Hotel Corridor Carpet Smell?

Started by CafeFantasia, June 03, 2009, 09:11:48 PM

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OMG, yeah, I'm not the only one ;)
I love it. Especially in the corridors of Sequoia Lodge.

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I loooove the smell of hotel Cheyenne! Especially in the corridors and check in area  :D  :D It makes me really happy  :D  :D  lol
Sophie \":nemo:\"
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


Quote from: "SophieD"I loooove the smell of hotel Cheyenne!
I've not stayed in a Disney Hotel for several years now, but... I still remember this too, and particularly at Hotel Cheyenne. Every day when leaving or returning to the room I'd actually think "it's so clean and homely and cosy!". I never thought this quite as much at Santa Fe, with its smaller blocks and small corridors.

Seems like money well spent!


Quote from: "never2old"I'm so relieved it's not just me... I always thought it was just something in my head. Once I asked my husband if he smelled anything and he looked at me as if I were crazy....  Only once he commented on the smell, we were in the DLH and the smell (almost like incense) was very strong (too strong according to him)
I know exactly what you mean about this,I think the smell is more like woodsmoke ,and we always smell it when we go in through the revolving doors of the DLH !! Think ,like the other scents , it is meant to give a homely appeal to the hotel ;making you think of the welcoming log fire burning etc ! We have some room fragrance that smells just like the woodsmoke in the hotel,and we always have happy memories when we use it !! :)


Quote from: "SophieD"I loooove the smell of hotel Cheyenne! Especially in the corridors and check in area  :D  :D It makes me really happy  :D  :D  lol

We were in the cheyenne in January and the smell in the corridor was weird (Billy the kid) the end of the wk though we didn't notice it as our nostrils must have got used to it!!! :lol: It was like a damp caravan smell but the room was really nice! =D>
8th visit to the magic coming very soon x



Quote from: "never2old"I think the smell is more like woodsmoke ,and we always smell it when we go in through the revolving doors of the DLH !! Think ,like the other scents , it is meant to give a homely appeal to the hotel ;making you think of the welcoming log fire burning etc ! We have some room fragrance that smells just like the woodsmoke in the hotel,and we always have happy memories when we use it !! :)

Can you buy some sort of spray or candles that produce a burning wood smell? You know, that delicious smoky smell of a log fire? Do you know of a product? I'd love to have it :-)


The room spray we have ,which you can also get as a candle ,is by a French company called Diptyque ,a few places stock it including SpaceNK.The actual fragrance is "Feu de Bois" and smells exactly like the sweet,smokey scent of a log fire. The smell is wonderful,the downside is that it isn't cheap :( !! but a little goes a long way and brings back great memories of the DLH for us !!


Thanks for that info. It seems to be about £31.31 for a bottle of Wood Fire fragrance.


Quote from: "Alan"Thanks for that info. It seems to be about £31.31 for a bottle of Wood Fire fragrance.
Not exactly £4.99 from Tesco then,but haven't found anything else like it !!


That's a funny topic because it is exactly what happend on our last day in Disneyland.
We returned from DLP on friday. We had dinner at Inventions an the whole Disneyland Hotel smelled very loveley. It was exactly a smell I am searching for years now. It was something with vanilla inside. Hubby thought it was with cinnamon too.
I wish I knew what the smell was. The whole hotel was covered in it. :P It was very strong but I loved it.


It's funny isn't it. As humans, we have very sophisticated tools for capturing and identifying images and sounds. But smells? What? Forget it :-) It's really hard to capture a smell or identify it. Smells are like magic to us. They're mysterious.


Quote from: "Alan"It's funny isn't it. As humans, we have very sophisticated tools for capturing and identifying images and sounds. But smells? What? Forget it :-) It's really hard to capture a smell or identify it. Smells are like magic to us. They're mysterious.
Just on the note of magic smells lol It was last summer before my sisters wedding and we'd gone up to Grinkle Park and on the drive home we had the windows down and I swear I smelt the smell from Star Tours!  :lol:
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


Quote from: "Alan"It's funny isn't it. As humans, we have very sophisticated tools for capturing and identifying images and sounds. But smells? What? Forget it :-) It's really hard to capture a smell or identify it. Smells are like magic to us. They're mysterious.

Indeed. Something about our noses being connected to a more primal part of our brains, one that doesn't deal with conscious thought but with emotion and place memory.

Which is why a smell can remind us of a certain mood, time or place, but we can't fully verbalize what it is we smell, and must thus settle for analogies like, "it smells like a log fire."

The upside is that an evil corporation like Disney can take advantage of that. Having Main Street smell like cookies or the hotels of snug log fires is essentially changing customers' moods, persuading them to buy things and to have fond memories of ludicrously overpriced hotels for years afterward.

It certainly works on me... I just realized my least favorite hotel had hallways that faintly smelled of manure.

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "burntsienna"Just on the note of magic smells lol It was last summer before my sisters wedding and we'd gone up to Grinkle Park and on the drive home we had the windows down and I swear I smelt the smell from Star Tours!  :lol:

We were watching a show a few months ago, and they had some smoke on stage that drifted into the audience, and BOOM - half an hour of reminiscing Rock 'n' Roller Coaster 8)  :P


Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"
Quote from: "burntsienna"Just on the note of magic smells lol It was last summer before my sisters wedding and we'd gone up to Grinkle Park and on the drive home we had the windows down and I swear I smelt the smell from Star Tours!  :lol:

We were watching a show a few months ago, and they had some smoke on stage that drifted into the audience, and BOOM - half an hour of reminiscing Rock 'n' Roller Coaster 8)  :P
I love it!
Now I just wish my home would smell like the hotels lol! I'd be like I was there all the time...though I'd be awfully disappointed when I'd step outside and find my street and not Disney  :lol:  :(
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"