Is Autopia a waste of space?

Started by CentralPlazaPerson, April 07, 2010, 04:18:50 PM

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To be honest I think it has had its day. I think the amount of room it has could be used for better things e.g a new E-ticket ride and a restaurant. The queues take far too long and the boarding is too slow. The car go far too slow and it's not even that exciting.
What do you think?
(I was going to make a poll of this but I think it would get more replies here.)


Autopia is a classic disney attraction though CPP, so I think it's got a long time at Disneyland Park to come. I'd be all up for a replacement if the nautilis lagoon was extended and a submarine-voyage style attraction was added :)


I agree about the class disney attraction though. I would love to see submarine voyage (with Captain Nemo's subs).


I think the Autopia is a great attraction, but that is just because it's a classic Disney-ride.
I would LOVE to see a Sumbarine Voyage-style attraction there, with the theming of the Nautilus or something (as said before ;))
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Ive never personally seem the great attraction of Autopia. I'd be all up for it to be scrapped and a DisneySea-Jules verne-lagood put in, with attarcions deicated to Journey to the Centre of the Earth.
Otherwise, it would be nice if Autopia got better themeing. Perhaps the cars could be travelling through a city of tommorrow, with retro-futuristic forced perspective models?


LOL, the complaint is "long queue" and you all want Submarine Voyages to replace it. :lol:


I've always enjoyed Autopia, although I do think that the cars should switch to electric power, those fumes are horrendous sometimes! I would like a Jules Verne themed area too be it an attraction or restaurant, but I'd rather tear down Pizza Planet and keep Autopia please!


I would like autopia if they
1. actually attempt to make a city of tomorrow instead of making a "city" out of shiny poles with round things at the top. To be honest it looks nothing like a city.
2. Made the cars faster for speedier boarding and less queue times.
3. Opened it during extra magical hours for people staying at the hotel to ride it before the day trippers etc storm in.


I also say tear it down for a Jules Verne themed area. I miss the steam punk flair of the old days. As a child it was my fafourite land before Buzz came and even at these times I didnĀ“t care about autopia.
With the revival of Steam Punk in the last years, they would do only good for the park to get a more uniform theming, but with the finantial situation i doubt they close down a working and popular atraction. :?


Quote from: "Krollok"but with the finantial situation i doubt they close down a working and popular atraction. :?



I have never experienced Autopia, but in my opinion it should not be replaced. Maybe they should change the cars to electric powered cars, like at HKDL.

It is the perfect family attraction, especially for young boys, and it is still very popular and I think it will be for many years.


I am not a hater of autopia I just think there could be better things.

Magic M

I have seen to DLRP six times and only bothered to queue for it once.  I queued for 1 hour and the moment we left the boarding area it started to rain!

If the cars went at a decent "go-kart" speed then I would see the attraction but its just too damned slow!  Plus these long queue times are not just a DLRP thing!  I got to Hong Kong Disneyland at about 10:30am and there was already a 45-60 minute queue on their version.


Also, regardless of whether you think Autopia is a worthy attraction to the modern audience (most people think the latter) , it takes up a gigantic chunk of discoveryland - nearly half of the land itself :shock: .

Whilst the brown area here features Buzz Lightyear,Visionarium,Space Mountain,Nautilis and Showbuilding,Star Tours,HISTA , Rail Station ,Orbitron , Alpha/Beta and all the eateries and stores, the red area contains... autopia :shock: . This area could have so much potential. I'm just being thankful that autopia wasn't replaced by TSPL to be honest. Anyone fancy Toontown? :lol:


or Critter country .. or judging by the size of that area.. both :shock:

Test Track? .. a lot faster than Autopia ;)

Thanks for backing up my point by the way.