It's Dance Time... in Discoveryland (MMP)

Started by Anthony, February 09, 2009, 12:20:20 AM

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Quote from: "Kellogs"Oh Dear.  :shock:

Its more Haven Holidays than Disney!

Looks awful and really doesn't make any sense. :?

I think I shall avoid it as much as I can while I'm there!

have you seen bloc party in california???
~ just like we dreamed it ~


Bloc Party Bash is now in Hollywood studios and when I saw it my whole family enjoyed it.
The characters were suitable and the setting and Park were all suitable. The thing that is annoying me is that this is in the Disneyland park :(


I'm going to propose a name change to Shake Your Booty... in Discoveryland.

Beyond the crassness (is that a word?) of using songs like YMCA (which is, scarily, the part which had the most people dancing), I'm not particularly keen on hearing "Shake your booty" in Discoveryland or even Disneyland Park. It just feels wrong. The first "official" performance on Saturday, the host really emphasised the "booty", yet yesterday a different host missed it completely, like they were pretending it wasn't there.

Quote from: "Kris"But when there's 2 (or 4 in It's Dance Time) it really makes sense to have the English speaking hosts specialising in English.
There's only one host, the guy on rollerskates. I think the "Booty" one was Dutch and another French.

Compared to the earlier videos, the poor guest flow teams and the cast seem to emphasise more now that the circles are for dancing on, and a lot of people were trying to dance along, but it's not helped by three factors:
- The lights on the float just completely don't match what's being shouted out.
- The cast themselves who are meant to be showing you what to do always get it wrong (can't blame them)
- Most ridiculously, the hosts shout the colours out like "yellow ... green ... bleu ... vert ... red ... jaune ... rouge", so you really need to know the four colours in French and English to properly take part.

And beyond the fact it doesn't work, the concept of how this silly show ties in with MMP is almost invisible. "A space ship is landing..." What? Who are these space dancers? What does this have to do with anything? It all seems very hastily strung together by two "phone calls" from Mickey, in French only (the host does not translate them, for some reason). The first says something like "Hey Stitch, help your audience learn the dance moves", the second announces the start of It's Party Time in front of the castle. If you don't speak French, you don't find out what he's saying.

Finally, the performance area and the whole planning of it must have been done by someone who truly hates Guest Flow and guests themselves. First, you're told to move out the way of the space ship's path, then guest flow have to entice people in and try to get them to dance, then those people are suddenly told to get out the way to let the space ship through again. Not to mention that the Discoveryland-->Fantasyland path is now closed for long periods each day.

The problems with this just go on and on... It's saved from being a true disaster by the presence of Stitch (people scream with relief when he arrives) and the surprising enthusiasm of the cast (considering what they're working with), but it's still a massive embarassment if you ask me.

Oh dear, and another problem... Stitch arrives, but he doesn't really do anything. For some reason, the focus is more on the cast of dancers, so you almost forget he's there. He also shouts horribly "MOVE YOUR FEET" too angrily, and I don't think the concept comes across at all that he's "DJ Stitch". That whole DJ/dance party concept has been lost amidst all the excuciating 25-minute long "a space ship is landing" gobble.


Well said Anthony.

Oh, the dancers in the show are supposed to be flight attendants.  Their movements mimic that of real flight attendants going through the safety procedures. (I didn't make this up... comes from the head of Entertainment...)


Quote from: "Kristof"Oh, the dancers in the show are supposed to be flight attendants.  Their movements mimic that of real flight attendants going through the safety procedures. (I didn't make this up... comes from the head of Entertainment...)

Actually, that first section of the show with the countdown music and the dancers waving the landing flags is fairly ok, probably because the music is just generic and not 70s. It goes rapidly downhill once Stitch begins to play his records.

They seem to have put more thought into customised tarpaulins to cover the four dance platforms (with the Place a la Danse logo) and a 3D version of the logo on the show control booth than the show itself.

After that neverending post I missed out one of the most annoying things: the top of the dance platforms isn't fastened down properly (they're obviously very cheap) so everytime the dancers jump you get a "SLAM" from the top of the hollow platform.


There's only one thing I really really liked about the show.  Right before it starts, they play the Discoveryland background music quite loud over the show's speakers!   =D>


Quote from: "Anthony"
Quote from: "Kris"But when there's 2 (or 4 in It's Dance Time) it really makes sense to have the English speaking hosts specialising in English.
There's only one host, the guy on rollerskates.

Sorry, meant It;s Party Time. If fans are having trouble using the right name, I'm sure guests are totally confused!
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


I finally decided I should watch the whole show, I've just finished.

I still have a lot of respect for the dancers.
There were lots of nice ideas in the show but they weren't executed great. I'd like to see it back again in some other form.

Obviously all the music was from Block Party Bash at Hollywood Studios but I felt Vasile Sirli (I presume he mixed the music) integrated it well with other bits from other places.
I also noticed that during the YMCA segment the "You can hang out with all the toys" line was left in. (In relation to Block Party Bash and the Toy Story Characters) ;)

Like I said, I'd like it back in some form in the future. It was mentioned in another topic that DLRP want events which link with whats going on in the Resort. As Toy Story opens next year maybe we could see the show in the Studios but with a bigger emphasis on Toy Story characters recycling this shows soundtrack (but with the voices added again).


Here's a new full video of the show from

• Regular: It's Dance Time... in Discoveryland
• HD: It's Dance Time... in Discoveryland

I'll let you make your own impressions. :wink:


Hmmm I'm really undecided about this  :?

Just watched that HD video (great to see DLRP doing HD now!) and here are my thoughts....

It definitely needs to be clearer which segment you should be on and when! Agreed the floor looks really tacky!

When the first mission is about to begin there isn't enough time for people to move to the circles, they shouldn't let people get that close so they can move onto the circles easier once it starts.

The CM's are great considering how silly they look! They have huge amounts of energy and really persevere throughout the show!

This would definitely appeal to my sister for example who likes dance mats etc. and loves Stitch, for the younger fans who aren't concerned with how it looks and how well it fits in I think its good but for us Disney Connoisseurs I think its a little tacky.


I know my daughter will love it, and i know i will have to grit my teeth and watch it for her.  

I just don't get it lol.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


While at the Cardiff Disney Store today a promotion video ran advertising dance time in Disneyland Paris during Mickeys Magical Party. It was great but they focused alot on the floor markings   :lol:

Mrs. Jennes

I also watched the video, but i'm not sure if i would stay the whole time! Although i really liked the beginning, when the artists made sort of mimicry for preparation. And the grils looked all like Lady gaga :D
Maybe it's because i don't like Science-Fiction in general, when it is about the newest technologies...

A dream comes true the 10th Time in March \'10


I watched the show last week and there were far more people there at the beginning of the show than at the end :)  It doesn't seem to hold peoples attention for long, it's pretty ordinary really :|



I was there this weekend and I must say, the show is pretty cool - especially by night. Everybody lean on the candelabration but it`s clear that this high level of entertainment can`t be hold for all years! I think it`s a great show - espeacially by night when the lights turn on! The dancers all do a great job and at the evenig the crowd is also dancing! There where a lot of people who interact, young and old! Great! Sadly, that it would end so soon...