Star Tours enhancement/upgrade (EEP)

Started by Anthony, April 23, 2005, 08:27:05 PM

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7 years until Star Tours: The Adventures Continue comes to Paris? This is unacceptable.

The new Star Tours ride is getting rave reviews, but doesn't actually look THAT different (physically) from the original version. So maybe it wouldn't be too unrealistic or expensive to bring it to Paris... just a little bit sooner than 2018 please.

Can someone have a word with Philippe Gas and get him to change his mind?


Quote from: "Alan"7 years until Star Tours: The Adventures Continue comes to Paris? This is unacceptable.

The new Star Tours ride is getting rave reviews, but doesn't actually look THAT different (physically) from the original version. So maybe it wouldn't be too unrealistic or expensive to bring it to Paris... just a little bit sooner than 2018 please.

Can someone have a word with Philippe Gas and get him to change his mind?

DLRP will get ST II when WDW und DLR will get the third generation of that attraction. I really hope that DLRP will get it sooner.


This is just conjecture, but I think that they might either start building it or announce it in 2013. If they're changing the Phantom Manor then, then they might do ST2 as well. Or, they might wait until a year after the 12th anniversary before they start big building projects again, like this year.
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


Take a look at Alain Littaye's ST II blog: Photos by Orlando Sentinel and

Be aware, there are spoilers:

In another post WDWnewstoday details what we know so far - warning again: lot of spoilers ahead:


The first queue room is mostly the same, the screen is now HD and shows weather reports, destination previews, and a look at Starspeeder 1000.
The Goose droids are now screening luggage in the second queue room. However on a sad note the droid room song is gone!
As luggage goes through the scanner, projections show what's inside. Some items inside include Wall-E, a Stormtrooper helmet, and an ewok doll among other items.
3 to 4 models of our former pilot RX-24 are now in that room, each a different color. They each have a tag saying they are defective!
A body scanner is now located at the end of the room. The other goose droid makes a comment about you passing through.
Loading area is essentially the same except for new lighting and signage, the updated pre-show is presented on two HD screens above.


Pre-show has Aly San San (the new Spokes-Droid voiced by Allison Janey) providing all the spiels in English and Spanish. The guests in the cabin was a shot for shot remake of original pre-show.
The cast member chooses who will be the rebel spy or princess that will be "caught" when the ride begins. We suggest you try kissing up.
During the pre-show, C-3P0 comes to inspect the Starspeeder cabin, has a discussion with pilot, then asks him to leave. (I've got a bad feeling about this)

Ride Experience

Guests board and are seated, the starspeeder takes off with reluctant pilot and a view of the Millennium Falcon. Guests are then ambushed!
You escape the ambush by jumping to lightspeed, bringing you to you your first destination.
The riders we spoke to then ended up on either Hoth or Kashyyk. There's a battle on Hoth and you get chased on Speeder-bikes in the latter.
You go to space and get a transmission. The riders we spoke with were given a message by Admiral Ackbar or Princess Leia.
Princess Leia says "help me Star Tours, you're my only hope!". Next, R2-D2 then jumps to lightspeed without C-3P0?s permission.
The riders we spoke with then either entered final scenes in the Death Star, on Naboo, or Coruscant.
The Death Star scene ends with a Boba Fett chase through the asteroid field.
Naboo has a giant fish attack.
Coruscant has a giant battle in the sky between the Trade Federation and the Clone Troopers. You barely escape from a huge crashing ship!


Photos like these, taken sneakily in the new Star Tours queue, are starting to show up on Twitter. Like I said before, it doesn't actually look all that different, does it? But you know what, that's actually a good thing, because it makes the idea of it coming to Disneyland Paris more likely.

Compare the new to the old:


Quote from: "Alan"Photos like this, taken in the new Star Tours queue, are showing up on Twitter. Like I said before, it doesn't actually look all that different, does it? But you know what, that's actually a good thing, because it makes the idea of it coming to Disneyland Paris more likely.

The theming of the queue looks already great and in my opinion there is no need to change it. They just painted the Starspeeder in red and changed the simulators. I can't imagine what's so expensive, maybe the rights to use Star Tours?

I can imagine ED SCA will be forced by TWDC and Lucasfilm to change to attraction. I'm sure George Lucas will not be happy that the old version will be shown when there is already a new one. The same will happen in Tokyo. The reviews are very good and perhaps that makes the management think about it.


I did read, that Star Tours - The Adventure Continues cost was approx. $50 million for both WDW and DL...
These would be 35 - 40 million euros.. Now i realy wanna know where is the problem not to get it at DLP...

It would be perfect for the 20th because they can promote the attraction on the beginning of Star Wars 3D next year and
also they can promote the parks 20th. Another misstake they will do, because now they would have the chance to
promote all over europe and may get more visitors ect. but the manegement and marketing are to lazy to do it right.!

Sometimes you realy get the feeling they don´t want to. They didn´t enough Promotion for TOT, Captain EO ect. all over Europe. Also they didn´t take the opportunity to promote the park in Germay while other countrys were in recission. A little bit research won´t hurt them and dont cost a lot of money.. sorry but i don´t buy anything mr. gas is saying or the onther persons invovled. They are liars and dont have any clue....


Quote from: "lil-shawn"I did read, that Star Tours - The Adventure Continues cost was approx. $50 million for both WDW and DL...
These would be 35 - 40 million euros.. Now i realy wanna know where is the problem not to get it at DLP...

It would be perfect for the 20th because they can promote the attraction on the beginning of Star Wars 3D next year and
also they can promote the parks 20th. Another misstake they will do, because now they would have the chance to
promote all over europe and may get more visitors ect. but the manegement and marketing are to lazy to do it right.!

Sometimes you realy get the feeling they don´t want to. They didn´t enough Promotion for TOT, Captain EO ect. all over Europe. Also they didn´t take the opportunity to promote the park in Germay while other countrys were in recission. A little bit research won´t hurt them and dont cost a lot of money.. sorry but i don´t buy anything mr. gas is saying or the onther persons invovled. They are liars and dont have any clue....

I read the same on the Blue Sky Disney-Blog and if you take in account that DLRP was willing to spend over €70mio for three carnival rides, then I really don't get it. I think ED SCA will be forced by TWDC and George Lucas to bring ST II to Paris. George Lucas always wants to use the newest technology, which isn't always the best, and I can't imagine that he wants to see his product how it is presented in Paris. Most people associate Star Tours with Star Wars instead of Disney.


Bonkers huh, We have a terrible carnival in WDSP that cost more than a Star Tours make over. Although the expense in Paris would be the language dubbing. Unless they just popped in the US attraction in english (that would be cool, but wouldn't happen).
since 2001 (many before that)


I wonder if wonder if that $50 million included the ride film by ILM, or if George Lucas paid for part of it? Given Lucas' wealth, I can imagine him wanting to spend his own money to make sure the ride film was as high quality as possible, and not to be constrained or restricted by Disney's budget.


Quote from: "Alan"I wonder if wonder if that $50 million included the ride film by ILM, or if George Lucas paid for part of it? Given Lucas' wealth, I can imagine him wanting to spend his own money to make sure the ride film was as high quality as possible, and not to be constrained or restricted by Disney's budget.

I wonder if George Lucas is happy to see Star Wars in a Disney park? Don't you think that Universal would be a better place for him? I think at Universal he would have the chance to create a whole Star Wars or Indinana Jones land and since Steven Spielberg is involved with Universal Creative, I can imagine that he considered to collaborate with them. Maybe the contract with Disney doesn't allow that. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that Indy and Star Wars, both are one of my favorite franchises, are part of the Disney Themepark Universe, but recently Disney is on the cheaper side of creating new rides, while Universal created some of the best attractions recently.


And this happens when an attraction gets a big promotion. Funny because this is just the Star Tours Early Departure Private Event. Look at this Huge quee Line  :D

How crazy will it be on June 3rd when the Ride oficial opens at DL?

Another proof, that an updatet Attraction can bring in crows, as long as you make a good and big promotion.
Many say, we won´t look at the business site of Disney, i do and i see that DLP don´t know how to bring in
many european visitors. Sorry but this park is lost, they even don´t have $50 million wich is btw. peanuts for them.

Oh hold on maybe this money is spent on the Magical memories festival  :twisted:


While I agree with many of your sentiments Lil Shawn, also remember that Disneyland has over 500,000 annual pass holders, 90% of which live within a 3 hour drive. That is a huge difference compared to PAris. Also add in that DL has a very different culture than all the other resorts, with 56 years of loyalty (that is not based on characters).

From why I have observed on some message boards and real life, there is a huge group of folks in Europe that go to see kids dressed up in rubberhead costumes. Sad fact.
since 2001 (many before that)


That line is huge, but since it is only 8 o'clock in the morning, I think this is a special preview for visitors with annual passes. Nevertheless DLRP needs more promotion! Each year they are spending a lot of money on meet and greets, shows and new festivals, but there is no money for an upgrade of Star Tours II.


Imagine this commercial playing out across Europe instead of that obnoxious "We're going to Disneyland!" girl...

Good to see someone (Blue Sky Disney) has finally put a price on the upgrade, I've been waiting for that figure for months. Although no doubt $50m would convert almost directly to €50m for Paris. At that price, and choosing my words carefully, I do think Toy Story Playland is the more "shrewd" investment for the parks (if we have to compare everything to Toy Story Playland.....)

But it makes me wonder how Euro Disney SCA look at the cost/benefit of investments like this... Wouldn't they increase the benefit by upgrading it sooner, riding on the huge publicity DL and WDW are creating, rather than investing the same amount in a few years when the excitement has gone? That would seem to be similar cost for much less benefit.