New in Paris, Single Riders line!

Started by Soap, January 30, 2008, 12:45:34 PM

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Well it sounds great... we will have to see it in action!!


I'm not a fan on SRQ's. I work in a theme park and they are and cause so much trouble. People think it will be faster and so large groups join it, making it now a 'groups-who-want-to-beat-the-standard-queue-and-don't-want-to-wait-for-fastpass-line..'
My God, if ONE seat slips by, you get it in the neck from the SR's and those guys who work on rides get it from all three lines.

In addition, my queueing experience has never been amazing in France (no offence), so to add three lines, plus parent swaps, disabled, VIP and anything makes it all so much hassle. If you want to ride, just join the standard line, that way the queue will flow comfortably without problems for everyone...staff very much included.

I'm glad that it's a trial, hope it doesn't stay.

FINALLY, The ONLY time that it works is if an attraction with a high capacity (Oblivion at Alton Towers being a fine example), has the SRQ designed and built into the ride queueing system. Otherwise it's all too problematic.
Welcome foolish mortals


sweet! single rider queues will be a hit i think, they certainly work their magic in alton towers

for those people who don't understand how single rider works...

Basically its a queue for people by them selves (a single rider) and lets say, rock 'n' roller coaster, 3 people on a 4 seater car, the single rider will be put into that car to fill it up.

sure you have to sit next to someone you don't know, but generally the chances are you get on the ride faster
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Interesting post, Fever. You're probably right about how much trouble they are. I've tried them at Alton before and sometimes it can take longer than the normal queue to wait for an empty seat to show up.

@Remco K. -- I'd say BTM would be one of the harder ones to add a SRQ to, since there are only two small stairways to the platforms. Crush loads a bit too fast, unless they grouped people together in 4s way before they reach the platform to give time to spot spaces.

Where does the new queue at Indy go? I can't think of any extra path there.

Remco K.

Quote from: "Baloo"since there are only two small stairways to the platforms.
You're right. I'm still breaking my head on how to solve this problem. The stairs seem to be the only problem, unless they use the current Fast Pass entrance for the single riders, and the path I had in min for the single riders would become the Fast Pass line (still get it? ;)). The Fast Pass line and Stand-by line would merge way before the stairs.

This still wouldn't be the ideal situation. I guess every attraction would need a very extensive rehab on the queues to make this work.


This will be ideal for Crush! No fastpass line please but only a single riders line!


See, it's problematic in text! Put that into the park..chaos! Guests, believe it or not are never ready to board a ride either, so Crush would be a nightmare with the ride system being stopped as someone faffs about..(anyone ever seen SRQ's on Spinball Whizzer at Alton Towers??)
If I were-and I have been to a theme park on my own, I will always ignore the SRQ. Early mornings they can work, but AS SOON (and you hear it in the standard line) guests start to question what the additional line is for, they straight away think 'next time we'll do that and it'll be quicker', thus making it busier, more slow and giving ride attendants something else to deal with (like they haven't got enough).

Thorpe Park for example have stopped SRQ's, with the exception of the rides that were designed for them (and even then I've seen a SRQ on Stealth when the ride had no queue!!!). It's trouble and most of the fights that I've seen are caused by guests in those queues and anyone who thinks they have a VIP ticket.

Finally, no-one likes to see empty seats go, but for a happier place, do we need the hassle of another queueline entrance, OR GOD FORBID using the ride exit?
Welcome foolish mortals


First I thought it's a great idea...But I totally see your point fever.
I really think Crush would be a nightmare. I think that many would use it because they think it's faster and not because they are single so it wouldn't achive its original goal.

Screaming Coasters

I'm affraid single rider wouldn't be possible on Crushes coaster!
The reason why most cars go by with a seat or two empty is because the manufacturer put a weight limmit on the ride. 1 adult to 3 children under 16 or 2 adults and 2 children under 16 or 2 adults and nobody. I know this because I used to be a team leader at Chessington World of Adventures and one of my rides was Dragons Fury (Same coaster type, built by MS)


Quote from: "Screaming Coasters"I'm affraid single rider wouldn't be possible on Crushes coaster!
The reason why most cars go by with a seat or two empty is because the manufacturer put a weight limmit on the ride. 1 adult to 3 children under 16 or 2 adults and 2 children under 16 or 2 adults and nobody. I know this because I used to be a team leader at Chessington World of Adventures and one of my rides was Dragons Fury (Same coaster type, built by MS)

Yes, this is true, pinball wizard at alton towers is closing due to weight causing too much damage to parts of the track
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Quote from: "Screaming Coasters"I'm affraid single rider wouldn't be possible on Crushes coaster!
The reason why most cars go by with a seat or two empty is because the manufacturer put a weight limmit on the ride. 1 adult to 3 children under 16 or 2 adults and 2 children under 16 or 2 adults and nobody. I know this because I used to be a team leader at Chessington World of Adventures and one of my rides was Dragons Fury (Same coaster type, built by MS)

Hmm correct, however in Walt Disney Studios, they do send cars with 4 adults in.  Though the spin is rather disastrous :lol: .