It's Dance Time... in Discoveryland (MMP)

Started by Anthony, February 09, 2009, 12:20:20 AM

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I think that they thought that YMCA was a dance classic that every one knows :( .
However it douesn't work here!
The costumes are good and stitch and the spaceship are'nt bad but still it seems out of place!
[size=150]Long Live MagicForum![/size]

Love From Magical Mouse 125

Agent Lex

At least they're not doing Oops Upside Your Head...

[spoiler:nsiu07zb]For those who don't know, the traditional dance for that one calls for everyone to sit on the floor in lines. Wouldn't quite work :P[/spoiler:nsiu07zb]


Rock The Boat :lol:


Sorry to say that.
But thats awful. Bad Show!!!!

The costumes look like a cheap copy of Rocky Horror Show
and the music doesn´t have to appear in a Magic Kingdom.  :?
I don´t know what people are responsible for this, but they should
work at SixFlaggs, not at Disney!!!!  :x

As I mentioned in another post:
Walt would never had allowed something like this happen in a Disney-Park!!!!
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



Oh my! Can it seriously get any worse???? :shock:
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


I'm not easily shocked, but this show is  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:
Let's say it with Kuzcos words:
"Ugly beyond all reasons!"
Hope I can avoid this. And I hope our daughter doesn't get sight of Stich because she loves him.

King Gaston

Quote from: "kaysha"This video from disney magic interactive is quite nice, we see people dancing, and there is YMCA :wink:  :

This show is horrible, I abosutely love Stitch, but this is rubbish!!!Disneyland what have you done????.... please bring back Catch the Waves! That was fun, that was music, not this horrible noisy rubbish! :x


I've been avoiding watching a video of it until now. It's appalling. It just makes no sense.


:shock: I never liked the sound of this show from the begining but... :shock:  Oh god, how can they shame Stitch by affiliating him with this load of rubbish!? Where is the Disney magic in that? The dancers look like something from a tacky kids show, not something from Disney. It's way too noisy, takes up loads of room and Stitch doesn't even do that much even though it's meant to be a Stitch event! The recession must be making DLP desperate to try and reel in customers or something!  :?
Luv Aveen xoxo


Poor Stitch.

This will be on his conscience forever!
 :P  :lol:  :roll:  :wink:  :twisted:
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Love From Magical Mouse 125


Funny, if this were in the Studios with everyone in genre style clothes ala Blues Brothers, Saturday Night Live, Village People, I could almost forgive it. But in DISCOveryland, I cannot.
since 2001 (many before that)


I've seen the show twice past weekend and first I have to add that the dancers put a lot of energy and effort in the performance, which is obviously great.  But the whole concept and idea of the show is quite missing its target!  I have seen no one on both occasions dance on the coloured spots.  The only people I've seen attempted to dance were EPC cm's during their brake.  Most guests just watched for a few minutes and moved on.  

I don't understand that shows like Legend of the Lion King and The Tarzan Encounter have been cut (or reduced) to gain budget for this show, Dance Time with Mickey and the MP3 copy/paste Stars 'n' Cars.   [-X


Agreed K, though I am guessing the budget for these are still far less than the theatre shows (less cast members - both crowd control and performers, less maintanance etc.)
since 2001 (many before that)


Just seen a slightly more recent video and the host sounds English. No idea how good his French skills are, but now I can now tell what he's saying. With just one host, it's totally alright to have someone who's crap at English in favour of a real French voice... of course. But when there's 2 (or 4 in It's Dance Time) it really makes sense to have the English speaking hosts specialising in English. Winds me up so much.
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


Oh Dear.  :shock:

Its more Haven Holidays than Disney!

Looks awful and really doesn't make any sense. :?

I think I shall avoid it as much as I can while I'm there!