Crush's Coaster

Started by Anthony, July 18, 2006, 07:20:53 PM

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The attraction was wonderful, a very very smll Dark Ride but beautiful and a very good spinning coaster, you will loveit :) . For the height limit no official numbers but I think it was under 1m20.


Quote from: "DynastyGo"The attraction was wonderful, a very very smll Dark Ride but beautiful and a very good spinning coaster, you will loveit :) . For the height limit no official numbers but I think it was under 1m20.

What? Can normal guests ride it now?


It was preview for shareholders yesterday as well as for annual passport holders (dream).

All I cans ay is WOW!!!  the entire new area looks absolutely stunnng, and Crus is realy good!!!  I read some negative comments regarding the ride, and wasn't expecting much anymore, but the experiences really just was way waaaay better than I thought!!!

I loved the lift especially as to me that was a very surprising one and very wel done to fix the usually boring part of a ride where all you do is get lifted to the start of your coaster ride!!!

Cars looked really cool as well, but unfortunately we tried riding it thre times and each time we got in the cars when it broke LOL - at least I got to feel the seat belts :) :)

The area looks really good, and since the hollywood boulevard is also continuing to grow, I think the Studios are finally maturing :)  way to go Disney!!!

Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


Hi, ride sounds fab - I can't wait.  Does anyone know confirmed height restrictions yet?


Finally the height restriction is 1,02m -> same as for BTM in DLP! I have been there for the preview and this is official now.



Oh excellent, my kids are 1.035 so they will be able to go on if suitable.  Do you think it is too frightening for 4 year olds??


Quote from: "pjulie75"Oh excellent, my kids are 1.035 so they will be able to go on if suitable.  Do you think it is too frightening for 4 year olds??
Hmm it might be, but I've seen kids of that age enter the ride...  They will definitely LOVE the dark ride part - the lift hill where the shark comes in might be a bit frightening, and then you're off into the dark...

What you might try if you go in there - try and sit facing front - when you come up the lift, and go for the first drop, crush is in front of you, and he follows your car, so you might try and get your kids focus on that rather than on the excitement of the drop :)

Other than that, the ride is extremely comfortable (as we are used to from Maurer), and really does have a nice atmosphere to it!!!
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


There is no official word about height limit, at the moment it is 1m07 not 1m02 like Btm... and it could change it was the first big Soft opening ! And for  4 years old, it's too young I think, it's a coaster. Cast Members tell us that if children doesnt like to be in the dark and coaster they should'nt ride.


For anyone who's been on Crush - would you say it is not as scary as BTM??


Quote from: "DynastyGo"There is no official word about height limit, at the moment it is 1m07 not 1m02 like Btm... and it could change it was the first big Soft opening ! And for  4 years old, it's too young I think, it's a coaster. Cast Members tell us that if children doesnt like to be in the dark and coaster they should'nt ride.

Yeah it's 1m07 and it could change before the official opening, due to many guest complaints about their children being scared by the ride.

I rode Crush 6 times this week-end. The ride greatly grows on me... I think it's a really fun ride, and a must-do at the Studios. Some effects have been added since the previews, and I hear a few more will make their way too.

The coaster is really good, but my major complaints are still there: you can see the track and there are not enough effects/sets to make it a major experience. The bubble tunnels are kinda fun, unfortunately each time they gain great speeds, the vehicles are slowed at each brake zones before entering them, it is a bit frustrating.

Another problem was the constant break downs of the ride. Each time we went, we had a problem: not during the ride, but while waiting outside or in the queueline. Well, we were even stopped for 10 minutes once at the very end of the ride. I have a bad feeling about all this for the future... let's hope they can come up with a way to make it very reliable. And speaking of the queuline, it is incredibly short. I think the whole line equals to a 1 hour wait... when it opened yesterday for the preview, the line stretched across the Aladdin's oasis, all to way up to... sorcerer's Mickey statue  :roll:


Possible spoilers below...

Yeah I was able to ride Crush's Coaster equally as much (would have been more if it didn't go on 101 before noon).  

Which effects did you hear will be added?  I noticed that the "wripple water effect" wasn't turned on at the dark ride section, while I did see it work during a guided tour last month.  

I don't mind seeing the coaster track that much, I'm sure it would have been a lot worse with those plants hanging on the ceiling (and it wouldn't have made sense anyway, story wise).  I just hope they can make the projection of the turtles going into the EAC a bit more brighter, you can hardly see it (on top of the lifthill).  And one more thing I'd love to see: MORE characters from the movie.  They could have easily added one or two more characters in the first scene, even if it was hidden, to be discovered by re-riders.  But that's just me nitpicking...  I loved the ride, it's a lot of fun and it's really one you have to do a couple of times to take it in.   :)


Seriously, I'm really jealous of those of you who have already ridden this :lol:


Sounds great what you're telling us :)

I also saw the video insode the ride (I think it was from You can hardly see anything there, but I guess it isn't like that when you ride it "live", is it?

And another question: How "scary" or wild is the ride? I'm often afraid of coasters, I've never even tried R'nRC and SM (this I'll try this year, finally), but Indiana Jones is okay and I LOVE BTM.
So how is Crush's Coaster compared to the other coasters of the park? Would you say it'd be too scary for me? I guess I'm the most afraid of airtime-feelings  :lol: Are there much on Crush's Coaster?

Would be very grateful for every answer ;)!
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


If you do Indy, don't be affraid go to Crush. It is between BTM and Indy for the violence, it isn't really scary, it is a family coaster like BTM is for the Magic Kingdom.

These some good air time,, especially at the begining of the coaster part.


Quote from: "raptor1982"Possible spoilers below...

Which effects did you hear will be added?  I noticed that the "wripple water effect" wasn't turned on at the dark ride section, while I did see it work during a guided tour last month.  

Yes I noticed the same thing about the water effect, I saw it at Epcot and not there, I was clearly disappointed... glad to hear they exist. At Epcot, they also have some cool little projection of fishes shadows on the corals, it gives a pretty convincing illusion of a living environment, not just a painting or a static set. Let's hope they will also add theme to our ride.

I agree 100% for the characters. Not enough NEMO related characters. The ocean here seems empty. I want to see Marin, Dory, Mr Ray etc... even just mention of them (posters, pictures, voices...). They have 2 screens in the dark ride, let's use them fully and show even glimpses of famous characters from the movie.

For the effects, please note that nothing is confirmed. There have been talk of a projection at the end, well I hear the idea is not entirely dead, and there is something planned for a "goodbye" scene by Crush or Nemo & Squiz. Also, some effects are apparently not working yet. And remember the still projection of Squiz during the big drop or at the end of the ride (in the bubble break through tunnel)? Well, it seems Nemo will join him soon because of guests complaints that there is not enough Nemo. At the end of our ride, we also took a survey on what was good and not. The girl who took the survey was clearly stating that the dark ride portion wasn't something that could be changed, but there are lots of possibilities for the coaster, depending on future guests comments. Apparently she said that many many people mentioned the fact that there was no water in the attraction. Maybe a future effect of some kind? lol