Cinéma Mickey at Videopolis (2009)

Started by Anthony, March 06, 2009, 10:12:25 PM

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Videopolis Theatre is set to become Cinéma Mickey during Mickey's Magical Party!

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    News & Rumours at DLRP Today[/list][/list]

      Quick Info:

        Announcement from Kat de Blois in
      this interview:
      Quote"That said, Mickey will be not only present on the stage in front of the Castle, but also at Videopolis in Discoveryland.

      "The theater will be transformed into a big cinema, Cinéma Mickey. Be it in the stalls, or eating upstairs, you'll be able to watch a bunch of Mickey cartoons that made him the star we know, introduced by himself. A new way to celebrate with him, this time as a cartoon character."
      Excerpt from DLRP Today news article:
      QuoteClassic cartoons from the Disney archives have always been played on the big screens above the restaurant space to provide entertainment in-between theatre shows, and now it seems they'll be becoming the main attraction. Kat de Blois' announcement that Videopolis Theatre will be "transformed into a big cinema" must surely suggest some major changes to the stage area itself, especially with the added confirmation that we'll now be able to enjoy the cartoons "in the stalls", without food, too.

      But will this be closer to a real stage show or a simple cinema? Kat states that "Mickey will be not only present on the stage in front of the Castle, but also at Videopolis in Discoveryland" and that the cartoons will be "introduced by [Mickey] himself". It's up to our own interpretation for now whether this means Mickey will appear on-stage to introduce the cartoons, or simply via a pre-recorded video clip or narration.



      Sounds great so there is a big cinema screen on the stage and Mickey is in front of it after and before a cartoon?
      "To all who come to his happy place, Welcome" - Walt Disney

      Previous Disney Visits

      DLRP  | May 2001           |Newport Bay
      WDW  | October 2004    | Calabry Parc Villas
      WDW  | October 2006    | Hawthorns Suites
      WDW  | May 2008          | Hawthorns Suites
      WDW  | August 2008      | All Star Movies
      DLRP   | November 2008 | Explorers Hotel
      WDW  |August 2009       |Pop Century


      Yawn, I am starting to hate that mouse!
      since 2001 (many before that)


      I wonder if it will be like a 'House of Mouse' set-up?
      (you know the TV programme that is shown on Disney Channel and Cinemagic ?


      So basically they'll project Disney shorts on the small screens in Videopolis.  What exactly is changing?  :-s


      Quote from: "Kristof"So basically they'll project Disney shorts on the small screens in Videopolis.  What exactly is changing?  :-s
      very true Kristof :lol:
      The Disney Shorts are played all the time when there wasn't a Lion King show on

      So I wonder if this will actually be a new show or the shorts will be introduced by Mickey on the screens as if its a TV channel :?

      QuoteKat de Blois' announcement that Videopolis Theatre will be "transformed into a big cinema" must surely suggest some major changes to the stage area itself, especially with the added confirmation that we'll now be able to enjoy the cartoons "in the stalls", without food, too.
      Like in the above quote surely things will be changing, will the set for the Lion King be dismantled (which would surely mean that the show won't be coming back at all)?
      Will a big screen be created at the back of the theatre and people are welcome to walk in and sit where you would of sat for the shows (or eat upstairs)

      I think that this will be more of a show yet it hasn't been advertised

      Handy Andy

      Just seems like more cost cutting to me. I can watch cartoons at home. I don't really like the direction DLRP is going with cutting back on the shows. Let's hope it's just a temporary measure until they can come up with a new show.
      Magical Wishes


      a house of mouse set up would be really good and would fit in videopolis well, the show is funny, we watch it most saturdays before work on disney cinemagic ( you gotta love channel 622!!! ) it sounds like it could be a great place to grab something eat and have something for the kids to watch, it could work  [-o<


      yeah a house of mouse thing could be interesting. show the cartoons and meet n  greet with characters
      [size=150]Long Live MagicForum![/size]

      Love From Magical Mouse 125


      And if reading what they are doing isn't bad enough, reading about people being interested in this is even more depressing.
      since 2001 (many before that)

      ford prefect

      Quote from: "davewasbaloo"And if reading what they are doing isn't bad enough, reading about people being interested in this is even more depressing.

      Dave, I have been an admirer of Disney for sometime and I believe that House of Mouse is as much a part of Walt's ideas as The Adventurer's Club or Phantom Manor.

      Disney is entertainment and imagination, there is plenty of imagination in the parks and the guests, what is also required is entertainment.

      I find nothing wrong with watching Disney Shorts, indeed my 2 kids aged 4 and 2 love Mickey cartoons from the 1930s and 40s.

      Obviously Disney no longer "does it" for you, but there are still a lot of people who love Disney and DLRP for what it was, is and will be.  It is a place to have fun, a place to admire artistry, eat, drink and be merry, a place to play and a jolly way of spending a few days.

      Nobody is forced to go, but those who want to go should be allowed to smile, and have fun.

      My final comment is "fools and children shouldn't see unfinished work"
      enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


      What doesn't do it for me is the over reliance on toons, and seeing them on a screen does even less. I have a large screen TV and almost every Disney release available on DVD and Video. Why would I want to spend so much time and money to travel somewhere else to watch these, when in the same venue we used to be able to enjoy west end quality productions, chinese acrobats, cutting edge dance shows. I would love to see something on that level again.

      I have no problem with a House of Mouse per se, if it were in the Studios as a themed eatery and audioanimatronics et al. But this is a quick cheap fix worthy of a Butlins, not a Disney resort. To treat this as a boon is far more foolish IMHO.

      I want the Disney quality that has been a lifetime obsession, not the durge we see coming through Iger's leadership. Yes, I have lost faith in Disney, especially in WDW and Paris, and I desperately want it back.

      To find people defending mediocrity, whether in Disney, medical care, social care or anywhere else, annoys me greatly, and I would rather my children have the honour of the wonderful level of quality I had the experience to enjoy rather than the rubbish cheap reliance on rubber and celluloid.
      since 2001 (many before that)


      Quote from: "ford prefect"
      Quote from: "davewasbaloo"And if reading what they are doing isn't bad enough, reading about people being interested in this is even more depressing.

      Nobody is forced to go, but those who want to go should be allowed to smile, and have fun.

      Nothing is wrong with smiling and enjoying the experience, but the reality is, the direction of travel is not good for the long term well being of the park, or indeed their business.

      I speak out in the hopes that others will join me and Disney will return to form and offer us real magic like they used to (heck, the 15th and the additions to WDSP shows they are still capable).
      since 2001 (many before that)

      ford prefect

      Agreed, I loved the Mulan Show and much else seen at DLP, I am not defending mediocrity. (Medical and Childcare? I am an Optician specialising in Paediatric eyecare an low visual aids for special educational needs.  Perhaps that is a debate for elsewhere?)

      One of the most important places to take children in DLP is the play areas in Adventure and Frontierland, rides and shows become exhausting, so running around, climbing, sliding and falling and playing as a family is as important as seeing the aerobatics in the Tarzan show.

      Of equal import is sitting down, having a burger and watching a cartoon.  Laughing at Goofy in Videopolis means that when you then go into Art of Disney Animation and play with the sound effects machines the children can relate the 2.

      The toons ARE Disney and are the current focus.  My wish for Disney is for them to entertain me and my family (oh, and fix the broken effects!)
      enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!

      ford prefect

      Quote from: "davewasbaloo"(heck, the 15th and the additions to WDSP shows they are still capable).

      We are into a different theme this year, a low cost theme during a recession.

      Using popular characters to drive the family audience, surely a good way of limiting costs whilst driving income and hence profit?
      enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!