Princess Pavilion in Fantasyland (Now Open)

Started by Anthony, August 21, 2010, 04:52:02 AM

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ah, whos knows then.  I did think it was aimed for the 20th anniversary. so maybe not so exciting after all.


Here is what Mouetto one of the admin from the DisneyCentralPlaza has posted about the new princess photolocation. Concept art has also been included and details of the new objects inside, length of queues and just general stuff.


As you know, the work of House of Princesses or "Disney Princesses Palace" (code name also used in building permits) are in place finisher and place of the old post-show of "it's a small world" in Fantasyland.

This attraction will host the new photolocation princesses.
The first rumors speak of an inauguration on October 8, 2011.

During the presentation of the various rehabilitation projects at the resort in March, I had the chance to visit the site and to have some information about this new attraction.

I had already touched on the topic 2011 Rehabilitation of the resort [/url].

The building permit freely available in Chester City Council tell us some interesting concepts.

First, the facade of this building will do well in the Castle of Sleeping Beauty. There will be two doors but only one entry will be left for visitors, the entrance to the right will be backstage access to the princesses.


After going through the queue, visitors can access a privileged encounter with a Disney princess (or two in low affluence) but without knowing in advance where he will meet.

Here are the ground plane, seen from the top of this attraction. We find the circular shape of the old post-show of "it's a small world" since the exterior walls have not been changed. For cons, the walls were created to define the queues (green and yellow) and two meeting places (in red).

So you will first take the queue the outermost (in green) to a first door. At this point, everything depends on the crowd.
In low abundance, the queue full (yellow) is not used and you can go directly to a space for meetings with the princesses (black arrows).
In case of overcrowding, the queue extends (yellow) to another door where you will go to a meeting spaces (blue arrows).
The output (red arrows) is by the old release of "it's a small world" passing the store of photos.

Indeed, an official photographer will be present at each meeting places and send directly to the wifi store pictures taken with the princess. It will give the family a ticket that will allow them to purchase the photos or not.
You can still use your camera to make your own shots.

The physical setting is that it is not possible to know what the princess who will be waiting a privileged space. And if by chance you fall just as they come through the outer door, you can not know in which each space is located. : P

Theming in the queue:

All along the queue, you can see the embroidered curtains hung on the walls and stone columns flanking alcoves presenting icons of princesses before the window illuminated their respective castle. Below is an example of Cinderella's glass shoe and Pink Crystal Belle will be illuminated by fiber optics.

According to the ground plane, one can count the eight locations for the eight princesses: Snow White, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Ariel, Tiana, Jasmine and Mulan (or Rapunzel), knowing that at the time (the March 25, 2011), it was not intended that Rapunzel is present in the meeting spaces. (Reason unknown). But maybe they have changed their minds? Especially with the popularity of Rapunzel at Christmas 2010 and summer 2011.

Background music will be specially created for this attraction.

Note that depending on the building permit, the theoretical capacity of the queue was 308 people inside and outside a queue with removable railings is also provided which can accommodate 67 people.

Theming meeting places:

Once in this private space, so you can have a moment with one of the princesses, ask for an autograph and take pictures with her in an alcove with an arch and a background.

Here's the concept for Aurora:

Here's the concept for Tiana:

Remains to be seen what the exact time of waiting, we were told about an hour waiting for the queue shortened (green) and the final name of this attraction.

I hope this issue will have brought the elements in order to account for the rendering of this future photolocation that will send the final into oblivion trying to carnival now in place in front of Mad Hatter's Tea Cups!
31st Aug - 1st Sept 2010 = Kyriad Torcy (First Time <3)
11th - 14th July 2011 = New York Hotel
2nd - 4th Aug 2011 = Kyriad Torcy
31st Oct 2011 = Day Trip
13th March 2012 (Disneyland Cal)
10th - 13th April 2012= Hotel L'Elysée
30th May - 1st June 2012 = Hotel L'Elysée
31st Oct - 1st Nov 2012 = Residence Prestige
18th - 20th July 2013 - Residence Prestige
9th -11th Nov 2013 = Hotel L'Elysée (First Christmas Trip!)
Coming soon:
29th April - 1st May = Hipark Serris.


Well the design there is much better than I wa expecting, so hopefully the final finish will be equally good! I'm actually inclined to say that this version is much more delicate and intimate than the version that used to be at WDW (still have to see how the replacement turns out).

The renovated exterior is much more than I expected (considering I wasn't expecting any changes at all), and it looks like it'll be a high quality installation which the park can finally be proud of! It certainly increases my interest in the Mickey version at the other end of Fantasyland. Actually, that's a key thing, the Toons are staying in Fantasyland... it's like they put some thought into retaining the thematic integrity of the lands!

I didn't think this would be something I'd be impressed with, but I've got to say, it's not really turning out to be a bad addition to the park!
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


Wonderful. Great to hear more about our own miniature Fantasyland expansion, although  have one question.

There are only two meeting spaces for the Princess (the areas in red). In the concepts below (with Aurora and Tiana) they have backdrops and colour schemes specific to their story, but presumably you'll be able to meet more Princesses than just Aurora and Tiana. So, do the backdrops change with the Princess inside?


I find it frustrating that you only get to meet one princess and you don't know until it's your turn. You could join the queue once each day and meet the same princess. If you want to meet mickey you queue for mickey, garunteed to meet him. My daughter wanted to meet belle in May, we queued 4 times and never met het :-(. We couldn't afford to do this princess meal!  Thankfully we joined the rapunzel queue (her 2nd fav) and met her and Flynn



it looks nice but i am a little disappointed if i am queuing for an hour to meet one princess and not knowing who it will be.  Dont think this is very fair to be honest.  Could possibly end up wasting alot of time queuing  and meeting the same princess twice i would be very very annoyed!


I'm sure they'll have some method of perhaps posting at the entrance to the door who is currently meeting & greeting. :/


The Princesses change on a 30 minute basis so i'm guessing that is how it may operate in here.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


I've just posted the concepts on DLRP Today with an English (non-Googled!) write-up of the information we were given: ... -released/

Thanks to Mouetto for going out of his way to share these images with everyone!

I may never meet the princesses myself and I may always lament the loss of the cute Small World post-show, but this is a big improvement on the windswept Castle Stage meet 'n' greets and a smart use of an available space. Good thinking and good execution from DLP. :thumbs:


I wish they had set the date for beginning of the Halloween- Season. We are going to miss it by a few days :(
Another reason to go back, then!

It's A Small World

Well I really hope so it open on 8th October since both me and my mum will there on 28th November.


I really love the design of this, and am sure my daughter will love queing in such an area before meeting the princesses.

It is a shame that after queing for so long you can't meet both the Princesses waiting, but good that you get a choice, as this should reduce SOME of the possibility of waiting twice for the same one.

When we were at Disney last there was a character meet and greet with the princesses outside where you qued up with standard rope fences. It was amazingly frustrating (& not really fair) to be queing for half an hour waiting for a Princess your daughter wants to meet, only to have then disappear at the last minute and be swapped for another you'd already seen. We wasted a good hour & a half, and only saw one princess, though many more appearing ad dissapearing within arms reach. grr.

That said, this new system will be better. If only they could guarantee upon entry which Princesses would be there by the time you got there - perhaps a ticket or token system on the door, OR simply only have 2 princesses in there per day (you could have a couple of cast members as each so they can swap in rotation & don't get tired out. (Pretty sure they think the kids wouldn't notice, as it's often completely different actresses in the parades etc!)

I never saw the aftershow of its a Small World - would have liked to as I'm especially interested in animation. However, I'm all for nicely themed, civilised queing areas for permanent meet and greets like this & the Mickey one. One thing we've vowed is never again to try & join the scrums when Princesses or Mickey/Minnie are randomly seen around the parks. Kids (& parents) turn feral!


I am honestly shocked at how little princesses will be waiting inside, especially for how long the queue will end up being. In the US parks they have similar queued/indoor princess meeting locations but about 3/4 are available and you get to meet them all, not just one. Pretty disappointed.


I agree, several would be better, but it's far preferable to the current system of just queing outside in a temporary area for just one Princess, who changes before you even get there! And the queing area and building look beautifully designed and realised. As a "permanent" meet and greet it would be rather more expensive for them to have a constant higher amount of Cast Members there, so this is a good compromise. There is nothing to stop them adding 2 princesses in each area (or indeed a Prince with them) in high season.

DLRPToday just posted new pictures of a very nearly complete looking building, with sign, gold flags etc attached: ... ompletion/

I'm very impressed with how quickly this was built, and the quality of the work.

Personally, I think the colouring, the sign, the flags on the top etc mean the building fits perfectly as complementing both the design of the main castle, and "It's a Small World" nearby. I was initially worried it may look out of place so close to IASW, but actually I think it looks rather beautiful. :)


The thing about this Princess Pavilion is, wouldn't it have been better off situated nearer Sleeping Beauty Castle? Perhaps they could've incorporated it into the Auberge de Cendrillon restaurant? That area always looks huge on satellite photos and, given how you have to spend a ton of money to get in there, perhaps it could be better utilised?