New in Paris, Single Riders line!

Started by Soap, January 30, 2008, 12:45:34 PM

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It's from a dutch forum, but the picture makes it clear ;)

I think a very good idea and surely soon spread over the parcs!
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


I dont get it!

What is exactly the difference? There is going to be another q for the single riders?


Translated part by Babelfish ;-)

A new phenomenon in Paris, but in American parks for years a success: the single Riders Line. It is very simple: if you will do an attraction on your own (one person), then you will stand in the special single Riders file. If there then is a group of three standing in line, not a train with an empty chair goes the job, but it's you that will fill the empty chair. Result: you are yourself faster to the turn and the park uses optimum of the ride capacity. As yet the single Rider has been active only at Indiana Jones and the Temple or Peril, but undoubtedly at good experiences rapidly will be extended...!

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


I kind of thought that would be the idea and I agree it's a good one. In the past it has been a bit frustrating to stand in a long queue for a ride and see what appear to be half empty cars going by.


Those are still tests.


Well, I hope the tests work! This is something I'm surprised they didn't try years ago.

Well done for trying it out DLRP. :)


works well in florida and california , the only oddity being that it actually makes more sense to join the single riders line on everest and alternate between it and fastpass as you inevitably end up on the same train and often or not actually sat together (go figure).. This was up and running over christmas in paris on IJ. How about crush next, every other vehicle leaves with an empty seat which is a ridiculous 25% unused capacity..
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]


Well... I still dont get it!!

Is the one rider queue in the same line of the normal queue or in the fastpass queue?


I was hoping that it was already in full flow. I've seen the WDW single riders lines. and it seemed to work like the fast pass. As in the normal queue would let about 10 people through followed by a hand full of single riders. OR when a party of 3 get shoved on a ride with seat of 2s then a single rider gets in aswell.

I'm planning on going this year with my wife and baby. I'd thought about using the single rider queue and swapping the baby out instead of the usual queue and baby swap routine.
BUT if they havent got them on the rides fully yet, I mamybe shouldn't have typed the last couple of lines. :oops:

miss disney fan

they have used this system for a few years now at alton towers and each year the park opens the single person que is added to another or ride or more, its a really good idea if theres only one of you who wants to go on a certain ride so your not waiting goodness knows how long in a normal que


Quote from: "skalos"Well... I still dont get it!!

Is the one rider queue in the same line of the normal queue or in the fastpass queue?
It's a totally separate queue.

If you're on your own, you join it and the CMs will put you wherever there's an empty seat in the trains (for example if there's a group of 3 already seated). The ride uses its full capacity and you get on much quicker.

To be honest the new sign at Indy doesn't really make the point of the line clear. Interesting it has a bit of Spanish on there now too...


:o Sounds like a good idea. :lol: Only, what if it's a weird day where everyone in the normal que is in 2's and 4's? You could be waiting even longer in the single rider line.


Single Rider for Crush please! :lol:


Just remember that a single rider queue doesn't necessarily mean that you're saving any time... I remember trying it several times on Everest at Animal Kingdom - and waited exactly the same time as everybody else...

It will be interesting to see how they'd like to install *another* queue at their rides. Might be more hassle than it's actually worth...

Remco K.

Quote from: "experiment627"I remember trying it several times on Everest at Animal Kingdom - and waited exactly the same time as everybody else...
We tried it at Test Track and it worked very well for that attraction at that time.

Quote from: "experiment627"It will be interesting to see how they'd like to install *another* queue at their rides. Might be more hassle than it's actually worth...
At least on Big Thunder Mountain they could probably seperate the first part of the queue (before going into the roofed part), and creating a new entrance from there.

I edited a screenshot from Google Earth to show how the stand-by line and single rider line would go up to the roofed queue.

For most other rides it will be pretty difficult to add an extra queue.