15th Anniversary Celebration (2007-2008)

Started by Anthony, December 10, 2005, 03:06:40 PM

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Let´s run to the metro and see it for real :lol:
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


When do the special Celebrations end? Will they still be around in Feb 2008? As that is looking likely to be the next time I go. I really don't want to miss out on them, as it all looks so wonderful!


It's year long, April through March, so they'll still be on.


I thought you were looking to go again at some point in September?

Didn't it work out?



No, sadly it looks unlikely that I will be going in September. No one will come with me!

But I am so glad the Celebrations are lasting that long! I WILL get to see them!


But I've just got a little while to go .. ..  :x   :cry:


You should do like I do and go on your own.


I was a bit wary of it at first in March, wasn't sure how it would go, but once I got there I loved every minute of it.

It's nice to have some company but there's also something to be said for having the freedom to do what you want when you want.


I was thinking about going alone, but I wasnt sure about it. And it was really ok for you? you wernt too scared or anything ?


My main concern was the travelling. I'd been in the resot before on my own. First time I ever went I had a second day in the resort on my own while everyone else went to Paris, and last year, I went with my family but split up from them most days in the afternoon and did my own thing.

It was a bit different actually going on my own, and making the trip by car on my own. But I planned it out well, and it really wasn't an issue.

My main concern was getting lost, because I was driving so I bought a SatNav before I went. It was invaluable because I'd have struggled down around the M25. I've gone down the M1 plenty of times, but usually go down as far as Luton as I go down to Whipsnade Zoo fairly frequently (though I haven't had chance to go much this year).

I'd have also struggled in France. I probably would have found it a bit confusing initially coming off the ferry in Calais, and again once you get past Paris and around Charles de Gaul airport - but the SatNav made it easy and I only took a couple of wrong turns, and it quickly sorted me out.

Once you're in the resort though, there's so much to do that you really forget about being on your own. It's great to be able to go off and explore things on your own, and spend as much time looking at things as you want. I suppose it's each to their own really, and it's how you are as a person. It doesn't really bother me spending time on my own - though for years, I wouldn't have done something like this. But a few years ago, I felt like having a trip out to a zoo and made my way down to Whipsnade Zoo (which I hadn't been to for about 15 years), and spent the day there. I then started making regular trips around the country to zoo's and safari parks, and the way I looked at it, is if even if your friends aren't interested in doing the same things as you, why should you do without things and not experience them. And that's the attitude I had with Disney. I saw how easy it was last year to get there (initially wasn't thinking about driving), and didn't see why I shouldn't go back again.

The Butlin Boy

New to the 15th anniversary site, Cars Race Rally:The Game
 :arrow: http://www.disneyland15.com/?l=en&c=uk#carsgame

And not only that, I decided to try and clever and find the Crush Game which isn't on the site yet, and I was succesful :D  Unfortunately, it isn't finished yet though :cry: So watch this link:
 :arrow: http://www.disneyland15.com/?l=en&c=uk#crushgame


Lol, it's funny they put the Crush game online like that. :lol:

The Cars game is a bit boring but fairly nice I suppose.  Of course I have to moan that they say "Flash McQueen" on the English version... :roll:


We've got the Buzz Lightyear one saved in Our Favourites from last years launch.

http://www.helpbuzz.com/flash/UK/main.p ... UK&pays=UK

They're not GREAT!!, but their fun n littlun liked playing the Buzz one right up until we went to DLRP last year. He's just started to want to play it again as we begin planning our trip this year. Keeps us in the mood :D  so I'll just add Cars n Crush to our favourites :D

By the way-I did really badly on the Cars one :roll:  :lol: pitiful![/b]

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


:D The 15th Anniversary Celebrations were everything I dreamed they would be and more! :lol: I'm wishing I could go back now before it's over.


Quote from: "Masamune":D The 15th Anniversary Celebrations were everything I dreamed they would be and more! :lol: I'm wishing I could go back now before it's over.

I'm so glad that you had a wonderful time! Mind you, what did you expect? IT'S DISNEYLAND!  :lol:

Anything that was even better than you thought?


:P I think EVERYTHING was better than what I thought. I mean, everything looked incredible already in all the pictures I looked at before going, but everything looked a million times better in reality! :D The statues are much bigger in real life than what they look on pictures, and the banners are even more vibrant and lovely.

:) And of course, there's the atmosphere. It was the best DLRP atmosphere I've ever experienced. When it came to the Parade, hardly anyone was being ignorant or pushy, and French people were actually asking us if their kids could stand in front rather than just pushing them through. It was like the both Parks and everyone in them were in a joyful mood, and all of that translated into the best DLRP trip I've ever had.


That´s so wonderful to hear masamune that the 15th feeling is also in the heart of the guests!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


:D Yeah, it was great. All the Cast Members were lovely (as usual), and although there was a few pushy guests at certain places, no one was overly pushy or rude. :lol: I didn't have to shoot evil looks at anyone this time round, which was nice.

And even on the lasy day when it rained a lot, everyone remained in high spirits. :)