15th Anniversary Celebration (2007-2008)

Started by Anthony, December 10, 2005, 03:06:40 PM

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Since they're in colour on all these visuals, I'm fairly confident they'll be the same in reality.

I don't think gold or bronze characters would suit a 15th anniversary.  They seem to be going for a bright and colourful yet classic Disney theme with the anniversary, rather than the grander and more majestic 50th.  Which makes sense, really.  I think the more modern feel also suits well with the two new Pixar WDS attractions and the kinda un-Disney ToT being a key part of the year.


Dont forget Stitch, or is that not yet officialy confirmed?


Still unconfirmed... If it is true (and we haven't heard a single negative yet), then they might do the same as they're doing for ToT and not mention it until the first wave of attractions have opened, so that the flow of guests is spread right throughout the year.  If things go the way we hope, they'll have the start of the celebration in April, Toon Studio in June, Stitch in November and then Tower in 2008 - that way the year will continue to be strong all the way through.

You might laugh at me for being a loser here, but a Disney Anniversary year is like a tent.  And like any tent, you can't just prop it up at one end with a new parade - you need to hold it up at both ends (Tower).  And then, if it's sagging in the middle... get another few poles (Toon Studio and later Stitch).



Not such a bad analogy. They use it in the movies! A tent peg movie is a summer blockbuster, the income supports the rest of the years more "artist" releases!


i cant wait to see the castle for real, got some brochours the other day from hypermarket, the front coves both have the 15th anniversary castle on.   :D


Quote from: "fly_with_me_dumbo"i cant wait to see the castle for real, got some brochours the other day from hypermarket, the front coves both have the 15th anniversary castle on.   :D
Oh cool!  Which companies are these brochures for? :)


Well I know Leger have it on the front of their new one, which my mum just threw in the bin :lol: .


yeah leger and thomson


The French official 15th Anniversary brochure for groups is now available!!

http://disneylandparis.com/fr/collectiv ... chures.htm
(scroll down a bit and click for the very posh pop-up ebrochure)

It's so pretty I might cry... :lol:  DLRP have turned themselves around sooo much these last few years. Whilst it's only short, it definitely gives us a look at what to expect with the final Official Holiday Guide brochure. :D

Edit: It also mentions the evening ceremony each day!

À la fi n de la journée, retrouvez Mickey et ses amis près du Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant afin d'assister à un superbe spectacle musical en l'honneur de ce 15e anniversaire.

At the end of each day, join Mickey and his friends by Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant for a superb musical spectacle in honor of the 15th Anniversary.



No one care about the brochure? Ok then, more 15th news...

Some nice person put the french travel industry trailer online!  It's used in the same way that old "Where?" trailer was, to get travel agents into the "feel" of what they're selling.  So that means this is definitely not a commercial that will make it to TV, DVD, etc.  Anyway, here it is:


I think it's good but not great, they ruined it a bit for some reason. Cuts too quickly between things and the music has been messed with. :?

The Butlin Boy

I liked the logo at the end of it, very nice :)


It's still so funny that they're using music from Universal's Peter Pan movie (the Disney Parks & resorts uses the same music as well...)  :lol:


Quote from: "raptor1982"It's still so funny that they're using music from Universal's Peter Pan movie (the Disney Parks & resorts uses the same music as well...)
I don't think this music is from Peter Pan... :? I can't find it on the iTunes previews, anyway...  :lol:


Oh wait lol.  I got the cd from our local library, will check it out.  :lol:


I'm quite sure it's not, the music is far too good. :D

Very badly edited in places, though!  I like the advert a bit more after watching it again, but it's still not as "powerful" the way they've edited it for the french version.