It's Dance Time... in Discoveryland (MMP)

Started by Anthony, February 09, 2009, 12:20:20 AM

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i bet you were up dancing as well kristof ;)

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What happened to Stitch's float?! When did it change from a metallic blue to vomit colour? They've clearly tried to make it fit in by making it dated, but made the mistake of also making it look old... Discoveryland is about the past but everything is still clean and "modern". This looks like it's been out collecting bins around Chessy before rolling into the park.

I still don't get how they explain the coloured dance steps either... There's nothing visual I can see...

It's nice to see some activity in this part of the park, at least.


Having seen the soft opening, im actually in love with this show, its the perfect 'warm up' act to the Its Party Time (at central plaza). Its colourful, loud, fun and totally universal, anyone can understand it. Stitch is the centre of attention, lots of playback and as always hes very cute! I love the makeup and costumes and although i was a little dissapointed by the float changing colour...i prefer the new design as it fits in much better with its surroundings. They have done a top notch job of this, dancing is perfect and very crisp and modern, its a totally different disney experience, very similar to the Bloc Party Bash parade. It uses modern music (not disney) but combines it perfectly with a good storyline and excuse for dancing and guest participation, great little show, love it!

thats all just my opinion. if you're expecting disney magic, theres not much of it, but like i said its a perfect warm up act for the central plaza show, (which will follow straight after, the two shows are literally back to back).
~ just like we dreamed it ~


Quote from: "zanderstarz"thats all just my opinion, im all for these overtly "gay" and over the top spectacles popping up around disney. if you're expecting disney magic, theres not much of it, but like i said its a perfect warm up act for the central plaza show, (which will follow straight after, the two shows are literally back to back).

Even with quotation marks, I don't think this is an appropriate use of the word. I find your use of it quite offensive tbh.


When did the cast of Star Trek end up in Discoveryland?
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


there is plenty of other male dancers in disney as well so what is diffrent fromt he dancers for this show?

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Quote from: "luke85"Even with quotation marks, I don't think this is an appropriate use of the word. I find your use of it quite offensive tbh.

im sorry if it offends you, but TBH being gay myself i wouldnt have thought it mattered using that word to describe the shows campness and flair. i dont think the word gay is offensive at all, really its a very commonly used and accepted phrase in todays society. just like gay people infact.

however, i shall edit that post, to avoid offending anyone else.
~ just like we dreamed it ~


Quote from: "zanderstarz"
Quote from: "luke85"Even with quotation marks, I don't think this is an appropriate use of the word. I find your use of it quite offensive tbh.

im sorry if it offends you, but TBH being gay myself i wouldnt have thought it mattered using that word to describe the shows campness and flair. i dont think the word gay is offensive at all, really its a very commonly used and accepted phrase in todays society. just like gay people infact.

This is exactly why it offends me, because you are stereotyping all gay people to be camp, flamboyant and loud. I am also gay and find it offensive that people use the word gay as a desriptive word for anything over-the-top.

I also don't agree that it is an accepted word to use decriptively. I hear it mainly being used when somebody thinks something is rubbish or crap. If you think that's fine then that's your opinion.

Anyway this board is all about DLP, which we all love, so I'm sorry to have briefly moved away from that.


Back on topic...

Any videos of the Sneak Preview yet?
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Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Discoveryland shouldn't be punished with this show! It's such a beautiful area of the park, and nothing about this show seems to fit in with its surrounding area. It may turn out to be wildly popular, but as far the park in general is concerned, I think it's just another step-back for Discoveryland :(


The show kinda ennoys me. However i think because it has stitch in, who is widely popular in britain. the show will do well. Hey who knows it might actually grow on me!!!

(but the darth vader music as stitch came out made me crack up :lol: )
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Love From Magical Mouse 125


OH MY GOD WHAT A SUCCESS! The whole "It´s Dance Time-Team" is really really......DANCING!!!!....erm....and they seem to have KOOL FUN!....and they seem to get ONE or TWO guests dancing for 10 or 15 seconds!!!....KOOL SHOW!

Sorry but this show simply doesn´t fit into discoveryland and they´ve forgot one thing again : This teaching "how to dance" shows aren´t a success for DLP. They were never a success and they won´t be in the future. DLP isn´t a 2 star holiday club resort at mallorca where you are happy doing the club dance every evening...

And look how cheap the floor really is: Here a pic from the revived dlp-info-site:

Source: //
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


oh wow i never loughed that much! i dont know what to say about
this show, if the CM shut up and don´t say anything it could be cool,
but like it is now i don´t like it...
the spaceship should fit into the theme to discoveryland, the costumes too!
very interesting they used the music from Block Party Bash!

Captain Pan

"Paint to Discorveryland Please, Paint to Discoveryland"

Or Maybe that should be Paint Remover...

Reibi, that is nauseating... I've seen better paint jobs on a school yard. It is darn right appalling that Discoveryland can be given this sickening treatment...

I love the music... I like the idea... but the execution is completely wrong... Costumes... without trying to offend anyone... PANTS!

I've worn better looking and more appealing in Comprehensive School Productions set in Space! And I've had better again in amateur productions.