Your favourite piece of music?

Started by Anthony, May 08, 2006, 11:49:41 PM

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I'm in a DLRP music mood at the moment, and I've been going through all the various attraction and area music and thinking about how much work has gone into creating it all and making it all just perfect.  When you think how much effort must go into just one piece of music, it's amazing to listen to them all and realise just how many different sounds there are across the park.

But I was wondering - what's your most favourite piece of area or attraction music from the park (ie not shows and parades) and why?  :D


Space Mountain Mission 2 soundtrack...... i love it, i listen to it all the time!
If we don\'t have the key, we can\'t open whatever it is we don\'t have that it unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don\'t have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?


Without a doubt; the Discoveryland area loop and the former Space Mounatin area loop. Especially "Rocketeer to the Rescue" and "Among the Clouds" are my favourits at this moment. Thats because these area loops and tunes capture both the optimistic view and dramatic aspect of Verne's visions and designs. Besides that, it feels timeless too. The music reminds me of the evenings I have spended at Discoveryland; being blast off from the Columbiad canon, seeing the Nautilus at the Vulcania Lagoon and go on a timetravel with Timekeeper.  8)


Yo ho! Yo ho! A pirates life for me!  :D


ooooooo i like the areosmith music bing played on RnRC but my most favorate has to be the Frontierland area music!
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

[size=100]\'We Keep Moving Forward\' [/i][/size] - Walt Disney

Disneyland Resort - 2007 2010
Walt Disney World - 2001 2003 2005 2006 2008 2009 2011 2012/2013
Disneyland Paris - 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2007
Disney Cruise Line - Disney Wonder: 2008 2009 Disney Dream: 2011 Disney Fantasy: 2012


I, too, love the Frontierland music: the very majestig "Big Country" / "Wild West" score of Thunder Mesa* and the very quiet, relaxed tunes of the Cottonwood Creek area which is such a welcomed change from all the hazzle in the rest of the park...

I also have a certain fondness for the Indiana Jones area music (and the Indy music being played on the Railroad...) ...

And then of course there's all the great music at the Studios...

(* btw, do you know the best place for just listening to the Thunder Mesa loop? It's the restrooms in Fort Cumstock... these have to be the least frequented restrooms in the park and so it's actually very quiet there - except for the amazing music  8))


Mine is probably not obvious to me the best is Main Street love just walking up and down the street listening to all the cool music being played.  Also sometimes it really adds to a visit when I feel like having a rest down Main Street on a bench.


I love the Main Street music too. To me it's the essence of Disney and when I hear it I feel like I'm home.


I must admit i do like the main strret music. it makes me feel that im finerally here and you can see the castle as u make your way up to Centeral Plaza - MAGIC!
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

[size=100]\'We Keep Moving Forward\' [/i][/size] - Walt Disney

Disneyland Resort - 2007 2010
Walt Disney World - 2001 2003 2005 2006 2008 2009 2011 2012/2013
Disneyland Paris - 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2007
Disney Cruise Line - Disney Wonder: 2008 2009 Disney Dream: 2011 Disney Fantasy: 2012


At the moment, my favourite piece of music is ironically not actual Disney music.  It's made totally magical by the location, though, and is probably one of the best "wow!" moments in Disney theme park history...

You're on the railroad, just departed Main Street Station and you're heading right through the spectacular Grand Canyon Diorama.  And then, daylight bursts into the carriage and you're speeding along the riverbanks of the Rivers of the Far West, with the full, incredible score of "Return of the Magnifiscent Seven" thundering through the train.  Big Thunder's in the distance, the Geysers are erupting and the Mark Twain's whistling as he gently passes by.

"This is Frontierland, where the rivers still run free and anyone's dream can turn to gold"

You're *in* the Wild West, that fictional yet totally "real" place from all those classic Westerns, it's amazing.  That's my favourite piece of music, and that's why I love Disneyland!

Every single piece of music on the railroad is awesome, actually - from Pirates of the Caribbean to Mary Poppins to Le Visionarium, it's better than any of the CDs they've ever released!  I've been known to get off a train without a working soundtrack and queue for the next one...  :lol:

Thanks for the tip about the Fort Comstock toilets, experiment627!  I might have trouble explaining to anyone I'm with why I've spent so long in there, though. :lol:


Quote from: "Baloo"Thanks for the tip about the Fort Comstock toilets, experiment627!  I might have trouble explaining to anyone I'm with why I've spent so long in there, though. :lol:

Blame it on the Hot Dog Bavarois (you know: the one with sauerkraut) that they're selling at Chalet de la Marionnette.  :twisted:


Quote from: "RnRCj"Yo ho! Yo ho! A pirates life for me!  :D
Yep, mine too :)
My only passions are Disneyland, and RHCP.  Nothing more, oh, and June 30 I\'m in DLRP


Yes that part on the Railroad which Baloo has described is exactly the same I love most too. It's so amazing. I'm always so excited by it, although I wrote the Railroad more than a hundred times.

My most favourite music in DLP is the Frontierland area music. All of them are great and I love just to stroll through FL and listen to this great music. Another favourite are the classic Disney songs from the Caroussell de Lancelot. When I'm standing on the balcony of the Sleeping Beauty Castle, watching over Fantasyland and hearing the wonderful Songs from the Caroussell, then I know I'm back home. And at least I love the area music from the restaurant Bella Notte. The music is the biggest reason why I'm always having lunch there.  :wink:  :D
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


My favourite is definitely the Space Mountain Area Loop. It's so beautiful, majestic, atmospheric... Makes me sad every time I think about Mission 2 :evil:

By the way, now that Sound Of Magic is gone, does anyone now somewhere you can get music from the park?


Yes sadly the Sound of Magic site isn't updated for a long long time. Maybe there is a little chance that it will return. But I would too like to know a site as good as this one was. Anybody knows ?! :?:
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"