Up (Pixar 2009)

Started by The Butlin Boy, June 08, 2007, 06:17:39 PM

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Haha, I just realised my post at the top of this page mentions that a hot air balloon in the shape of the house with the balloons attached would be cool. Now they have actually done that, wicked :D

Anyway, don't think this has been posted yet...

Video link.

It's a nice video made for the French promotion of the film, it's the producer and the director taking you on a small tour of the Pixar studios showing off early artwork and models for the film.

I absolutely love that guys office at the end with the hidden bar, how cool is that?
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


Anybody already seen "Up"?
I've seen it in 3D last week and I have to say that I was a little bit disappointed by the movie.
"Up" doesn't reach the quality of Pixar's last movies. Wall-e and Ratatouille are Pixars best movies so far. In my opinion even "Bolt" is better than "Up".

So what do you think? Did you like "Up"?


I watched it and liked it very much.
I thought it was as good as Ratatouille but not as good as Finding Nemo and Wall-E which are my favourite Pixar movies.
But among these movies, Up was the only one I watched at the big screen...
The first part of the movie was perfect. The rest was good but a little childish.
Now I should watch Ratatouille again to decide which one was better.
Bolt was very entertaining but much simpler than Up and it was made mostly for kids(like me, that's why I liked it :-" )


I am very disappointed right now :(

I wanted to check for tickets here in Aalborg for the premiere next friday and apparently it is only shown in danish here in Aalborg - I have to go to Odense to see it with the original voices (2-3 hours by train) :(

This is not the first time this has happened lately - the same thing happened with Bolt, which I didn't get to see in the cinemas for the same reason.

I really hope that I am in for a surprise next week and this is all a big mistake, but I seriously doubt it...

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ooo i cant fiand cinemas times for it but i now know there is a cinema that plays 3D soo yay up and to story i can now see :D tooo excited

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Quote from: "dagobert"Anybody already seen "Up"?
I've seen it in 3D last week and I have to say that I was a little bit disappointed by the movie.
"Up" doesn't reach the quality of Pixar's last movies. Wall-e and Ratatouille are Pixars best movies so far. In my opinion even "Bolt" is better than "Up".

So what do you think? Did you like "Up"?

I watched it yesterday and I have to disagree with you. I really liked it although I was sceptical before I've seen the movie. I really think it's a brilliant story and also the "pre-movie"(don't know if that's the right word) was one of the best they have ever done.
But I think the movie might adress more to adults or older children...


I'm sorry. I have deleted the post. I didn't think about it. Sorry again.

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "dagobert"[spoiler:pydooubl]I have to agree with you on the "pre-movie". In my opinion this is one of the best things Pixar has ever done. I had tears in my eyes when they realized that they can't get children and when Ellie died.[/spoiler:pydooubl]

Some people haven't seen the film yet, so please put spoilers in spoiler tags!




I'm sorry about spoiling. I've deleted my post. Sorry again and thanks for telling me.

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "dagobert"I'm sorry about spoiling. I've deleted my post. Sorry again and thanks for telling me.

That's okay, everyone makes mistakes. You didn't need to delete the whole post though, just put the spoilers into spoiler tags :)  

Luke85, you still have the spoiler showing, please can you put it in spoiler tags or delete it :wink:


I saw Up last night and I'm sad to say that I was quite disappointed. It is by far the weakest Pixar film yet. To be honest I could have walked out of the cinema halfway through not caring what happens in the end. It was just so dull and slow. I didn't find any of the characters particularly loveable either. I couldn't believe this was the same company that made Toy Story, Nemo, Wall-E etc..


Quote from: "RnRCj"I saw Up last night and I'm sad to say that I was quite disappointed. It is by far the weakest Pixar film yet. To be honest I could have walked out of the cinema halfway through not caring what happens in the end. It was just so dull and slow. I didn't find any of the characters particularly loveable either. I couldn't believe this was the same company that made Toy Story, Nemo, Wall-E etc..

Sorry to say I completely disagree RNRCJ. It isn't the best Pixar film made but it's certainly not the worst. If I was to give the "worst Pixar film award" it would be to Bug's Life but even then I liked Bug's Life. Pixar in my opinion have never made a bad film.


Quote from: "RnRCj"I saw Up last night and I'm sad to say that I was quite disappointed. It is by far the weakest Pixar film yet. To be honest I could have walked out of the cinema halfway through not caring what happens in the end. It was just so dull and slow. I didn't find any of the characters particularly loveable either. I couldn't believe this was the same company that made Toy Story, Nemo, Wall-E etc..

I have a lack of faith in your ability to have an opinion on films. Why I hear you cry?

Because Up was probably the best film I've seen this year (and I've seen a lot, just look at my cinema count in my sig)! I too saw it yesterday and I thought it had an excellent balance between sad and happy moments. It was a bit like Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way :P What was so dull about it?I found it to be very emotional, hilarious and just very enjoyable. There wasn't a single moment where I was bored or wanted the story to move along. Peep loves Up.
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


A warning for people who haven't seen the movie - there may be a couple of spoilers in this post!!

Quote from: "peep"What was so dull about it? I found it to be very emotional, hilarious and just very enjoyable.
I thought the ending was good but that was about it. I was bored for the first hour or so of the movie, then it picked up a little, then it slowed down again, and finally it picked up right at the very end. The majority of the movie I found to be too slow, random, and generally uninteresting. Especially the part where they're strolling through the wildnerness and literally nothing happens (No tigers? No vultures? Anything exciting at all - nope! Just some weird talking dogs).

I didn't find myself getting attached to any of the characters either. Mr Frederickson was a grumpy old man; Russel, the dog, and the bird were just annoying. I think we lost a potentially good character at the start of the movie: Ellie.

It also left me with a load of questions about things that didn't make sense: Where did all the balloons come from? How did Russel get on the porch? Where did all the dogs comes from? Why was it that Mr F. could barely walk at the start of the movie, yet by the end he was performing death-defying stunts?

Up, to me, seems like a "filler" movie to bridge the gap between Wall-E and Toy Story 3. It's nothing particularly special.