Pin Trading: Disney Store UK

Started by casschr05, January 22, 2009, 09:28:16 PM

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hahaha such a shame I would of been asking you to get me one if they where still there lol but argh well, I would buy one of ebay just to trade but as they are nearly the same price as the Kevin pin (my holy grail) then I might as well add a bit more and buy the kevin pin  :lol:  


:lol: Should've bought like 10 Grape pins whilst we had the chance.


I know lol I might be able to get kevin for it for all I know  :P


:) You never know. The Jessica Rabbit pin that I'm getting off that lovely lady is LE 300, and the Scar/Monstro ones are LE 500. Americans are finding it very hard to get, so they either have to shell out lots of cash for it, or offer a decent trade for it.


lol if I find some one who has krevin who wants that pin im gonna have to find someone who has a spare and try and trade it or buy it lol


o.o I just clicked the link for the people who are trading the Kevin pin, so I could view their wants. One is wanting the new Alice pin that's released here in December, one is wanting our cinema pin, one is wanting our Grape pin AND our cinema pin and one is wanting our Grape pin


all depending on who the traders are as one person if that woman that has it on her trade list but says she has changed her mind and is keeping it or it isnt on her list anymore when it clearly is lol


:lol: The pin I want more than any other is on eBay right now for $135.


is that the Gaston pin the villain-tine pin??


:) Yup. *Sighs* No chance! I'd only spend that amount of money on a pin if I was a lottery winner.


hahahaha I wouldnt pay that much for a pin, the kevin one Im getting was $35 so about £20 but thats not be paying for it so all is good :)

Belle's World

Quote from: "Aveen2008"Hey Roanna,

sounds like you had a good and bad experience. I find it can even depend on the staff who are on that day as to weather you have a good experience or not, nevermind the stores lol. They are only supposed to trade 2 pins off the lanyard per day with guests but it doesn't really matter as long as you had a good time hehe..rules are made to be broken :P  :wink: I like when the cast are all enthusiastic and friendly!
I haven't ever heard of the pin boards being in the stores is that a board to show you all the ones avilable or is it for trading pins? :D

Hi Aveen,
I thought the rule was you could trade a maximum of 2 pins per lanyard per day. I really hope that's the rule or i've been breaking it quite a lot! I had 2 pins from one lanyard and a third from the second lanyard.
A pin board is a velvet board usually behind the counter which shows all pins available to buy. I thought all Disney stores had them to display their pins on. The Sheffield store had 2 including many pins which i thought you could only buy via the internet so it was great. Will definately get round to posting pictures at the weekend if not before. Really love my Alice3 and Cheshire cat pin.


ah yeah I never though of how it was different lanyards, thats probably right hehe
Luv Aveen xoxo


our store has a board and comes out every time with new pin releases and that is it I think, Ive never asked to see it so I dunno if they would show it or not lol


Yay! new pins online...

Love the Belle Romance locket and Jasmin and Rajah.

Can't wait for the Chrismas bauble one too, its only £5!

Cant believe we are getting a Rajah Pin, thats so cool!

I presume the "Romance Lockets" will be another £7 series as on the description it says "Open the hinged lid to reveal that classic princess Sleeping Beauty on a twinkling glitter background." so unless someone doesnt know their disney characters, there will be an Aurora one too.

I'm so glad they bought back the coming soon bit, "We have no intention of bringing it back" my left foot! next step PIN BAGS please! my one is fit to bursting!
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