thinking, but not executed with Disney care.
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


Quote from: "dagobert"This is really the official trailer?  :shock:
It's the same kind of early teaser they've cobbled together every year since the 15th, mainly intended for internal/partner/online use. It won't be used on TV or anything*. The concept of kids being told they're going to Disneyland is the main theme of the campaign though - did anyone see the Disneymotion contest?

Surprisingly they're running a joint DLP/WDW campaign in the UK this month. I can't remember exactly when that last happened, but it seems like a long time ago. Both resorts have similar memories/moments themes going on, and I guess the Disneymotion entrants will be featured.

*Although the MMP/NGF 2009/2010 trailers (unfortunately?) appeared on some Disney DVDs, didn't they?


Quote from: "norhel"Must say that I like the logo. :-)