favourite disneyland memory

Started by fly_with_me_dumbo, August 02, 2006, 08:00:02 PM

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On my second visit, when I was about 6 or 7, the castmember at the entrance picked me to open the park! So mickey came round on the train, and I gave him the signal to blow the train whistle, and with a puff of steam he did! I officially opened Disneyland Paris! :D

I don't know if they still do this...


My very fav memory happened in November 1997 - it was my eldest sons 8th birthday weekend and we took him on his very first visit to dlrp.  It was a complete surprise for him...  First we went to Waterloo on the train and he was sooo excited to be having a day off school that he didnt even wonder where we were going!  When we got to Waterloo we wondered around the station for a while and he noticed that the Eurotunnel train went to Disney so he went over to have a look and we said "shall we go to Disneyland then?"  he was totally gobsmacked when I took out the tickets and we went through to the train... a brass band was playing disney tunes as we boarded the train and the look on my sons face was priceless.  We stayed for two nights at the Santa Fe and he had a birthday party at Pizza Planet with Buzz and Woody, he just grinned the whole time we were there, I will never forget it, it was totally magical!  :D
Second Star To The Right And Straight On Til Morning!

xx Wen xx

My Trip Report: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5261


Mine is not so much a memory as a feeling I get.  It starts when we dump our bags at our hotel (usually SL or NPB) and start walking down the side of Lake Disney and through the village (quick stop at Planet Hollywood to say hello to our friends there and sort out our evening table) and through towards the park.  As soon as I see the Disneyland Hotel I have a feeling that I'm "home".
Hey There Hi There Ho There It\'s A Disney Kind Of Day

Lightning McQueen

My favorite memory is from the last night of our recent visit.It had been raining all day ,but a combination of hugs and kisses from my daughter ( as a big thank you for bringing her to DLRP ) and Wishes was for me the icing on the cake.I won't remember the rain,but I certainly will remember all the good parts of the day. :D
Lightning McQueen

Mansion Staff

my favourite mamory of every disney holiday is coming to the middle of main street and seeing the castle in the distance,
that is disney magic to me.
well we all cant come and go by BUBBLE!

be careful, or Ill drop a house on you.


My favourite memory is from 2002, my first time at the park.  It was the tree lighting ceremony-fantastic! When it went all dark and the tree lit up bit by bit, and the lights of winter lit all the way to the castle.....
What an amazing sight that was.  The look on my 4year old daughters face made it even more magical, and I have to admit-I cried! :oops:


My favourite memory was my first ride on Rock n Roller Coaster! I was so proud of myself after riding it, because I'd never ridden a fast coaster like that before! I've ridden many different coasters since - a lot of them are higher, faster and more thrilling than RnRC - but it's still my favourite of all time!  :D