Hotel Corridor Carpet Smell?

Started by CafeFantasia, June 03, 2009, 09:11:48 PM

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Does anyone understand what I mean, when I talk about that really nice, comforting smell of the hotel corridors at Disneyland Paris?

I don't know what/where it comes from. But I would imagine it's something they put on the carpets to clean them. Some sort of carpet cleaning product. It smells really pleasant :-)


It's the little things that matter, isn't it. I've noticed it too. But I think it might just be some generic carpet cleaner that our minds now associate with Disney. Still, the smell never seems to change, so they certainly have a long-lasting supply contract :)


I know exactly what you mean! That smell always make me feel really at home!  :D  :D  :D


Glad I'm not the only one :-)

Yeah it's a kind of familiar, homely, reassuring, comforting, relaxing smell. I love it.

If someone can find out the name of the product used that creates it, that'd be cool. Some kind of professional-grade carpet cleaning thing.

The Helmsman

I know exactly what you mean :D . I thought that I was the weirdo who pays attention to such things. Apparently I'm not alone  :lol: .
~It Be Too Late To Alter Course~


I've noticed this to and i love it :wink:! At Sequeia there is a nice smell in the check-in/lounge to, which i've first noticed last year, is being send out through the plants every 10th minute! Oh, i can't wait to go again :)
/Patrick Nielsen


July 2001 - Cheyenne
July 2002 - Sequoia Lodge
July 2003 - Sequoia Lodge
July 2005 - David Crockett
July 2007 - Sequoia Lodge
July 2008 - Sequoia Lodge
July 2009 - Newport Bay
July 2010 - Sequoia Lodge


Septemper 2009 - Disneyland Hotel

The Butlin Boy

I always find the smells in the Davy Crockett cabins amazing, I always feel at home, warm and happy when I smell it. And even if a bit of it stays on my clothes when I get home, I feel like I am right back there, every time :)


Disney Hotels smell exactly like the Alton Towers Hotel's to me.
Maybe they both use posh carpet cleaner.

The amount Disney and Alton Towers are both charging they can afford it!


There was a very interesting thread about this on Disney Central Plaza. My French is horrible and I was in a hurry, but I believe the gist of it was that it is not the carpet cleaner (as everyone guesses), but in fact a very expensive perfume dispenser system something or other. Or at least according to these people.

In any case it's very clever. Smells have a huge effect on your mood or memory of something even if you're not conscious of it. I'm sure there are statistics out there proving that people are 87% more likely to return to a hotel if it smells nice, or something to that extent.


Here we go:

http://disneycentralplaza.englishboard. ... =fragrance

So you can have this scent at home for only €1500 plus €360 per refill.


For the first time since I was 5 we will be staying in a Disney Hotel at the start of September, and now im intrigued!



I know what you mean! I like this smell, too. I think that most of the hotels use such parfumes.

It gives you the feeling that everything is clean and so you have a good feeling for staying there.


I'm so relieved it's not just me... I always thought it was just something in my head. Once I asked my husband if he smelled anything and he looked at me as if I were crazy....  Only once he commented on the smell, we were in the DLH and the smell (almost like incense) was very strong (too strong according to him)


Quote from: "pussinboots"There was a very interesting thread about this on Disney Central Plaza. My French is horrible and I was in a hurry, but I believe the gist of it was that it is not the carpet cleaner (as everyone guesses), but in fact a very expensive perfume dispenser system something or other. Or at least according to these people.

Wow. Is that true? So how do they dispense it? Is it just something in a bottle that the maids spray when they clean the rooms each day, or is it pumped into the air conditioning system?

Needless to say, at the price quoted, I won't be buying any for home use :-) Shame, because it's much nicer than febreze.


Aww yeah I know what you mean about the smell  :mrgreen:
It's one of the best parts of the hotels it smells so good and as soon as I smell it I feel relaxed cause its like 'I'm here' now  :mrgreen: I also think the same about the noises too  :lol:
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