Disney Magical Moments Festival (From April 2011)

Started by Kristof, September 01, 2010, 09:25:32 PM

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Thanks for the videos, Owain. There are worlds between WDW's and DLRP's advertisement videso. Disney in the USA is so much more professional. I know that in the new campaign Disney used home videos and that is used by WDW and DLRP, but in recent years there was a huge gap in advertising between the US resorts and DLRP.


It annoyed my wife that the superior Disneyland (her words) is not advertised in Europe at all.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"It annoyed my wife that the superior Disneyland (her words) is not advertised in Europe at all.
yeah, but they wont even ship the vacation planning dvd outside north america. but i thought it odd they advertise wdw on us tv in states that r closer 2 california
Disneyland - 1991, 1995, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010, 2012
Walt Disney World - 1998, 2000, 2010, 2011, 2012
Tokyo Disneyland - 2008, 2011, 2012
Disneyland Paris - 1997, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009 (March, May, Halloween & Dec), 2010 (Feb, July, Oct & Dec), 2011 (April, July & September), 2012 (March, April & July & New Years Eve) 2013 March
Hong Kong Disneyland - 2007, 2008


An attempt to force the numbers of WDW to be the biggest (though I understand TDL gets that number, but they discount it because it is managed by OLC and not Disney). What is disconcerting is the number of Europeans that talk about wanting to go the original in Florida (nope, that is not the original...grrrrrr).
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"What is disconcerting is the number of Europeans that talk about wanting to go the original in Florida (nope, that is not the original...grrrrrr).

And when you try to correct them they take offence as they for some reason think they have better disney knowledge because they are disney channels biggest fan  :lol:


That's crazy, I have those arguments all the time! Like when people say that Paris isn't the "real" Disney or that Florida is the original. Drives me crazy.


Quote from: "15MagicalYears"That's crazy, I have those arguments all the time! Like when people say that Paris isn't the "real" Disney or that Florida is the original. Drives me crazy.
Indeed. One I get the most is "So when are you going to proper Disney (Florida) then?" Usually after I've just told them I run an online guide to Disneyland Paris. Gritting of teeth...

Maybe this new joint campaign will help things a little. For several years DLP's print and TV ads have looked so tacky compared to the classy, more aspirational stuff for WDW. If Paris has to be lumped together with Florida to get a classy campaign, then so be it. One thing the Magical Moments Festival has over any of the previous theme years is a really very modern, restrained look to the campaign. It seems to be more about repositioning Disneyland Paris as a quality/aspirational brand more than promoting the actual festival or anything else, which it really needed. Let's just hope the people inspired by these TV ads don't pick up the brochure... haha.

I agree they really should include more than just kids one of these days though. "So when are you going to tell them?" could have meant anyone - why not a guy treating his wife or girlfriend with a trip to Disneyland? (Or the other way round!)


It's a lot like a successor to NeedMagic? or any of the American resorts' many sentimental "memories last a lifetime"-style campaigns, only with a year-long festival attached for no other reason than because that's the way Euro Disney rocks nowadays.

I wonder if we'll ever see a regular campaign with a slogan again. As in, something like "Disneyland Paris — It's Darn Good."

But I think the big mistake Disney makes now is that they cater to parents. They used to cater to children and therefore the grown children that parents and grandparents really are.

I mean, when you want to sell a toy, you try to sell it to kids, right? You emphasize how fast it goes and how Barbie now comes with four different hats and how generally awesome it is. You don't go; "Parents, listen up! Hot Wheels are now safer and more educational than ever!"

Because that's what Disney is doing, really. While they should be making kids drool all over Disneyland Paris' awesomeness so that they run off to their parents and, Simpsons-style, nag to be taken there immediately. Personally, I suspect that if they were to air that 20-year old promotional ad for Euro Disney now, the one with the hot-air balloon over the Magic Kingdom standing in for a yet-unfinished Euro Disneyland and the Disney characters on gold stars flying through all the different rides, it would have more of an impact than all the smiling, shimmery-eyed toddlers in every recent campaign put together. Because that was an awesome video that made every eighties-born kid that saw it want to go to Euro Disney more than anything.

Another way of putting it: You get people's attention by being magical, not by explaining the existence of magic to them and convincing them that magic is just a wad of cash away. You need to push it into their faces, tug at their heartstrings and make them all tingly right there during the commercial break. This new ad campaign does none of that, and the only emotion it left me with is one of being manipulated into spending large amounts of money for my hypothetical children's happiness. That's not a very magical feeling.

(God, I'm a pointless neologism away from being Kevin Yee.)



That was a wonderful TV ad and it even aired in Austria as well. I know the US advertisement videos are very cheesy, but I prefere them a lot more than those cheap smiling kids videos DLRP produced.


Now the ads that ran in the 90's for the opening (and the awesome Space Mountain ones in 1995) were amazing. Sadly those days are long gone. But anthony could be right. Maybe things will improve in lumping them together. Then again, this could be the next steps in trying to synergise the parks with the Disney Parks brand they have been using to lump WDW, DL AND DCL together in the States.
since 2001 (many before that)


Is the financial situation of ED SCA really so bad, that they aren't able to run a proper European wide advertising campaign done by a professional agency?

I hope you guys are right that things will maybe improve.


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"An attempt to force the numbers of WDW to be the biggest (though I understand TDL gets that number, but they discount it because it is managed by OLC and not Disney). What is disconcerting is the number of Europeans that talk about wanting to go the original in Florida (nope, that is not the original...grrrrrr).
tell me about it. the amount of people i talk 2 who dont even know there is a disneyland in california let alone its the original
Disneyland - 1991, 1995, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010, 2012
Walt Disney World - 1998, 2000, 2010, 2011, 2012
Tokyo Disneyland - 2008, 2011, 2012
Disneyland Paris - 1997, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009 (March, May, Halloween & Dec), 2010 (Feb, July, Oct & Dec), 2011 (April, July & September), 2012 (March, April & July & New Years Eve) 2013 March
Hong Kong Disneyland - 2007, 2008


I think Disney should use scened from this video to promote the resort:


I like it a lot. It must be an official video, because I found it on the DLP channel on YouTube. It proves the DLRP can do professional videos.

By the way, is the music played in the video the All Around The World from the Imaginations Parade?

 :offtopic:  Take a look at these people standing on the lawn behind the fence during the parade at the beginning of the video. That only happens in Paris. We didn't notice that at WDW. I don't get why no CM told them not to stand there since they were filming. It shouldn't happen anyway, but as long no CM stops people doing that, we will still see that bad behaviour.


Quote from: "dagobert":offtopic:  Take a look at these people standing on the lawn behind the fence during the parade at the beginning of the video. That only happens in Paris. We didn't notice that at WDW. I don't get why no CM told them not to stand there since they were filming. It shouldn't happen anyway, but as long no CM stops people doing that, we will still see that bad behaviour.

I have seen people do this, a cast member tell them off, they leave and then 5 minutes later they or others are back there. The only way to stop it is to have cast members there all the time  :(  Annoying people. Part of the magic of DLP are all the cultures of europe melding, but some people seem to use the different languages and customs as an excuse (like the girls smoking on It's a Small world that I asked to stop in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch and still they pretended not to understand, and why I told the cast member, they didn't care)
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "dagobert"I think Disney should use scened from this video to promote the resort:


this should be used in their adverts, it shows an untacky side of disney rarely seen unless you are there. the extra magical touches, like showing the smoke effects on sm:m2, and mickey in the castle, will help change a popular belief of dlp