Disneyland Paris: Pin Trading Nights

Started by Anthony, April 25, 2006, 11:23:56 PM

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:D Hopefully you'll get nice characters. Here's all the PTN pins there has been so far.


So far there hasn't been a single villain pin, so maybe they won't do a Cheshire one. :P You never know though. I think since you've got a few on cards there you may as well keep them on cards. :P I don't think other traders are that bothered about the cards though, so it can work either way.

:shock: That's really bad that they tried to charge you £7 for the Lion King pin. :D Good job you stood your ground!


Quote from: "Masamune" :D Hopefully you'll get nice characters. Here's all the PTN pins there has been so far.


So far there hasn't been a single villain pin, so maybe they won't do a Cheshire one. :P You never know though. I think since you've got a few on cards there you may as well keep them on cards. :P I don't think other traders are that bothered about the cards though, so it can work either way.

:shock: That's really bad that they tried to charge you £7 for the Lion King pin. :D Good job you stood your ground!

I think I might put them on a lanyard, I have 3 lanyards that are full already, too full actually lol so now I will have 4!! :shock:
It was so frustrating today...she took the pin, turned to the other girl and said " how much was that pin?" and the girl said " £7 it's limited edition" and then she turned to me and said "its £7 is that ok, because its limited edition?"! I said "sorry but it's definately not, I have already bought that pin before and i am sure it's £3. Then the girl she asked turned to me and said " all limited editions are £7" and I said " no they aren't that pin is part of the celebration edition pins and it's £3, I swear", then they called the amanger woman over...thankfully it was quiet and the girl serving me said "how much is that pin" and looked at it and again said "its £7 as its limited edition", I said it's not i promise and I turned to the girl serving me (who knows I come in to pin trade as does teh other gurl serving) and I said " I have no reason to lie, as you can see I am spending a fortune on these pins", I said to the manager "no that pin is £3", she repeated the same line in a condesending manner and it was getting very annoying because I was being talked down to and I was right!! :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

Then the manager went behind the counter and took out a book with barcodes and stuff... she said " limited edition pins are all £7" ( but i could see her backing down a bit as she was worried she was wong"... I said "well actually the mary poppins pin is limited edition and it's £5 and the lady and the tramp pne is limited edition and its £3!"...then she said " you know more about it than I do"...I stood waiting until she finally found the code and yes I was right £3! :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

I hate confrontation but i didn't like being talked to as though i was definately wrong when I knew I wasn't! I told them to go and ring the other manager who i often deal with or the girl from these boards who works in teh shop and is head of pin trading! lol :P

the PTN pins look lovely, i have seen them on ebay before but they are always expensive due to their rareity! I love the alice one and lilo and all the others ha! I love the meeko one that i just missed! Meeko is cool!

When ppl are queuing for the ptn pins are they orderly or do ppl try to skip? is it the same queue for the pre-release pin if theres one on sale? do the cocktails sell out quickly and is there always a cocktail pin?? :P  sorry more questions hehe!
Luv Aveen xoxo


:? OMG what a bunch of silly people. I know pretty much all the Manchester staff now, so I don't think that would ever happen to me. If it did though, I think I would've got annoyed a lot quicker than you did! It's one thing to be told that you're wrong when you know that you're right, but it's another to be spoken to poorly. I very much hope that they apologised to you!

Ok, the answer to that is noooo. Some people in the que are very rude indeed! The Dutch lady who I told you about last night (the one who only comes for PTNs) told us all sorts of stories about certain people who push in time and time again. We saw this first hand when the que started moving. :shock: Some old woman held out her arm and ushered in like 5 other people who weren't even in the que whilst blocking the way of everyone else. :lol: My mum and the Dutch lady were both fuming.

You pick up the pre-release pin at the same time as the PTN pin. :P I doubt they would run out of the cocktail pins because of high price. Also, it's not like they're LE pins. They're just Cast Lanyard pins that are set to be released soon.


oooo I would get sooo annoyed at people skipping like that!! :evil: I think I am gonna be completely stressed but luving it at the same time if that is possible - the event...not luving the stress :P  :P . DO you remember how far in advance you started queuing back in April? Where you near the front?

I have to say one of the few things I hate about DLP is rude guests when queuing is meant to happen, or parents shoving children infront of you when your waiting to meet a character or at a parade or something! :evil: but theres so much good stuff I try my best to ignore it  :P  :P

I know some of the staff in my Disney store, they did say they were sorry for keeping me waiting and they weren't exactly rude but just a bit condesending, as though a guest could not be right...if you know what I mean. I have to say though there are some really brilliant staff in it too who i have got to know and who have been more than helpful! At least I proved I was right and not lying!
Luv Aveen xoxo


Even though Cast Members told people not to start queing until like 5:45pm, at about 5pm a group of people ended up standing right where the que was due to start. Obviously more people then stood behind them, and thus the que was formed. :lol: I was actually busy looking in a pin book and then when I turned around I was surrounded by people because the table I was at was right along where the que was. :) Luckily my mum had spotted the group that started the que and she had managed to get in fairly near the front. People were definatly pushing in though. There was about thirty people in front of us to begin with, but by the time it got to 6pm there was probably about 50.

I don't get stressed easily, so I didn't really care. Of course I wasn't happy about the pushing, but I knew I was going to get my pins eventually so it didn't really matter to me if a few extra people got there before me. As long as know one pushes me physically, I can deal with that sort of thing.

Oh and by the way...one of the people who pushed in was Goofy. :x

:lol: That was funny though.


:o  :o  :o  :o  Goofy!! He should sooo know better!! Funny Goofy is one of teh few characters I really don't like, he just annoys me for no reason...how evil am I! hehe is there always a character there or was that the only time you seen one??

I guess your right, as long as your in the first 100 or 2 then you will get your pins anyway. I think I get stressed to easily :P  :P  I still wish it wasnt in Davy CR  :roll:

Is your mum into Pin trading or any of your friends?

 :D  :D  :D  :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


There wasn't one at the first one, so I don't know how often they have Disney characters there. :P I don't like Goofy much either, but he was very entertaining. He seemed to take the edge off the queing, as my mum and the Dutch lady weren't the only ones getting a bit stressed.

:) My mum isn't as into Pin Trading as I am. She tends to go through phases of being into it and wanting to go to the Disney Store to trade and phases where she's just content with the pins she's got. :lol: I don't have any local friends that are into pin trading, only online ones. The friend I'm going to DLRP with next January has a few pins that she bought when we went in January of this year, so I'm sure she'll buy some UK pins so she can trade this year.


aw that's good that one of your friends is able to go with ya to DLP :D  :D  :D

My mum's not into trading although i have bought her a few pins before but she has loads of tigger things, she fell in love with him after her first trip to disneyland paris in 2007.

I have been 5 times in total, this will be my 6th.
Luv Aveen xoxo


The trip next January will be my 10th. :P We're booking it for a date near the end of the month, just on the off chance that we may catch a Pin Trading Night. My friend loves roller coasters just like I do, so it's a bit more fun going with her than it is my mum because my mum can't stand roller coasters! My mum loves DLRP though, so I'm sure I'll continue to go on trips with her there as well.


Yeah good idea, Adam says they are usually on the last friday of each month! :D  :D  :D

I don't like scary rides and neither does my mum so thats not too bad, although its usually more fun to go with ppl your age! :D  :D

was there many chesshire cat pins there on ptn ?
Luv Aveen xoxo


There was yes. :D When you search Cheshire Cat on PinPics you get 433 pins, so he's not the rarest of characters to find pins of. As well as the character crest one I showed you, this was the only other Cheshire pin I traded for.

http://www.pinpics.com/cgi-bin/pin.cgi? ... 2659162.v2
http://www.pinpics.com/cgi-bin/pin.cgi? ... 2659201.v2

I got that Cheshire pin and the Nana one below it in exchange for one of the Meet the Robinsons PTN pins.


They are both great! my problem is that I really dont have acharacter that I want pins of specifically like even though I like stitch I have a good few of him so I like getting other characters, unless I really luv the pin! I guess I am going to be doing a lot of looking!

Do the doors to the room where people are trading open sooner than the release of the PTN pins? or does it all open at once?
Luv Aveen xoxo


:P I'm like that. Although I'll only ask for pins featuring certain characters (Cheshire Cat, Scar, Gaston, Zero, etc), that doesn't mean I wouldn't go for a pin not featuring them. I never would've thought to ask if the guy had any Nana pins, I just saw it whilst looking for Cheshire ones and I fell in love. :D I think it would be a shame to stick to only a few characters when there's just so many to choose from.

The PTN pins start getting sold dead on 6pm. I don't know what time traders with tables are allowed to come in and set up, but me and my mum arrived at the April Pin Trading Night at around 4pm and there was already lots of people there. Like I mentioned earlier, it's definatly best to get there early.


I agree with you it definately would be a shame to just stick to one character! I like daisy duck pins! I also love the pins for the 'year of a million dreams' have you seen them?

Thing is the pin trading night is on my last day in the parks, my flight is early afternoon on saturday and so if I leave early for the pin trading nights I have to say goodbye to the parks *sniff sniff* although I guess an hour or two wont make much difference and I am planning to do a Cafe mickey breakfast on my last morning anyway:P aw I feel sad about leaving and it hasnt begun yet lol!
Luv Aveen xoxo


:D Yes, that series of pins is very lovely. I just have this one.

http://www.pinpics.com/cgi-bin/pin.cgi? ... 2753885.v2

:o Aww, that's a shame. You'll just have to make the most of what park time you have!