Last Chance Café terrace/extension

Started by Anthony, September 02, 2009, 03:01:50 PM

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I actually think is looks great.  Really surprised they put props inside the terrace, good show =D>

Also as people have already said give it a few months to whiter and it'll be perfect.
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I think it looks good, very Western-stylish (at least for me). In my opinion, it fits well into Frontierland.

It looks very good in my opinion - let's see how it looks for real next week, but as some of you say it will be good with some weathering :)

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Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Ok, as someone who grew up going to Virginia City (the key reference point for Frontierland), the land used to be very authentic. Sadly this looks more theme park (non Disney) than authentic.

I can see what you mean - I was going to nit-pick on a few things myself. But to honest, with all the other crap that's going on at the resort at the moment (Blockbuster Cafe, MMP, castle decorations etc.), this really isn't that bad is it?

Out of interest, what is it exactly that makes the new covered area different to, say, the actual Last Chance building behind it to you? Is there something wrong with the design itself or just the way it sticks out?


I think it looks great, give it a few months and I think it'll look even better!

the only suggestion I have, is that they put more roof tiles on the "smooth" sections of roof, they look a bit bizarre at the moment!

Disneyland Paris Treasures

I reserve final judgement until I see it in real, but at the moment: I'm not a fan. Sure the theming it is not as bad as some of the other stuff they did in the past, but it is not that great either. But I am much more concerned about its' sheer size and also its' location. And somehow it doesn't look like something that would be found in the type of western town Thunder Mesa is representing - judging alone from my Western Movie watching experience though...


It's Disney's version of Frontierland. We're looking at it through the eyes of Disney and the imagineers. It's about useing some imagination. It's not the real Frontierland of the 1880's. Disney have romanticized it. Did they have covered seating in the old days of the wild west? They need it in Disneyland Paris when it's pouring with rain.
Ed & David


If you watch the video, you will see that there are electric fires inside boxes fixed on the ceiling! It's an another detail which will be very practical to have your meal outside.


Just watched the video via the link. I didn't realise that the extension wasn't actually an "extension", it's not built off the current facade, it's just a hut in front of it.

I thought the point of the extension was to create a rain-proof environment, but there's this one strip of open air between the counter and the new seating area?


Quote from: "Nicolai"I reserve final judgement until I see it in real, but at the moment: I'm not a fan. Sure the theming it is not as bad as some of the other stuff they did in the past, but it is not that great either. But I am much more concerned about its' sheer size and also its' location. And somehow it doesn't look like something that would be found in the type of western town Thunder Mesa is representing - judging alone from my Western Movie watching experience though...
Actually, looking at it a bit more, I see what you mean. It looks as if it's been added only to provide shelter and doesn't look authentic or as if it's always been there. It's not in the exact same style as the original building either. The shelter seems to be the "main" part of the whole structure now, and the part containing the actual cafe is just some random building at the back.

ford prefect

I quite like it.  I understand what you mean about the disjointed nature of it, however it solves a practical problem in a pleasantly themed way.  

I can imagine sitting outside having a coffee and watching the world go by.
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That looks quite good, actually! Great way for people to stay dry during rain periods in the park. Theming is excellent and it blends in nicely.
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Thanks for the photos & video mouetto!

Props?! Details?!! Very surprising to see the roofspace used like that, and more impressive still to see some of the wooden supports on the section on the right having some actual detail to them (curved bits at the top and indents). Lots of nice details like the lamps, shelves and bullet holes.

There are bits which could have been better. The frontage needs some WDI-style weathering. There's an ugly empty space where the old sign used to be (as RnRCj said, the building is just dead now). And I agree completely with luke85 that the flat roof sections should have been tiled. I can't tell exactly what's used there instead, but that's wound up looking cheap.

Shame, because it's so nearly there! At least this time rather than being annoyed at a complete royal mess-up (Blockbuster Cafe), we're only annoyed they didn't just jump that final hurdle, or other metaphor to suggest spending a few final euros...

Inside, and from this angle, it looks excellent!

(By the way - here's how it used to look)


It'll look even better when the tables and chairs arrive. I think the before and after pictures are helpful. There's no great themeing about those umbrellas. They don't look authentically frontierland to me.
Ed & David


I forgot to post this pic:

In real, you we will see that it's not shocking at all.
The terrace is close to the trees and it's really nice.