Pin Trading: Disney Store UK

Started by casschr05, January 22, 2009, 09:28:16 PM

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hey all,
well as promised I said that I would recommence pin collecting after New York and my family told me they were going to Norwich today

I really wasn't feeling up to going (jetlag  :P) so I quickly went onto the website and pointed out the pins I wanted from the store!
so today I got the Evil Queen spinner and the core stitch (with guitar) pin!

I didn't use all my dollars (well I have at least $135 remaining :o ) so I should be able to get some more pins soon :lol:



Welcome back Chris. I hope you had a good time!

Well today we ventured to Norwich again, traded for the penaltimate CM Mickey pin that I needed, so only one left to go now! I've been a bit slow on these ones :roll:
We also decided to make use of our newly arrived Shareholders card that came in the post this week :D and I got another set of the already released romance pins, not sure what we are going to do with them yet though :-k
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


Hey should be back full time on the forums soon (in a couple of months), this last year has been hell in terms of work! Anyway on to the subject. I have a fair few of the UK store pins now but was in the Manchester store today (not the trafford as is usual for me) and just so you all know apparently (according to a very enthusiastic CM), the UK stores are sending the contents of the lanyards to the US and vice versa in order to refresh the range on their lanyards. We can only hope these don't become re-flooded with UK store ones.


PS: If anyone knows where I can get the Stitch and Donald of the Square Gift Box Cast Lanyard series in the vicinity of manchester eg. Leeds or York I'd be really grateful.


The Norwich store has just been restocked, I'm sure the stores nearer to you will be soon
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]

Agent Lex

Quote from: "Barnsey313"PS: If anyone knows where I can get the Stitch and Donald of the Square Gift Box Cast Lanyard series in the vicinity of manchester eg. Leeds or York I'd be really grateful.
Those two seem to be particularly hard to find - I'm glad I got Stitch as soon as I could! Sorry I can't help.


All of the Cast Lanyard pins seem to be impossible to get ahold of now. When I went in the Manchester store yesterday, they said that they had recieved the Cast Lanyard pins again a couple of days ago, but they got traded as soon as they hit the lanyard. :( The last time I went in was Friday, so they must've got the lanyard pins on Saturday.

I had a full set of the giftbox pins to begin with, but I ended up trading the Mickey and Goofy ones at the Pin Trading Night at DLRP. I'm not hugely bothered though, as it's the Stitch and Donald ones that I like best.


I went into the Disney store today in the St. Enox centre in Glasgow and OMG it was crap! they had pins but not big choice at all and didnt notice any layatards!

I must of spent 2 mins in there and went right out again, it was not even a big shop

Upcoming Holidays

Past Holidays
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Sequoia Lodge
5th - 12th October 2008 - Santa Fe | My Trip Report][/url] | My Trip
Photos: //
Feb. 2012 - Florida - Radisson Hotel Orlando-Lake Buena Vista


Unfortunatly the LE sell out fast, and some are Online only
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]



Just ordered the new releases :D and the next releases look soooo cool!
Next release for the romance series is Aladdin, and the next castle pin is Snow White! but why do we need another Tink core pin?? I like Tink but why do we need four tink core pins?!?!?

Does anyone know what the Donald Celebration pin in for?
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


About teh St. Enochs centre store, yeah it's not the best but the LE pins seem to last longer in there because I don't think alot of people buy pins localy here in Glasgow. But the Buchanan Galleries store trades and thats for certain. Ask a CM about the lanyards and they should show you the CM ones.  :D/


whats more shocking the 2 staff they had on didnt have any pins or layatards visable!

Surley they should and that would get people to buy them

Upcoming Holidays

Past Holidays
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Sequoia Lodge
5th - 12th October 2008 - Santa Fe | My Trip Report][/url] | My Trip
Photos: //
Feb. 2012 - Florida - Radisson Hotel Orlando-Lake Buena Vista


Thats weird, Whenever I go to the St Enoch the Pin Frame is always visable to guests.  :|  I'm going up on Sunday, I'll check it out then

Agent Lex

Lex's pictorial update time!

Sorry for the late update, but the first Friday (or in this case, second Friday) of each month they have an event on after work that I enjoy attending. This makes my pin update a bit later :( But anyway, upcoming releases below.

Limited Edition

The Dalmatians pin looks great though it replaces the scheduled House pin... maybe it is a House series pin!? The Aladdin one, of course, continues the Romance series.
Also upcoming is the Donald celebration pin, which looks awesome. Though as usual, not really sure what they're celebrating, any ideas anyone? The dangle looks like an anchor, so maybe it's ship-related.
EDIT: It looks like Donald is 75 that week! The Wise Little Hen, Donald's first short, was release June 9th, 1934.

Core (Open) Edition

A standard Tink pin, and the Snow White one continues the Princess-and-castle series of core pins.

Today's releases include...
Limited Edition
Donald with Boat - House series, Donald is pin-on-pin. LE 1000, £7, the usual.

Cinderella and Prince Charming - 4th of 6 in the Romance series, the usual pin-on-pin. LE 1000, £7, the norm.

Core (Open) Edition
Belle and Castle - £5, and I just learned that the Princess and castle series is a series of 4, so it turns out Snow White will be the last.

Dalmatian - regular ol' pin, £3. Looks cute, I might get one when I go out tomorrow.

Mickey Mouse Sorceror - another regular ol' £3 pin. It's nice to see them release a few of these at once, actually, for those who don't have quite so much money to spend on pins.

Minnie Mouse Polka Dots - the second solo Minnie pin, this time in her trademark polkadot dress and bow.

Hope you like the updates! Sorry about the lack of pictures for the pins themselves - Disney Store seem to be using a new system for the item pages that means I can't directly access the images. If you really want them, say the word and I'll do my best to get something up here.

ETA: Figured out the Donald celebration. Javey would be proud!


Thanks for the update Lex!
I've decieded not to collect the Villians series so I don't need to get any more pins until June. Which is good as I normaly spend quiet a bit everyweekend. I'll get the Bell + Castle, Cinderella, Donald + Boat and Sorcerer Mickey pins on Sunday and that'll keep me happy for just now  :D/


:D I can't wait for that birthday Donald pin. I knew it was for Donald's 75th because I've seen the pins they're releasing in the American parks on the official pin trading website. :shock: I'm just dying to see what the next Villain pin will be.